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Institutional Repository Capacity Strengthening Programme IR Communication Platform Africa J. Bwamkuu – KIT ILS

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Presentation on theme: "Institutional Repository Capacity Strengthening Programme IR Communication Platform Africa J. Bwamkuu – KIT ILS"— Presentation transcript:

1 Institutional Repository Capacity Strengthening Programme IR Communication Platform Africa J. Bwamkuu – KIT ILS Capacity building for open access repository administrators and managers EIFL-OA – KIT – COAR online workshop 27 th July, 2011

2 Talking Points o Open Access Institutional Repository Capacity Strengthening Programme for Africa ( OA-IRCSP)  IR Communication Platform Forums Toolkit Resources News & Events IR Online community  Engagement & Networking

3 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Open Access Institutional Repositories Capacity strengthening programme for Africa (OA – IRCSP ) It is the joint initiative of the Association of African Universities (AAU) with its headquarters, in Accra Ghana and the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) in the Netherlands. The primary aim of the programme is building and strengthen the capacity among African Universities in establishing and managing the Intellectual output repositories.

4 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Programme – Activities & Deliverables Toolkit – A compilation set of tools, instructions and information that provides practical information for key steps of setting up and managing repositories within institutions Training Modules – Training modules, which are the basis of the toolkit content, target different groups involved in establishing and managing repositories within institutions, such as administrators, librarians, technical staff. Survey report – A public report will provide baseline information on repositories and their common use among the African academic institutions. The report also will highlight the existing challenges and best practices to address them in particular local settings. Training workshops – To be conducted among the selected African countries, to pilot the training modules and gather feedback for further development of the toolkit. IR Communication Platform – A website is available for online repositories skills dissemination, knowledge sharing and networking ( The platform serves the community of repository-experts particularly African experts (currently there are over 80 participants).

5 Amsterdam, The Netherlands IR Communication Platform – Who is Who – Online community Toolkit Forums – Knowledge sharing and Networking Resources News and events

6 Amsterdam, The Netherlands IR Communication home Page

7 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Toolkit Page Toolkit Major component that provide practical information on establishing and managing IR

8 Amsterdam, The Netherlands The IR Toolkit - Scope IR establishment steps addressed by Toolkit 1. Initiation/ ideation -Case building phase 2. Planning - Staffing - Budget - Policies - Checklist 2. Implementa tion - Installation - H/w& S/w 2. Manageme nt - Backup - Promotion

9 Amsterdam, The Netherlands IR Toolkit Toolbox1 Case building Toolbox1 Case building Toolbox2 Policies Toolbox2 Policies Toolbox3 Copyrights Toolbox3 Copyrights Toolbox4 Infrastructure assessment Toolbox4 Infrastructure assessment Toolbox5 Checklist Toolbox5 Checklist Toolbox6 Choice Matrix Toolbox6 Choice Matrix Toolbox7 Installation & Configuration Toolbox7 Installation & Configuration Toolbox8 Enhancement Toolbox8 Enhancement Toolbox9 Promotion Toolbox9 Promotion Toolbox10 Plug & Play Tools Toolbox10 Plug & Play Tools Toolbox11 Case studies Toolbox11 Case studies Toolbox12 Key concept s& Links Toolbox12 Key concept s& Links

10 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Resource Page Resources Consists of useful links, manuals and software for repository installation eg LiveCDs images etc.

11 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Resources – Important tools ( Ready made CDs ) Ready to go CDs; preconfigured with repositories software for installation with minimum set of technical skills ( Like playing Music CD ) Greenstone and Dspace Live CD Dspace virtual machine Toolkit LiveCD with Dspace will be available.

12 Amsterdam, The Netherlands News & Events

13 Amsterdam, The Netherlands IR community – who is who

14 Amsterdam, The Netherlands IR online community – Registered & Log in user

15 Amsterdam, The Netherlands IR Communication home Page Click Create new account to register

16 Amsterdam, The Netherlands IR Communication – Registration Click – Create new account and fill in the simple form provided. It’s important to indicate your contacts

17 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Stakeholders’ engagement Participation Survey - Registering to communication platform ( ) Feedback to toolkit development Active participation in forum topics

18 ?

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