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Discussion of Status and Direction of navigatOR and Oregon Explorer and Wrap-Up of Phase 1 of Oregon Spatial Data Library, Measure 49 Reporter tool and.

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Presentation on theme: "Discussion of Status and Direction of navigatOR and Oregon Explorer and Wrap-Up of Phase 1 of Oregon Spatial Data Library, Measure 49 Reporter tool and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discussion of Status and Direction of navigatOR and Oregon Explorer and Wrap-Up of Phase 1 of Oregon Spatial Data Library, Measure 49 Reporter tool and Oregon Hazards Explorer Kuuipo Walsh, Marc Rempel, Janine Salwasser Oregon State University Libraries & Institute for Natural Resources Oregon Explorer and navigatOR Meeting July 29, 2009

2 Thank You DAS: Project Sponsor and Funder USGS: Funder of Oregon Spatial Data Library DLCD: Funder of Measure 49 Tool and Oregon Hazards Explorer FEMA: Funder of Oregon Hazards Explorer

3 Meeting Objectives Wrap up of Spatial Data Explorer Web Portal project (Oregon Spatial Data Library phase 1, Measure 49 tool, and Oregon Hazards Explorer phase 1) Discuss strategy(s) for moving forward with development of spatial data portal Bring each other up-to-date on related efforts Plan for next navigatOR/OE integration meeting with broader group of partners/users and discuss potential for Oregon Spatial Data Library phase 2 project.

4 Spatial Data Explorer Portal Project Deliverables A report on the required and desired functionality of the Oregon Spatial Data Library Implementation of metadata services through the GIS Portal Toolkit (GPT 9.3) Identify in the Oregon Spatial Data Library which layers are framework layers Metadata harvestable by; links to The National Map and Development of the Oregon Hazards Explorer Development of the Measure 49 Reporter tool

5 Deliverables postponed Develop final design and estimate costs and timeline for portal development and implementation in multiple phasesDevelop final design and estimate costs and timeline for portal development and implementation in multiple phases Test access to Framework data from a few distributed providersTest access to Framework data from a few distributed providers Exploring/resolving security issuesExploring/resolving security issues Provide access to other DAS/OSU enterprise tools as appropriateProvide access to other DAS/OSU enterprise tools as appropriate

6 Oregon Imagery Explorer portal County downloads Links to and The National Map

7 July 1, 2009 – July 23, 2009


9 Oregon Explorer Non–Spatial Data Spatial Data NavigatOR Framework Data Non-Framework Spatial Data Portal Hardware Software Services Applications Governance Relationship Between Oregon Explorer and NavigatOR via Spatial Data Portal

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