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11.10.2014 Seite 1 Replacement of batteries of PV-Systems GTZ 3 rd EAST AFRICA REGIONAL ENERGY MEETING, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 27th – 30th October Presented.

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Presentation on theme: "11.10.2014 Seite 1 Replacement of batteries of PV-Systems GTZ 3 rd EAST AFRICA REGIONAL ENERGY MEETING, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 27th – 30th October Presented."— Presentation transcript:

1 11.10.2014 Seite 1 Replacement of batteries of PV-Systems GTZ 3 rd EAST AFRICA REGIONAL ENERGY MEETING, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 27th – 30th October Presented by Andi Michel, Energising Development, GTZ

2 11.10.2014 Seite 2 Page 211.10.2014 Content  PV – Systems  Rationale  PV - Batteries  Dangers  Electrification projects  Status of replacement systems  Way forward / Knowledge exchange

3 11.10.2014 Seite 3 Page 311.10.2014 PV-Systems Consumer Charge controller PV-cells BATTERY 1000 cycles app. 3 years

4 11.10.2014 Seite 4 Page 411.10.2014 Rationale  Bilateral- and reginoal development measures lead to an increased dissemination of PV-Systems ( > 1.000.000)  Main environmental risk of PV systems are the lead batteries, especially the lead recycling  In many countries no regulated recycling or disposal system for batteries in place  A lot of available PV Systems are of poor quality with a low lifespan (battery < 300 cycles)  Lead price is increasing  Role of the informel sector in recycling will increase  But: Advantages of PV Systems outweigh the risks

5 11.10.2014 Seite 5 Page 511.10.2014 PV - Batteries  Batteries mainly consist of: lead metal (Pb), lead dioxide (PbO 2 ), sulphuric acid, lead sulfate (PbSO 4 )  Lead is toxic, harmful to the environment and causes cancer  Sulphuric acid additional contains lead particles  Inappr. opening of batteries releases “lead- dust”

6 11.10.2014 Seite 6 Page 611.10.2014 Common recycling practise  Variation between rural and urban

7 11.10.2014 Seite 7 Page 711.10.2014 Battery recycling factories Bhubaneswar and Kolkata, India Source : Blacksmith Institute 2008 OK International 2008

8 11.10.2014 Seite 8 Page 811.10.2014 Electrification projects / status of replacement systems  Within EnDev 9 projects with PV - electrification component using batteries  Battery recycling system partially analysed  Honduras: replacement system for batteries through regular “battery replacement fee”  Your experience !

9 11.10.2014 Seite 9 Page 911.10.2014 Way forward  Increase user awareness  Analyse current recycling practise  Solar and car batteries  Select pv-systems with high quality  Develop improved recycling / replacement systems  Exchange within projects   recycling of PV batteries www.endev.inforecycling of PV batteries

10 11.10.2014 Seite 10 Page 1011.10.2014 Thank you for your attention! Energising Development Energie und Transport (4413) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH Postfach 5180 65726 Eschborn Tel.: + 49 6196 79 4109 Fax: + 49 6196 79 80 4109 E-Mail: Internet: http://www.gtz.deandreas.michel@gtz.de Andreas Michel

11 11.10.2014 Seite 11 Page 1111.10.2014 EnDev Projects – with PV systems Country PV for HH (SHS) PV for social inst. Senegal x Ugandaxx Bolivia x Hondurasxx Nicaraguax Ethiopia x Mali x Mosambiquex Bangladeshxx

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