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ARTICLE I GENERAL 1.The name of this organization is Denver Electric Vehicle Council, hereafter referred to as the Council. 2. The principal office of.

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2 ARTICLE I GENERAL 1.The name of this organization is Denver Electric Vehicle Council, hereafter referred to as the Council. 2. The principal office of the Council shall be in the State of Colorado. 3. Council shall be a nonprofit educational organization. 4. The fiscal year shall begin January 1 of each calendar year. ARTICLE II OBJECTS & PURPOSE 1. To act as a clearing house of information for the members, other organizations, and the public, on developments in EV technology; to encourage the exchange of ideas and information between members. 2. To promote design, development, sales, and use of EVs throughout Colorado. 3. To organize and conduct lectures, training, and public exhibits of Evs for the purpose of informing interested groups and the general public. 4. To publish a Newsletter, and disseminate other information through the printed and electronic media. ARTICLE III BOARD OF DIRECTORS & COUNCIL OFFICERS 1. The Board of Directors, hereafter referred to as the Board, shall be comprised of four officers; President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary, plus appointed Newsletter Editor, Web Master, Committee Chairperson(s), and at large Members as needed. 2. The officers shall be elected, and Board appointees confirmed, at the membership meeting in December and take office on the first of January. 3. The Board shall work together on an egalitarian, cooperative and non- hierarchical basis. If any officer is unable to or otherwise fails to execute his/her assigned duties, another member or members of the Board shall step in and perform the necessary responsibilities to maintain organizational function. Page 1 of 2

3 ARTICLE III BOARD OF DIRECTORS & COUNCIL OFFICERS (cont.) 4. The incoming and outgoing Boards shall meet jointly in January of each year, for continuity. Four members of the sitting Board shall constitute a quorum. 5. President duties include, but are not limited to, meeting chairperson, establishing the meeting schedule, coordinating activities and events, and creation and delegation of necessary Committees to accomplish the Council objectives and purpose. 6. Vice President duties include, but are not limited to, performing the duties of the President in his/her absence and support/direction of any Committees as necessary. 7. Treasurer duties include, but are not limited to, receiving and accounts payable, monitoring receipt of membership dues and update active/inactive member and sponsoring member lists and communicating necessary information to the appropriate Board members. 8. Secretary duties include, but are not limited to, meeting attendance, minutes, record keeping and assisting other officers and Board members as necessary. ARTICLE IV MEMBERSHIP 1.Memberships are open to all persons and entities interested in participating in the activities of the Council. 2. All members and sponsoring members shall pay dues, usually on an annual basis, in the amounts determined by the Board. 3. General membership meetings/events shall be held at least ten times a year and are typically held on the third Saturday of the month. However, scheduling issues may necessitate a different day. If so, advance notice will be given of such change. ARTICLE V BY-LAW AMENDMENTS 1.The By-Laws of this Council may be amended only by an affirmative vote of not less than a simple majority of the members in attendance at a regular meeting provided such proposed amendments shall have been presented in writing to the Board at the meeting previous to the meeting at which the amendment or addition is to be acted upon. Page 2 of 2

4 I. Primary Area of Interest A. Electric Vehicles 1. Electric Car 80 %, Van 16%, or Truck 16% a. Hybrid 48 % b. All Electric 60 % 2. Low Speed Electric 16% a. At least three wheels, no handlebars to steer and seventeen-character VIN. 3. Motorcycle 24% a. Motor exceeds 4476 Watts 4. Low Power Scooter 20% a. Motor not exceeding 4476 Watts 5. Electrically Assisted Bicycle 44% a. Motor not exceeding 750 Watts 6. EPAMD (Electric personal assistive mobility device) 16% a. Self-balancing, nontandom, two-wheeled (Segway) 7. Electric go-cart (Electrathon) 12% 8. Off-highway Vehicle 12% 9. Other 20%, Describe: Agricultural, Bike Pusher (RideKick), High Performance EV(racing, aviation), Electric Mass Transit. 10. Conversions creating any of the above 36 % B. Alternative Energy Sources 1. Solar 64%, 2. Wind 60 %, 3. Hydro 8%, 4. Geothermal 16 % II. Do you currently have an electric or hybrid vehicle? Yes 80 % No 20 % A. If yes, please list: 7 Prius, 2 Electrek, 1 Ford Courier (cnvrsn), 1 Porsche (cnvrsn),1 Sparrow (100% Solar), 1 Bik-E Recumbent (cnvrsn), 1 ZEV6100 Motorcycle,1 EFP Hornet, 1 Jet Electravan, 1 Marathon,1 Vanguard, 1 Silent Knight Motorcycle,2 Zapino Low Power Scooters, 1 XB-600 EAB, 1 Retro 750 Scooter, 2 E-Bikes, 1 Lightening Cruiser Bike, 1 Electrathon, 1 KillaJoule (land speed sidecar bike, (216mph), 1 KillaCycle (drag bike 7+ qtr mi), 1 ElectroCat (street bike), 1Ghia (cnvrsn), 1 Volt, 1 Suzuki (cnvrsn), 1 ZAP Xebra. III. Do you currently utilize any alternative energy sources? Yes 56%No 44% A. If yes, please list: 3 Solar, 1 Solar Charger, 1 Solar Heat, 1 Solar Panels, 3 Wind source from Xcel, 1 Longmont P&C renewable energy option, 1 Pellet Heater, 1-5KW PV 1-9.6KW PV, 1 Thermal Solar, 1 Bergey Wind Turbine. IV. Would you be willing to let the DEVC contact you with the name and number, or email, of a new or existing member that would like to be contacted about specific interests that would match one of yours, or possible car pooling? Yes 84% No 16% V.Would you be willing to have your name and city only included in a “Regular Member” list on the DEVC web site? Yes 84% No 16% Other Comments: Meetings, demos and info on EV technology (motors, controllers, batteries and vehicle design); Commercial, OEM/Components, Conversion project, and Bicycle infrastructure. 2013 Denver Electric Vehicle Council Survey Results

5 COLORADO REVISED STATUTES *** This document reflects changes current through all laws passed at the Second Regular and First Extraordinary Sessions of the Sixty-Eighth General Assembly of the State of Colorado 2012 and Constitutional and Statutory amendments approved at the General Election on November 6, 2012 *** TITLE 42. VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE ARTICLE 1.GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE PART 1. DEFINITIONS AND CITATION C.R.S. 42-1-102 (2012) 42-1-102. Definitions As used in articles 1 to 4 of this title, unless the context otherwise requires: (10) "Bicycle" means a vehicle propelled by human power applied to pedals upon which a person may ride having two tandem wheels or two parallel wheels and one forward wheel, all of which are more than fourteen inches in diameter. (28.5) "Electrical assisted bicycle" means a vehicle having two tandem wheels or two parallel wheels and one forward wheel, fully operable pedals, an electric motor not exceeding seven hundred fifty watts of power, and a top motor-powered speed of twenty miles per hour. (28.7) "Electric personal assistive mobility device" or "EPAMD" means a self- balancing, nontandem two-wheeled device, designed to transport only one person, that is powered solely by an electric propulsion system producing an average power output of no more than seven hundred fifty watts. (33) "Farm tractor" means every implement of husbandry designed and used primarily as a farm implement for drawing plows and mowing machines and other implements of husbandry. (39.5) "Golf car" means a self-propelled vehicle not designed primarily for operation on roadways and that has: (a) A design speed of less than twenty miles per hour; (b) At least three wheels in contact with the ground; (c) An empty weight of not more than one thousand three hundred pounds; and (d) A carrying capacity of not more than four persons. Page 1 of 3

6 (48.5) (a) "Low-power scooter" means a self-propelled vehicle designed primarily for use on the roadways with not more than three wheels in contact with the ground, no manual clutch, and either of the following: (I) A cylinder capacity not exceeding fifty cubic centimeters if powered by internal combustion; or (II) A wattage not exceeding four thousand four hundred seventy-six if powered by electricity. (b) "Low-power scooter" shall not include a toy vehicle, bicycle, electrical assisted bicycle, wheelchair, or any device designed to assist mobility-impaired people who use pedestrian rights-of-way. (48.6) "Low-speed electric vehicle" means a vehicle that: (a) Is self-propelled utilizing electricity as its primary propulsion method; (b) Has at least three wheels in contact with the ground; (c) Does not use handlebars to steer; and (d) Exhibits the manufacturer's compliance with 49 CFR 565 or displays a seventeen-character vehicle identification number as provided in 49 CFR 565. (55) "Motorcycle" means a motor vehicle that uses handlebars or any other device connected to the front wheel to steer and that is designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground; except that the term does not include a farm tractor, low-speed electric vehicle, or low-power scooter. (56) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2009, (HB 09-1026), ch. 281, p. 1260, § 22, effective October 1, 2009.) (Deleted definition of Motor-Driven Cycle)(HB 09-1026), ch. 281, p. 1260, § 22 (58) "Motor vehicle" means any self-propelled vehicle that is designed primarily for travel on the public highways and that is generally and commonly used to transport persons and property over the public highways or a low-speed electric vehicle; except that the term does not include low-power scooters, wheelchairs, or vehicles moved solely by human power. For the purposes of the offenses described in sections 42-2-128, 42-4-1301, 42-4-1301.1, and 42-4-1401 for farm tractors and off-highway vehicles, as defined in section 33-14.5-101 (3), C.R.S., operated on streets and highways, "motor vehicle" includes a farm tractor or an off-highway vehicle that is not otherwise classified as a motor vehicle. For the purposes of sections 42-2-127, 42-2-127.7, 42-2-128, 42-2-138, 42-2-206, 42-4-1301, and 42- 4-1301.1, "motor vehicle" includes a low-power scooter. (59) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2009, (HB 09-1026), ch. 281, p. 1260, § 22, effective October 1, 2009.) [Deleted definition of (a) Motorscooter and Motorcycle, plus (b) Motorized Bicycle] sections 42-2-12842-4-130142-4-1301.142-4-1401section 33-14.5-101 (3) sections 42-2-12742-2-127.742-2-12842-2-13842-2-20642-4-130142- 4-1301.1(HB 09-1026), ch. 281, p. 1260, § 22 (63) "Off-highway vehicle" shall have the same meaning as set forth in section 33- 14.5-101 (3), C.R.S.section 33- 14.5-101 (3) (103.5) (a) "Toy vehicle" means any vehicle that has wheels and is not designed for use on public highways or for off-road use. (b) "Toy vehicle" includes, but is not limited to, gas-powered or electric-powered vehicles commonly known as mini bikes, "pocket" bikes, kamikaze boards, go-peds, and stand-up scooters. (c) "Toy vehicle" does not include off-highway vehicles or snowmobiles. Page 2 of 3

7 (112) "Vehicle" means a device that is capable of moving itself, or of being moved, from place to place upon wheels or endless tracks. "Vehicle" includes, without limitation, a bicycle, electrical assisted bicycle, or EPAMD, but does not include a wheelchair, off-highway vehicle, snowmobile, farm tractor, or implement of husbandry designed primarily or exclusively for use and used in agricultural operations or any device moved exclusively over stationary rails or tracks or designed to move primarily through the air. (113) "Wheelchair" means a motorized or nonmotorized wheeled device designed for use by a person with a physical disability. TITLE 33. PARKS AND WILDLIFE PARKS ARTICLE 14. SNOWMOBILES C.R.S. 33-14-101 (2012) 33-14-101. Definitions (11) "Snowmobile" means a self-propelled vehicle primarily designed or altered for travel on snow or ice when supported in part by skis, belts, or cleats. "Snowmobile" does not include machinery used strictly for the grooming of snowmobile trails or ski slopes. ARTICLE 14.5. OFF-HIGHWAY VEHICLES C.R.S. 33-14.5-101 (2012) 33-14.5-101. Definitions (3) "Off-highway vehicle" means any self-propelled vehicle which is designed to travel on wheels or tracks in contact with the ground, which is designed primarily for use off of the public highways, and which is generally and commonly used to transport persons for recreational purposes. "Off-highway vehicle" does not include the following: (a) Vehicles designed and used primarily for travel on, over, or in the water; (b) Snowmobiles; (c) Military vehicles; (d) Golf carts; (e) Vehicles designed and used to carry disabled persons; (f) Vehicles designed and used specifically for agricultural, logging, or mining purposes; (g) or Vehicles registered pursuant to article 3 of title 42, C.R.S. Page 3 of 3

8 COLORADO REVISED STATUTES *** This document reflects changes current through all laws passed at the Second Regular and First Extraordinary Sessions of the Sixty-Eighth General Assembly of the State of Colorado 2012 and Constitutional and Statutory amendments approved at the General Election on November 6, 2012 *** TITLE 42. VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC REGULATION OF VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC ARTICLE 4.REGULATION OF VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC PART 1. TRAFFIC REGULATION - GENERALLY C.R.S. 42-4-109 (2012)

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10 COLORADO REVISED STATUTES TITLE 42. VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC REGULATION OF VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC ARTICLE 4.REGULATION OF VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC PART 1. TRAFFIC REGULATION - GENERALLY C.R.S. 42-4-109.5 (2012) 42-4-109.5. Low-speed electric vehicles (1) (a) A low-speed electric vehicle may be operated only on a roadway that has a speed limit equal to or less than thirty-five miles per hour; except that it may be operated to directly cross a roadway that has a speed limit greater than thirty-five miles per hour at an at-grade crossing to continue traveling along a roadway with a speed limit equal to or less than thirty-five miles per hour. (b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this subsection (1), a low-speed electric vehicle may be operated on a state highway that has a speed limit equal to forty miles per hour or cross a roadway with a speed limit equal to forty miles per hour to cross at-grade, if: (I) Such roadway's lane width is eleven feet or greater; (II) Such roadway provides two or more lanes in either direction; and (III) The department determines, in consultation with local government and law enforcement, upon the basis of a traffic investigation, survey, appropriate design standards, or projected volumes, that the operation of a low-speed electric vehicle on the roadway poses no substantial safety risk or hazard to motorists, bicyclists, pedestrians, or other persons. (c) The department may waive the necessity of a traffic investigation or survey pursuant to section 42-4-1102 or may conduct a traffic investigation or survey to determine where low-speed electric vehicles can be driven safely on state highways or portions thereof. The department shall conduct this traffic investigation or survey using existing appropriations. (2) No person shall operate a low-speed electric vehicle on a limited-access highway. (3) Any person who violates subsection (1) or (2) of this section commits a class B traffic infraction. (4) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2009, (SB 09-075), ch. 418, p. 2321, § 5, effective August 5, 2009.) (5) The Colorado department of transportation may regulate the operation of a low- speed electric vehicle on a state highway located outside of a municipality. The regulation shall take effect when the Colorado department of transportation places an appropriate sign that provides adequate notice of the regulation.

11 COLORADO REVISED STATUTES TITLE 42. VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC REGULATION OF VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC ARTICLE 4.REGULATION OF VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC PART 1. TRAFFIC REGULATION - GENERALLY C.R.S. 42-4-109.6 (2012) 42-4-109.6. Class B low-speed electric vehicles - effective date - rules (1) A class B low-speed electric vehicle may be operated only on a roadway that has a speed limit equal to or less than forty-five miles per hour; except that it may be operated to directly cross a roadway that has a speed limit greater than forty-five miles per hour at an at-grade crossing to continue traveling along a roadway with a speed limit equal to or less than forty-five miles per hour. (2) No person shall operate a class B low-speed electric vehicle on a limited-access highway. (3) Any person who violates subsection (1) or (2) of this section commits a class B traffic infraction. (4) For the purposes of this section, "class B low-speed electric vehicle" means a low-speed electric vehicle that is capable of traveling at greater than twenty-five miles per hour but less than forty-five miles per hour. (5) (a) The department of revenue shall not register or issue a title for a class B low-speed electric vehicle until after the United States department of transportation, through the national highway traffic safety administration, has adopted a federal motor vehicle safety standard for low-speed electric vehicles that authorizes operation at greater than twenty-five miles per hour but less than forty- five miles per hour. (b) After the United States department of transportation, through the national highway traffic safety administration, has adopted a federal motor vehicle safety standard for low-speed electric vehicles that authorizes operation at greater than twenty-five miles per hour but less than forty-five miles per hour, the department of revenue shall promulgate rules authorizing the operation of class B low-speed electric vehicles in compliance with this section and shall notify the reviser of statutes in writing. Upon the promulgation of rules authorizing the operation of such vehicles, subsections (1) to (3) of this section shall take effect. (6) The Colorado department of transportation may regulate the operation of a class B low-speed electric vehicle on a state highway located outside of a municipality. The regulation shall take effect when the Colorado department of transportation places an appropriate sign that provides adequate notice of the regulation.




15 (11) (a) A person may park a bicycle or electrical assisted bicycle on a sidewalk unless prohibited or restricted by an official traffic control device or local ordinance. (b) A bicycle or electrical assisted bicycle parked on a sidewalk shall not impede the normal and reasonable movement of pedestrian or other traffic. (c) A bicycle or electrical assisted bicycle may be parked on the road at any angle to the curb or edge of the road at any location where parking is allowed. (d) A bicycle or electrical assisted bicycle may be parked on the road abreast of another such bicycle or bicycles near the side of the road or any location where parking is allowed in such a manner as does not impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic. (e) In all other respects, bicycles or electrical assisted bicycles parked anywhere on a highway shall conform to the provisions of part 12 of this article regulating the parking of vehicles. (12) (a) Any person who violates any provision of this section commits a class 2 misdemeanor traffic offense; except that section 42-2-127 shall not apply. (b) Any person riding a bicycle or electrical assisted bicycle who violates any provision of this article other than this section which is applicable to such a vehicle and for which a penalty is specified shall be subject to the same specified penalty as any other vehicle; except that section 42-2-127 shall not apply. (13) Upon request, the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction shall complete a report concerning an injury or death incident that involves a bicycle or electrical assisted bicycle on the roadways of the state, even if such accident does not involve a motor vehicle. (14) Except as authorized by section 42-4-111, the rider of an electrical assisted bicycle shall not use the electrical motor on a bike or pedestrian path. Page 4 of 4

16 COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO CITY CODE Chapter 4 PARKS, RECREATION AND CULTURAL SERVICES Article 1 ADMINISTRATION 4.1.101: DEFINITIONS: As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings designated unless the context specifically indicates otherwise or unless the meanings are excluded by express provision: TRAILS: A defined path for designated nonmotorized use (hiker, jogger, biker, equestrian), or where specifically designated for motorized use. However, the motor of an Electrically Assisted Bicycle may be used only in a prudent manner, yielding right-of-way to others. Trails are generally constructed of compacted soil, gravel, asphalt or concrete material, and are located on dedicated park property, trail easements or within the established multiuse trail corridors. Trails shall also have the meaning defined in section 4.6.101 of this chapter. Article 6 TRAILS, OPEN SPACE AND PARKS PROGRAM PART 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 4.6.101: PURPOSE: N. "Trails" are defined as public thoroughfares within and connecting open space lands and greenways for nonmotorized use, often located in or near natural waterways, and which shall serve one or more of the following functions: 1. Hiking, walking or jogging; 2. Recreational or commuter bicycling; allowing the use of the motor on an Electrically Assisted Bicycle [C.R.S. 42-4-111 (1) (dd)]; and 3. Horseback riding. O. No motorized vehicles, other than those necessary for maintenance, emergencies or safety, shall be permitted on trails, open space or parks supported by this article. No right of way for new roadways or utility corridors shall be assumed in areas obtained pursuant to this article. Page 1 of 5

17 4.6.102: DEFINITIONS: A. City Code Definitions Incorporated: For purposes of this article, the definitions of the words contained herein shall be as defined in chapter 2, article 7 of this Code concerning sales and use taxes (Ord. 97-96; Ord. 01-42); and chapter 10, article 1, part 2 of this Code concerning Electrically Assisted Bicycle and Motorized Vehicle. Chapter 10 MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC Article 1 ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT PART 2 DEFINITIONS 10.1.201: CONSTRUCTION OF WORDS: A. The following terms shall have the meanings as stated, unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, or unless the meaning is excluded by express provision, any State law shall apply to the words and phrases. B. Whenever any words and phrases are not defined in section 10.1.202 of this part but are defined in the State laws regulating the operation of vehicles, any State law shall apply to the words and phrases. (Ord. 85-263; Ord. 01-42) 10.1.202: DEFINITIONS: BICYCLE: Every device propelled by human power upon which any person may ride, having two (2) or more wheels, any of which is more than fourteen inches (14") in diameter. ELECTRICALLY ASSISTED BICYCLE: means a vehicle having two (2) or more wheels, fully operable pedals, an electric motor not exceeding seven hundred fifty watts of power, and a top motor-powered speed of twenty miles per hour. ELECTRIC PERSONAL ASSISTIVE MOBILITY DEVICE or "EPAMD": means a self- balancing, nontandem two-wheeled device, designed to transport only one person, which is powered solely by an electric propulsion system producing an average power output of no more than seven hundred fifty watts. LOW-POWER SCOOTER: means a self-propelled vehicle designed primarily for use on the roadways with not more than three wheels in contact with the ground, no manual clutch, and either of the following: 1. A cylinder capacity not exceeding fifty cubic centimeters if powered by internal combustion; or 2. A wattage not exceeding four thousand four hundred seventy-six if powered by electricity. "Low-power scooter" shall not include a toy vehicle, bicycle, electrical assisted bicycle, wheelchair, or any device designed to assist mobility-impaired people who use pedestrian rights-of-way. Page 2 of 5

18 LOW-SPEED ELECTRIC VEHICLE : means a vehicle that: 1. Is self-propelled utilizing electricity as its primary propulsion method; 2. Has at least three wheels in contact with the ground; 3. Does not use handlebars to steer; and 4. Exhibits the manufacturer's compliance with 49 CFR 565 or displays a seventeen- character vehicle identification number as provided in 49 CFR 565. MOTOR DRIVEN CYCLE: Every motorcycle, including every motor scooter, with a motor which produces not to exceed six (6) brake horsepower, and every bicycle with motor attached, but not trail bikes, minibikes, go-carts, golf carts and similar vehicles which are not designed for, or approved by the Department of Revenue for use on the public roads or highways, and not "motorized bicycles" as defined in this section. MOTOR VEHICLE : Any self-propelled vehicle which is designed primarily for travel on the public highways and which is generally and commonly used to transport persons and/or property over the public highways or a low-speed electric vehicle, except the term does not include low-power scooters, wheelchairs, or vehicles moved solely by human power. This term shall include "recreational vehicle" as defined in this section. MOTORCYCLE: Every motor vehicle that uses handlebars or any other device connected to the front wheel to steer and that is designed to travel on not more than three (3) wheels in contact with the ground; except any vehicle as may be included within that the term does not include farm tractor, low-speed electric vehicle, or low-power scooter as herein defined. MOTORIZED BICYCLE : A vehicle having two (2) or three (3) wheels with operable pedals which may be propelled by human power or helper motor, or both, with a motor rated no more than two (2) brake horsepower, a cylinder capacity not exceeding fifty (50) cc, and an automatic transmission which produces a maximum design speed of not more than thirty (30) miles per hour on a flat surface. MOTORIZED VEHICLE : Includes, without limitation, farm tractor, golf car, low power scooter, low-speed electric vehicle, motorcycle, motor driven cycle, motorized bicycle, motor vehicle, off-highway vehicle, snowmobile and toy vehicle; but does not include bicycle, electrically assisted bicycle, or EPAMD. VEHICLE: Any device which is capable of moving itself, or being moved, from place to place upon wheels or endless tracks. "Vehicle" includes, without limitation, a bicycle, electrical assisted bicycle, or EPAMD, but does not include a wheelchair, off- highway vehicle, snowmobile, This term shall not mean or include any farm tractor, or any implement of husbandry designed primarily or exclusively for use and used in agricultural operations, or any device moved by muscular power, or moved exclusively over stationary rails or tracks, or designed to move primarily through the air. This term shall include "recreational vehicle" as defined in this section. Page 3 of 5

19 Chapter 10 MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC Article 19 OPERATION OF BICYCLES 10.19.101: TRAFFIC LAWS APPLY TO BICYCLE RIDERS: A.No person riding a bicycle shall violate any provision of this chapter, except those provisions of this chapter, which, by their very nature, can have no application. All bicycle riders shall also comply with special rules set forth in this article B. Every person operating a bicycle shall also comply with the provisions of article 4, title 42, Colorado Revised Statutes as it relates to the operation of bicycles. C. Whenever the word "vehicle" is used in any of the driving rules set forth in this chapter that are applicable to bicycle riders, that term shall include bicycles D. In citing a person with a violation of this section, the summons and complaint shall specify the provisions of this chapter or of article 4, title 42, Colorado Revised Statutes alleged to have been violated. (Ord. 96-103; Ord. 01-42) E. Whenever the word “bicycle” is used in this chapter, it shall imply the inclusion of the words “or Electrically Assisted Bicycle”. Article 27 PARK TRAFFIC OFFENSES It shall be unlawful for any person to ride a bicycle within any park on other than a paved or improved dirt vehicular road or path specifically designated for bicycle traffic. A bicyclist shall be permitted to walk a bicycle over any grassy area, wooded trail or on any other area reserved for pedestrian use. (Ord. 89-103; Ord. 01-42) Page 4 of 5

20 COLORADO REVISED STATUTES *** This document reflects changes current through all laws passed at the Second Regular and First Extraordinary Sessions of the Sixty-Eighth General Assembly of the State of Colorado 2012 and Constitutional and Statutory amendments approved at the General Election on November 6, 2012 *** TITLE 42. VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC REGULATION OF VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC ARTICLE 4.REGULATION OF VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC PART 1. TRAFFIC REGULATION - GENERALLY C.R.S. 42-4-111 (2012) 42-4-111. Powers of local authorities (1) This article shall not be deemed to prevent local authorities, with respect to streets and highways under their jurisdiction and within the reasonable exercise of the police power, except those streets and highways that are parts of the state highway system that are subject to section 43-2-135, C.R.S., from: (dd) Authorizing the use of the electrical motor on an electrical assisted bicycle on a bike or pedestrian path; Page 5 of 5










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