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Dr. Vidyasagar Potdar B.Sc. M.S. PhD

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1 Dr. Vidyasagar Potdar B.Sc. M.S. PhD
Research Scholar Symbiosis Institute of Telecom Management Symbiosis International University Pune, Maharashtra, India Senior Research Fellow School of Information Systems Curtin Business School Curtin University, Perth, Australia


3 Curtin Business School

4 Qualifications PhD (Information Security)
Curtin University, Perth, Australia Masters (Software Engineering) University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia Bachelor (Science) Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, India

5 Key Achievements Best Researcher of the Year Award in 2010, 2011
Funding around $1 million dollars 5 PhD Completions (1 received chancellors commendation award) 125 scientific publications (IEEE, ACM, Springer, Elsevier, etc.) 2 Keynote Presentations (UIC 2009, IEEE DEST 2011) 1087 Citations, H Index 18, i10 Index 31 12 International Journal Publications in 2013 Youngest PhD in Curtin University till 2012 13 years of full time research experience 25 International Workshops in IEEE, ACM

6 Experience Senior Research Fellow
2010 – till date School of Information Systems, Curtin Business School, Curtin University, Australia Head Policy, Planning & Business Strategy 2006 – 2010 Digital Ecosystems & Business Intelligence Institute Curtin Business School, Curtin University, Australia Associate Lecturer 2003 – 2006 Curtin Business School, Curtin University, Australia Sessional Lecturer & Tutor University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia

7 List of Selected Collaborators
Professor Emeritus William F Smyth, McMaster University, Canada  Professor Elizabeth Chang, University of New South Wales, Australia  Professor Tharam Dillon, La Trobe University, Australia, IEEE Fellow Professor Ian Sommerville, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, UK  Professor Makoto Takizawa, Hosei University, Japan  Professor Leonard Barolli, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan  Professor Ernesto Damiani, University of Milan, Italy  Professor Emeritus Chem Nayar, Curtin University, Australia  Professor Achim Karduck, Germany  Professor Arno Scharl, MODUL University, Austria  Professor Chang-Tsun Li, University of Warwick, UK  Professor Jayanta Chatterjee, Indian Institute of Technology, India  Professor Costas Iliopoulos, Kings College London, UK  Professor Sunil Patil, Symbiosis International University, India 

8 List of Selected Collaborators
Professor Pritam Shah, Sri Visvesvaraya Technological University, India  Professor Robert Meersman, Vrije University, Brussels. Belgium  Professor Peter Ellyard, Chairman at Preferred Futures Institute  Professor Song Han, Zhejiang Gongshang University, China Dr. Michael L. Brodie, Visiting Scientist, MIT, USA  Professor Sajal Kabiraj, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, China  A/Professor David Taniar,  Monash University, Australia  A/Professor Wenny Rahayu, La Trobe, University, Australia  A/Professor Ljiljana Brankovic, University of Newcastle, Australia  Dr. Angela Wardell-Johnson, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia (Senior CRN Fellow)  Dr. Alex Talevski, Chief Technology Officer, Blue Ant Wireless, Australia  Dr. George Fodor, ABB Corporate Research, Sweden Dr. Behrang Zadjabbari, Senior BI Consultant,  InfoCentric, Australia Dr. Pedram Hayati, Principal Security Consultant, BAE Systems, Australia Dr. Atif Sharif, Project Manager, Overflow Industrial Pty Ltd, Australia

9 Multi-Disciplinary Research Centre


11 Organizational Structure

12 Research Domains

13 Research Area Management

14 HDR = Higher Degree by Research i.e. PhD





19 Research Research Administration

20 Research

21 Broad Research Areas Information Security Information Quality
Anti Spam Steganography, Digital Watermarking Information Quality Web 2.0 Social Media User Generated Content Cyber Physical Systems Smart Grids Wireless Sensor Networks, RFID Web of Things, Internet of Things Energy Management Smart Home Automation Sustainability Emission Management

22 Prof. Emeritus William F Smyth
Anti Spam Research Prof. Emeritus William F Smyth McMaster Uni Canada Awareness, Knowledge and Perception of Online Spam Characterisation of web spambots using self- organising maps How much money do spammers make from your website?  Spamming for science: Active measurement in Web 2.0 abuse research Rule-Based On-the-fly Web Spambot Detection Using Action Strings Web Spambot Detection Based on Web Usage Behaviour Behaviour-Based Web Spambot Detection by Utilising Action Time and Action Frequency Definition of Spam 2.0: New Spamming Boom Spam 2.0: The Problem Ahead HoneySpam 2.0: Profiling Web Spambot Behaviour Dr. Kevin Chai, Research Fellow Uni. Of New South Wales, Australia Dr. Pedram Hayati. Senior Security Consultant Stratsec, Australia Dr. Alex Talevski CTO, BlueAnt Wireless, Australia Dr. Farida Ridzuan, Senior Lecturer, Malaysia

23 Anti Spam Research

24 Smart Grid Research Design of Smart Grid Prosumer Communities via Online Social Networking Communities A Methodology to find Influential Prosumers in Prosumer-Community- Groups Goal Oriented Prosumer Community Groups for Smart Grid Framework for Formation of Prosumer Community Groups in Smart Grids Framework to Manage Multiple Goals in Community based Energy Sharing Network in Smart Grid Dr. Vidyasagar Potdar Senior Research Fellow, Curtin University Prof. Tharam Dillon La Trobe Uni Australia Dinusha Rathnayaka PhD Scholar Curtin University Dr. Omar Hussain Research Fellow Curtin University

25 Smart Grid Research Prosumer Community Groups Proposals to address
the challenges in prosumer community based smart grid

26 Concise overview of proposed methodologies
A. J. D. Rathnayaka and V. Potdar, 2013. Goal Oriented Prosumer Community Groups for Smart Grid -Issues, Challenges and Proposals, IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, ERA Level B, Accepted, Impact Factor 0.542, IEEE A. J. Rathnayaka, V. Potdar, T. Dillon, 2013. A Methodology to find Influential Prosumers in Prosumer-Community-Groups. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Special Issue on Building Automation, Smart Homes, and Communities, Issue 99. ERA Level A, Impact Factor 3.381, Accepted for Publication, IEEE Transactions A. J. D. Rathnayaka, V. Potdar, 2013. Prosumer Recruitment Framework for Prosumer Community Groups in Smart-grid. International Journal of Computer Systems Science & Engineering. Accepted Impact Factor 0.314 A. J. D. Rathnayaka and V. Potdar, 2013. An Innovative Framework for Formation of Prosumer Community Groups in Smart Grids, Journal of Grid & Utility Computing (currently under review), SCOPUS, Compendex, ACM DL, DBLP, Inspec, ERA Journal A J. D Rathnayaka, V. Potdar, T. Dillon, 2013. Framework to Manage Multiple Goals in Community based Energy Sharing Network in Smart Grid, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (currently under review) ERA Journal A. J. Dinusha Rathnayaka, Vidyasagar M. Potdar, Samitha J. Kuruppu, 2012. Design of Smart Grid Prosumer Communities via Online Social Networking Communities,International Journal for Infonomics (IJI), Volume 5, Issue 1/2, March/June 2012, pp A. J. Rathnayaka, V. Potdar, M. H. Ou, Prosumer management in socio-technical smart grid. International Information Technology Conference (CUBE 2012), pp , Pune, India, 3-5 September 2012. ACM Digital Library, DBLP, SCOPUS

27 Cyber Physical Systems Research
Dr. Vidyasagar Potdar Senior Research Fellow, Curtin University Prof. Tharam Dillon La Trobe Uni Australia Keynote Presentations Dillon, T., Potdar, V., Singh, J., Talevski, A., 2011. Cyber Physical Systems: Challenges in Sensor Actuator Networks, In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Digital Ecosystems & Technologies (DEST2011), June 2011. Dillon, T., Talevski, A., Potdar, V., Chang, E., 2009. Web of things as a framework for ubiquitous intelligence and computing, In: Proceedings of the Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC2009), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5585, pp


29 Sustainability Research
Analysis of an Airport Ecosystem from Emissions Perspective.  Evaluation of Wireless Home Automation Technologies for Smart Mining Camps in Remote Western Australia.  Energy Resource Management in Smart Home: State of the Art and Challenges Ahead. Dr. Vidyasagar Potdar Senior Research Fellow, Curtin University Dinusha Rathnayaka PhD Scholar Curtin University Yee Wen Lo Valencia Masters Scholar Curtin University


31 Smart Homes & Energy Management

32 Evaluation of Wireless Home Automation Technologies

33 Transport & Logistics Research

34 Transport & Logistics Research $404,000
Congestion Management using Wireless Sensor Networks & Data Mining

35 Energy Management & Emission Control Research



38 Research Management & Administration

39 Research Management Activities
Cultivate a strong research culture at Curtin Train selected faculty members from all over Curtin in their respective areas of research Increase the ratio of staff vs. number of publications Secure external funding Supervise PhD students Build a strong publication record for Curtin University Organize or Host World Class International Conferences

40 Research Management Activities
Organized Staff Retreat for Research Staff Organized Retreat for PhD Student Develop research policies Develop research handbook Develop institution governance structure Drive research commercialization Drive Industry Projects

41 Research Management Activities
Recruit high quality international PhD students Develop research focus areas and research centers under the umbrella of DEBII Coordinate and Collaborate with Professors in Curtin, across Australia and around the globe and conduct joint research projects Invite renowned international researchers at Curtin University

42 Research Management Activities
Developed partnerships with International Universities and signed MoU Developed a advisory committee for DEBII and organize board meetings Liaise with the relevant departments at Curtin University Developed research KPIs for research active staff Developed incentive structure to support research Guidance in Journal and Conference Selection


44 Thank you very much
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