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NVAO’s role in framework development 7 June 2007 by Axel Aerden International Policy Advisor.

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Presentation on theme: "NVAO’s role in framework development 7 June 2007 by Axel Aerden International Policy Advisor."— Presentation transcript:

1 NVAO’s role in framework development 7 June 2007 by Axel Aerden International Policy Advisor

2 NVAO's role in framework development | 2 1.Towards a qualification framework -Joint Quality Initiative -Bologna & transparency -What is bachelor & master’s level?  Dublin descriptors -Development of accreditation in NL & FL -Accreditation framework NL (°2003) -De facto HE QF -Legislation on new HE structure (°2003) -HE QF  Dublin Descriptors & range of ECTS credits  Clear responsibilities

3 NVAO's role in framework development | 3 2.The position of a QA agency ~ The national legal & HE system -Who has degree awarding power? -Who recognises programmes? -Who recognises degrees? -NVAO’s (initial) accreditation is a prerequisite for: -recognition of degrees (~national degrees) -public funding -student support (e.g. grants)

4 NVAO's role in framework development | 4 3.Issues during HE framework development -Focus on learning outcomes & descriptors -Learnable? -Assessable? -Openness towards formal and informal learning -What about PEL & TEL? -Generic level approach -Not subject-/discipline-specific -HEI & programmes have to be able to differentiate & position themselves -Ex. programme orientation

5 NVAO's role in framework development | 5 -QF (EHEA) (°2005) -Need to further formalise HE QF? -What about the self-certification? -Who will be responsible for HE QF? -EQF (LLL) -Development of NQF ≠ stakeholders ≠ discussion  balance towards VET 4.Further developments

6 NVAO's role in framework development | 6 -Development of NQF -Same issues as with HE QF -Learnable and assessable? -Formal and informal learning? -APEL: threat to formal learning at higher levels? -Other issues -Simplicity versus “sophistication” -Link with HE QF -Symmetry? -QA at all levels -Responsibilities & maintenance 4.Further developments

7 NVAO's role in framework development | 7 -Who will formalise the NQF? -Independent expert panel? -Who appoints experts? -When are they independent? -International perspective? -Who will link NQF to EQF? -Transparency -Involvement of crucial international partners?  Will NVAO (incl. accreditation partners) have to do it all over? 5.Related issues

8 NVAO's role in framework development | 8 Thank you More information More information:

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