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ESTORAGE WP 2 Progress & Results 28/10/2013 Jean-Christophe Passelergue Olivier De l’Hermuzière.

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Presentation on theme: "ESTORAGE WP 2 Progress & Results 28/10/2013 Jean-Christophe Passelergue Olivier De l’Hermuzière."— Presentation transcript:

1 eSTORAGE WP 2 Progress & Results 28/10/2013 Jean-Christophe Passelergue Olivier De l’Hermuzière

2 A consortium of energy-industry leaders and academic researchers Algoé, a management consultancy. Alstom, a leading power generation and grid equipment and solutions company. DNV KEMA, the global expert in energy and sustainability consultancy. EDF, the world’s largest producer of electricity. Elia, one of Europe’s leading electricity transmission system operators. Imperial College, a provider of world- class education and research. © 2013 eStorage2 28/10/2013

3 © 2013 eStorage3 Agenda 1.Objectives & Organization 2.Results and Progress 3.Next Year Actions 4.Critical Success Factors 5.Q&A Session 28/10/2013 3

4 © 2013 eStorage4 WP2 Objectives Existing limitations Classic Pumped Storage Hydro Plants (PSP) not flexible enough to – contribute to portfolio energy balance management – provide Ancillary Services such as secondary regulation when in pumping mode – participate efficiently in Balancing Mechanism when in pumping mode WP Objectives Implement new market rules and associated incentives schemes related to storage in a context of large renewable resources integration Demonstrate the criticality of IT tools in enabling the deployment and efficient use of storage systems in the framework of Smart Energy Networks Year 1 Objectives Review and demonstrate the existing tools to the WP partners Identification of current operational process and constraints Prepare a flexible framework for WP2 development WP2 28/10/2013 On/Off Pumping mode Flexible Generation mode

5 © 2013 eStorage5 Work Packages Organization 28/10/2013

6 © 2013 eStorage6 WP2 Organization 28/10/2013 Smart Energy Networks & IT Tools T2.1 System Specifications T2.2 IT Tools for more continuous trading market T2.3 Smart Dispatch Storage PSP Identification of Needs Functionnal Specification Detailed Specification System Architecture & Interoperability Standard Interface & Protocol Data Model Development Integration Test & Validation Detailed Specification System Architecture & Interoperability Standard Interface & Protocol Data Model Development Integration Test & Validation ICL, ELIA, AGR EDF, AHF, AGR

7 © 2013 eStorage7 Results & Progress Review and demonstrate the existing tools to the WP partners WP2.1 & WP2.2 : extension of e-terramarket entso-e suite, focusing on the Market Clearing Engine WP2.3 : extension of the IPO (Intra-day Plant Optimization) module (from e-terrageneration product) WP2 KOM : demo of e-terramarket entso-e and e-terrageneration to the partners Business operations and constraints analysis WP2.3 : Meeting with EDF « DOAAT » in St Denis in Feb 7th WP2.3 : Meeting with EDF « conduite » in Lyon in July 5th WP2.1 & WP2.2 : Coordination with WP3&4: – Participation at the WP3 KOM in March 26th – Redefinition of WP2 schedule in coordination with WP3 milestones and deliverables Preparation of a flexible framework for WP2 development Purchase of third-party development licenses for the optimization modules : AIMMS (mathematical modeling software) & CPLEX (solver) On-going set-up of the optimization module framework that will facilitate the development and integration of var-speed PSP models and market models 28/10/2013

8 © 2013 eStorage8 Next Year Actions 28/10/2013 General Project Management (internal & consortium) Actively participate to the other Working Group WP2.1 & WP 2.2 – IT tools for more continuous trading market Follow-up WP3 development in view of the interim WP3 report expected in M24 Start to work on first specification “Market Model and associated clearing rules” Completing the framework setup and build base balancing market models (offers and bids, ancillary services requirement, power balance clearing and congestion management) WP2.3 – Smart Dispatch Storage PSP Get varspeed PSP data and characteristics to build and implement a var-speed PSP mathematical model in the IPO module (technical part only) Produce a high level project note specification to describe the scope, proposed optimization tool and expected results Deliver a first version of adapted eSTORAGE IPO in 2014 (not an official deliverable)

9 © 2013 eStorage9 Critical Success Factors 28/10/2013 Availability of physical and commercial model data to get meaningful and representative results Availability of adapted market rules for implementation on market management system Identify the place and role of the optimization tool within the actual EDF business process Get acceptance and support from EDF exploitation team to implement meaningful demonstrator

10 © 2013 eStorage10 28/10/2013

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