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ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by.

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Presentation on theme: "ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by."— Presentation transcript:

1 ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme for Research ETISplus Final Workshop Link between trade and transport Brussels 5-11-2012 Jaco van Meijeren – TNO Consortium:DEMISISISITCKITMKMetricPanteia/NEANESTEARNTUNTUAOBETSTRATASTRATECTETRAPLANTISTMLTNOTRTUNIZA

2 ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme for Research Trade and transport data Data presented so far: either trade or transport data  Trade data -Country level -Origin country: production of the goods -Destination country: consumption of the goods -Trade: commodity oriented  Transport data -Regional level (upto NUTS3) -Origin region: region where goods are loaded on the vehicle -Destination region: region where goods are unloaded from the vehicle -Transport: transport unit oriented 05/11/2012 ETISplus Final Workshop 2

3 ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme for Research Link between trade and transport 05/11/2012 ETISplus Final Workshop 3 Trade is included in transport data. But how? See example trade from China to Germany

4 ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme for Research Why important to know the link? For forecasting transport flows  Economic developments lead to trade; trade leads to transport  For a right forecast of transport flows, a link with the trade flows is necessary  Examples: -TRANS-TOOLS (EC) -National transport models Impact analysis of maritime transport chains  Substantial share of hinterland flows related to maritime flows  For impact analysis in hinterland link with maritime flows is necessary  Examples: -Ports and their connection within the TEN-T (EC) -Port authorities 05/11/2012 ETISplus Final Workshop 4

5 ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme for Research Data situation Last data registration transport chains: 1992 No recent data about transport chains (complete observations) is available Gaps between trade and transport exist (inconsistencies); such as differences in registration ETISPlus results (trade and transport) will be used to estimate the transport chains 05/11/2012 ETISplus Final Workshop 5

6 ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme for Research Methodology linking trade and transport Combining transport legs with transhipment in seaports in such a way that the transport chains reproduce trade data as good as possible Estimation by commodity Estimation on country level (trade only available at country level) Regional detail from transport statistics Result: transport chains / link trade and transport 05/11/2012 ETISplus Final Workshop 6

7 ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme for Research Thank you for your attention ETISplus Website:  ETISplus Consortium  ETISplus WP8:  TNO: -Jaco Van Meijeren,  Panteia/NEA: -Sean Newton, sne@nea.nlsne@nea.nlConsortium:DEMISISISITCKITMKMetricPanteia/NEANESTEARNTUNTUAOBETSTRATASTRATECTETRAPLANTISTMLTNOTRTUNIZA

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