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Long hospitalization Multiple hospitalization Longer stays at home Multiple or long school absences.

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3 Long hospitalization Multiple hospitalization Longer stays at home Multiple or long school absences

4 Hospital school Medical team Parents Sharing practices GoodBad

5 Mainstream school Hospital school Sharing practices GoodBad

6 Parents Mainstream school Sharing practices GoodBad

7 Hospital school Mainstrean school Parents Medical team Sharing practices GoodBad

8 Medical team School peers Hospital school Sharing practices Good Bad Without


10 Hospital school (act as consultants)

11 How is it with legislation in your country? still defines still guarantees Five hours of extra professional help a week By the Hospital school By the Mainstream school Where do the children and adolescents with long term diseases in your country belong to? Children with special needs Others Children and adolescents with long term diseases

12 COUNTRYLEGISLATION SI The children and adolescents with long term diseases as the children with special needs. Five hours of extra professional help a week (individual learning help). The goverment gives money for children with long term diseases - unlimited

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