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National legislative framework for waste. Basic framework legislation The Law on Waste Management (Official Gazette of Montenegro 80/05 and 73/08) established.

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1 National legislative framework for waste

2 Basic framework legislation The Law on Waste Management (Official Gazette of Montenegro 80/05 and 73/08) established the basic legal framework for waste management activities. The waste management policy and strategy is regulated by the following documents:  National Waste Management Policy (2004);  Republic Level Strategic Master Plan for Waste Management (2005);  National Strategy of Medical Waste Management (2008).

3 Waste ordinances which are based on the main waste act Framework legislation on hazardous waste:  Rulebook on classification of waste and the procedures for its recovery, treatment and disposal (Official Gazette of Montenegro 68/09) Legislation on specific types of waste treatment (incineration, landfill):  Rulebook on detailed characteristics of the location, building conditions, sanitary - technical conditions, manner of operation and closure of landfills, vocational degree and qualifications of landfill managers and types of waste and conditions for disposal of waste on a landfill (Official Gazette of Montenegro 89/09)  Rulebook on incineration of waste (Official Gazette of Montenegro 11/11)

4 Legislation on specific waste streams or types Based on the Law on Waste Management, the following regulations on specific streams of types of waste are adopted:  Regulation on the manner and procedure for registration of products placed on the market and establishment of a system for the acceptance, collection and treatment of waste batteries and accumulators and its operation;  Regulation on the manner and procedure for registration of electrical and electronic products and their placing on the market and establishment of a system for the acceptance, collection and treatment of waste electrical and electronic products and its operation;  Regulation on the manner and procedure for registration of vehicles and their placing on the market and establishment of a system for the acceptance, collection and treatment of end-of-life vehicles and its operation;  Regulation on the manner and procedure for registration of packaging and packed products and their placing on the market and establishment of a system for acceptance, collection and treatment of packaging waste and its operation;  Regulation on the manner and procedure for registration of tyres and their placing on the market and establishment of a system for acceptance, collection and treatment of waste tyres and its operation (Official Gazette 9/10);  Rulebook on the manner of treatment of waste oils (Official Gazette of Montenegro 21/10)  Rulebook on the method and procedure for treatment of the waste containing PCB.

5 Legislation on shipment of waste Shipment of waste is regulated by a system of permits for the import, transit or export of waste in line with the  Law on Waste Management (Official Gazette of Montenegro 80/05 and 73/08),  Law on Foreign Trade (Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro 28/04 and 37/07),  Law on Ratification of Basel Convention on the Control of the Trans- boundary Movements of Hazardous Waste and their Disposal (Official Gazette of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, International Treaties, 2/99). On 23 October 2006, Montenegro became a signatory to the Basel Convention by the right of succession.  Rulebook of the content of documentation, which has to be submitted together with an application for the issuing of a permit for import, export and transit of waste and a list for classification of waste (Official Gazette of Montenegro 71/10),

6 EPA The Environmental Protection Agency, in conformity with the Decree on Public Administration Organization and Manner of Work, performs professional and other related tasks which, among other, include the following:  waste management;  issuance of integrated permits for plants that are required to have integrated permit as specified by special regulation;  strategic impact assessments and environmental impact assessments;  issuance of permits for trans-boundary movement of waste;  inspection in the area of environmental protection. In accordance with Article 19a of the Law on Waste Management, the Environmental Protection Agency is responsible for the:  issuance of permits and other documents in line with the Law on Waste Management;  keeping register of data relating to waste generation and treatment on the basis of data included in annual reports on waste and issued permits;  keeping evidence on special types of waste placed on the market;  issuance of approvals for waste management plans submitted by waste producers;  implementation of inspection supervision relating to the Law on Waste Management;  other tasks stipulated by the Law on Waste Management.

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