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March 2010 1 Hamburg: Hydrogen applications and supply in a sustainable way Heinrich Klingenberg (hySOLUTIONS)

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1 March 2010 1 Hamburg: Hydrogen applications and supply in a sustainable way Heinrich Klingenberg (hySOLUTIONS)

2 2  Hamburg is awarded by EC as European Green Capital 2011 with a focus on energy efficient technologies, such as fuel cells and electric mobility  CO 2 -emissions to be cut by 2M tons until 2012 and 40% until 2020  The local climate action plan covers 360 projects  Additional annual funding of 25 M Euro from City budget, total amount >120M up to 2012  Annual report and external evaluation. Climate Action in Hamburg Heinrich Klingenberg

3 3 Framework Conditions Heinrich Klingenberg  Population in Hamburg will increase until 2020s  Economical development in times of downturn  New urban development projects (HafenCity, IBA) and new challenges in spatial planning.  Public discussions on congestion charge and inner city low emission zones  Additional public transport services

4 4 Overall Objectives Heinrich Klingenberg Economical Development Quality of Life Sustainability, Resources Technological lnnovation

5 5 Focus on Clean Mobility Heinrich Klingenberg  Specialized city-cars  Little footprint in terms of space  Ideal for multi-modale mobility service  High operating grade  Highly environmentally friendly  Highly economic ++ E-mobility H 2 -/FC-vehiclesFleet operation  Buses and multi-purpose vehicles  Low emissions for long range  Public transport is a perfect match for the concept of e- mobility

6 6 FC and E-Mobility Heinrich Klingenberg  Fuel Cell and Battery vehicles are part of same technology pathway and have many synergies  City-buses in short to mid term not able to run on battery systems only  Hybridized buses (with fuel cells) as a viable technology solution  Most important: the source of the primary energy has to be green!  Unsteady energy sources need storage. Storing overload capacity via production of hydrogen or virtual e-car parks (V2G) are viable pathways

7 New Fuel Cell Hybrid Bus Heinrich Klingenberg 7 Next generation fuel cell buses are characterized by:  Optimized fuel cell system and fuel cell operation strategy  Use of passenger car modules, Optimized drive train concept  Integrated energy accumulator - lithium-ion high voltage battery  Electrified auxiliary system components  Reduced weight (e.g. by reduced number of gas cylinders due to better efficiencies - 350 bar Tank system) 10 Vehicles in Hamburg from 2010 Constant purchase from 2018 intended Source: Daimler

8 8 Heinrich Klingenberg  20 Fuel Cell B Class vehicles in 2010/11  500 - 1000 fuel cell cars until 2015  5 refueling stations from Shell, TOTAL and Vattenfall  Additionally growing number of electric vehicles Clean Cars Passenger Vehicles

9 Hydrogen Infrastructure Heinrich Klingenberg 9  Partners: Vattenfall and Shell  New filling station opening 2011  800 kg hydrogen/day  50% production, 50% trucked-in  Funding by federal government

10 Midibus at University Medical Center H2/FC applications ANTARES DLR-H2 Luggage trucks at Hamburg Airport e4ships Implementation of a Fuel Cell Lab (FCL)

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