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Wednesday, 14 November 2012 European water: Assessment of status and pressures Prof. Jacqueline McGlade Executive Director, EEA.

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday, 14 November 2012 European water: Assessment of status and pressures Prof. Jacqueline McGlade Executive Director, EEA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday, 14 November 2012 European water: Assessment of status and pressures Prof. Jacqueline McGlade Executive Director, EEA

2 EEA supports the Commission’s ‘Blueprint’ The EEA has prepared several reports over the course of 2012 to support the Commission’s ‘Blueprint to safeguard Europe’s water resources’

3 The EEA collated data from Member States WISE-WFD Database (managed by EEA) WISE-WFD Database (managed by EEA)

4 And produced assessments with the data WISE-WFD Database (managed by EEA) WISE-WFD Database (managed by EEA) European results Country comparisons Maps

5 Poor ecological status is widespread Percentage of rivers and lakes with poor ecological status Percentage of coastal and transitional waters with poor ecological status

6 What is causing poor status?

7 Mainly caused by agriculture

8 What is causing poor status? Mainly caused by agriculture Mainly caused by waste water

9 What is causing poor status? Mainly caused by agriculture Mainly caused by waste water Canals, dams, weirs, dykes, straightening, dredging

10 But water quality is mostly improving… Although water status is poor in many river basins, the concentration levels of many water pollutants are falling Concentrations of pollutants in water 1992-2010, source: EEA

11 Some pollutants are declining quickly… Ammonium and phosphorous levels are on track for achieving good status between 2016 and 2028

12 But nitrate levels are set to remain high Good status won’t be achieved even in 2028

13 Water-dependent biodiversity also at risk Only 15 % of the assessments for the river and lake habitat types, and 13 % of the assessments for inland water species are in favourable conservation status.

14 Challenges to improving water status By 2015, only 52 % of surface water bodies are expected to reach good status. This is well short of the target.

15 Challenges to improving water status By 2015, only 52 % of surface water bodies are expected to reach good status. This is well short of the target. More effort must go into implementing existing legislation.

16 Challenges to improving water status By 2015, only 52 % of surface water bodies are expected to reach good status. This is well short of the target. More effort must go into implementing existing legislation. There are gaps in our knowledge of chemical status – this must be addressed.

17 Challenges to improving water status By 2015, only 52 % of surface water bodies are expected to reach good status. This is well short of the target. More effort must go into implementing existing legislation. There are gaps in our knowledge of chemical status – this must be addressed Hydromorphology – we must support ‘re-naturation’ methods

18 Challenges to improving water status By 2015, only 52 % of surface water bodies are expected to reach good status. This is well short of the target. More effort must go into implementing existing legislation. There are gaps in our knowledge of chemical status – this must be addressed Hydromorphology – we must support ‘re-naturation’ methods The Blueprint addresses these issues.

19 Eye of Earth

20 Thank you! Jacqueline McGlade

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