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Spotlight on Policy Coherence for Development European Parliament DEVE Meeting 5 November 2013 Suzan Cornelissen, (CONCORD PCD steering group)

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Presentation on theme: "Spotlight on Policy Coherence for Development European Parliament DEVE Meeting 5 November 2013 Suzan Cornelissen, (CONCORD PCD steering group)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Spotlight on Policy Coherence for Development European Parliament DEVE Meeting 5 November 2013 Suzan Cornelissen, (CONCORD PCD steering group)

2 Third Spotlight Report 2013 2011 2009

3 PCD = Going beyond aid

4 Main Messages Letting your right hand undermine what your left hand is doing is a very counterproductive approach Many cases of the real life impact of EU’s policies on the poor can be presented Political will is required and must be translated into effective PCD mechanisms, preferably global in scope!

5 PCD in the European Parliament PCD outside of the DEVE committee! More support for the PCD standing rapporteur PCD mechanisms/ working methods within the European Parliament?! Cross committee meetings (thematic focus) More cooperation among the secretariats? PCD working group (cross committee/cross party) Impact assessments in the European parliament More suggestions?

6 Key findings of the 2013 report (institutionally) EU Institutional mechanisms are not effective enough Several EU member states have made strong national PCD commitments but still a lack of effective delivery No redress mechanism to change policies Impact assessments fail to take development implications into account

7 Why do we need PCD mechanisms? 1) To prevent incoherence (e.g. impact assessments) 2) To detect it when it happens (e.g. local stakeholder involvement and complaint mechanism) 3) To redress it when it happens (evidence based policy making and policy reform)

8 Key findings of the 2013 report (thematically) Chapters focussing on: 1) financing for development, 2) food and nutrition security, 3) climate change and natural resources Natural Resources: Many developing countries are resource rich, yet they are unable to benefit from their resource wealth and they remain net exporters. Often due to: conflict, the misbehaviour of big corporations (tax evasion, environmental degradation, bad labour conditions) and unsatisfactory trade agreements

9 Recommendations for more coherent EU natural resources policy: 1. Non Financial Reporting 2. EU legislation for conflict minerals 3. More policy space when it comes to trade agreements

10 Non Financial Reporting The possibility for companies to rely on wide range of international, European or national CSR frameworks will lead to fragmentation and incomparability Due diligence and the whole of supply chains All large companies and groups of companies Verification and enforcement mechanism are fundamental  Inform lead (JURI) committee on the developmental aspects (joint hearing?)  Find allies in lead committee who can take on board the DEVE committee opinion!

11 PCD before and after the EP elections

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