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Published byKelsi Merriam Modified over 10 years ago
WP 5 Safety and Transient Analysis Task 5.6 Containment and source term assessment for the ETDR LEADER Lead-cooled European Advanced DEmonstration Reactor WP 5 - MEETING 26th February 2013
WP 5 Safety and Transient Analysis Task 5.6 Containment and source term assessment for the ETDR 26 Feb 2013, Petten 1 Participants Royal Institute of Technology – Stockholm (KTH) Empresarios Agrupados (EA) Objective Provide scoping assessment of the source term available for release to the environment Thermodynamic calculations Containment leakage and rates Calculations of fission products formed Assess the transport of airborne radionuclides in containment Perform calculations of the radiological impact of the releases to the public
WP 5 Safety and Transient Analysis Task 5.6 Containment and source term assessment for the ETDR 26 Feb 2013, Petten 2 Second Part: In charge of EA Perform the radiological analysis to determine the impact on the environment Define the methodology to calculate the radiological impact Define the dose limits for each condition Input needed from: The first part of this Task: Source Term Assessment by KTH WP 3 Conceptual Design, to define the release mode and the meteorological conditions Dose assessment for accident condition
WP 5 Safety and Transient Analysis Task 5.6 Containment and source term assessment for the ETDR 26 Feb 2013, Petten 3 Dose assessment methodology: A preliminary dose assessment will be performed with the following objectives: To calculate a preliminary site boundary dose to public (at the Exclusion Area Boundary) based on the reference source terms with no credit to any engineered safeguards. To verify the compliance with the present European criteria for licensing LWR To analyse the sensitivity on the dose to the public of the main uncertainties: retention of radionuclides in the primary coolant, fuel damage extension,... To identify radionuclides with the biggest influence on the environmental dose and to highlight the systems able to limit their release. To analyse the impact on the results of the dose calculation methodology used.
WP 5 Safety and Transient Analysis Task 5.6 Containment and source term assessment for the ETDR 26 Feb 2013, Petten 4 The calculation of accident conditions will be processed according to the Regulatory Guide 1.183 issued by the US NRC In the calculation process, the ways of contamination considered are: The external exposure by submersion in a radioactive cloud. The internal exposure by inhalation of radioactive particles. No credit is given to the exposure via ingestion of contaminated food (milk, plants, meat…).
WP 5 Safety and Transient Analysis Task 5.6 Containment and source term assessment for the ETDR 26 Feb 2013, Petten 5 The dose limits for members of the public set in case of accident condition: The effective dose limits for members of the public set in case of accidents are (NRC RG 1.183): 250 mSv for the accidents assumed to have the worst radiological consequences: a LOCA, a main steam line break for a PWR, a steam generator tube rupture for a PWR…, etc 63 mSv for accidents with less radiological impact: BWR Rod Drop Accident, PWR ROD Ejection Accident…, etc The new trends for the dose release targets of currently designed power plants are around 50 mSv for accidents Public Whole body (External exposure) 250 mSv (R.G. 1.195) Thyroid (Internal exposure) 3000 mSv (R.G. 1.195) TEDE (CEDE+DDE) 250 mSv (R.G. 1.183)
WP 5 Safety and Transient Analysis Task 5.6 Containment and source term assessment for the ETDR 26 Feb 2013, Petten 6 Data and Assumptions 7/171 SAs severely damaged Source term Fission Products: Kr, Xe, I, Sr, Cs, 3 H ENEA Activation: 3 H (CR), 210 Po (Pb) ENEA 100% release from pins & immediate release Volatilization fractions 800ºC (ULOF) I, Cs, Sr, Po (by KTH) RadionuclidesNoble GasesIodineCaesiumStrontiumPoloniumTritium Volatilization Fraction (800ºC - ULOF) 100%2.99E-54.91E-65.34E-132.96E-7100% Volatilization Fraction (480ºC) 100%9.51E-82.41E-77.53E-162.09E-10100%
WP 5 Safety and Transient Analysis Task 5.6 Containment and source term assessment for the ETDR 26 Feb 2013, Petten 7 Data and Assumptions Containment Model Chemical form of Iodine isotopes R.G. 1.183 Irrelevant (No removal) Radionuclide removal from containment only decay and leakage, NO natural deposition, NO spray Primary Containment Leak rate 0.1% d -1 (EUR for LWR, Vol. 2, Rev. C) Dose Conversion Factors FGR-11&12 X/Q need of meteorological data Pitesti (Romania) Reference values for accident condition (Spanish NPP) Site Distance (m) X/Q (s/m 3 ) 0-2 h2-8 h8-24 h24-96 h96 h – end Spanish NPP10003.75E-41.91E-41.36E-46.66E-52.40E-5
WP 5 Safety and Transient Analysis Task 5.6 Containment and source term assessment for the ETDR 26 Feb 2013, Petten 8 Model for RADTRAD calculation: Model simplifications Release into containment = 100% Core Inventory (instantaneous t=0) x [Volatilization fraction] Containment Removal: only DECAY and LEAKAGE (environment) NO Sprays, NO Deposition
WP 5 Safety and Transient Analysis Task 5.6 Containment and source term assessment for the ETDR 26 Feb 2013, Petten 9 Model for RADTRAD calculation:
WP 5 Safety and Transient Analysis Task 5.6 Containment and source term assessment for the ETDR 26 Feb 2013, Petten 10 Activity Released to Environment: True Gases Lead-soluble FP & AP ~10 12 -10 14 Bq (~100%) ~10 7 -10 10 Bq (<0.01%)
WP 5 Safety and Transient Analysis Task 5.6 Containment and source term assessment for the ETDR 26 Feb 2013, Petten 11 Whole-body dose Xenon & Krypton ~0.1 mSv after 30 days (~100%) 88 Kr+ 135 Xe+ 133 Xe (84%)
WP 5 Safety and Transient Analysis Task 5.6 Containment and source term assessment for the ETDR 26 Feb 2013, Petten 12 Thyroid dose Iodine & Tritium ~0.03 mSv after 30 days (~100%) 131 I+ 3 H+ 133 I (99%)
WP 5 Safety and Transient Analysis Task 5.6 Containment and source term assessment for the ETDR 26 Feb 2013, Petten 13 TEDE Noble Gases & Tritium ~0.1 mSv after 30 days (100%)
WP 5 Safety and Transient Analysis Task 5.6 Containment and source term assessment for the ETDR 26 Feb 2013, Petten 14 Doses Whole-body, Thyroid & TEDE ~0.04-0.001% of US NRC limits after 30 days Calculation Whole-body (mSv) Thyroid (mSv) TEDE (mSv) NG, Sr, Cs, I9.43E-021.58E-029.48E-02 3H3H1.16E-061.42E-02 210 Po1.93E-134.40E-054.37E-04 Total9.43E-023.00E-021.09E-01 NRC Limit 250 (R.G. 1.195) 3000 (R.G. 1.195) 250 (R.G.1.183) Target: 50 % Limit0.0380.001 0.044 Target: 0.22
WP 5 Safety and Transient Analysis Task 5.6 Containment and source term assessment for the ETDR 26 Feb 2013, Petten 15 Doses – Sensitivity Analysis Whole-body, Thyroid & TEDE X/Q*10 & leakage*10 Source term 100 times higher Calculation Whole-body (mSv) Thyroid (mSv) TEDE (mSv) NG, Sr, Cs, I9.36E+001.52E+009.41E+00 3H3H1.05E-041.30E+00 210 Po1.76E-114.02E-033.99E-02 Total9.36E+002.82E+001.07E+01 NRC Limit 250 (R.G. 1.195) 3000 (R.G. 1.195) 250 (R.G.1.183) Target: 50 % Limit3.70.1 4.3 Target: 21.5
WP 5 Safety and Transient Analysis Task 5.6 Containment and source term assessment for the ETDR 26 Feb 2013, Petten 16 Conclusions Compliance with present European Licensing Criteria Conservative assumptions (damage, release, timing…) No credit to engineered safeguards* (*Leak rate in accordance with non-loss of containment integrity) ~100% of whole-body dose due to Noble Gases Thyroid dose due to I-131 and H-3 (No retention of tritium in lead) ~13% of TEDE due to Tritium (NO retention in lead) Target leak rate: 0.1%/d radiologically adequate Need of on-site meteorological data (X/Q) Impact of dose methodology not expected to be high (Noble Gases)
WP 5 Safety and Transient Analysis Task 5.6 Containment and source term assessment for the ETDR 26 Feb 2013, Petten 17 D18 - Report on Containment Assessment for the ETDR Author: EA Dates:Rev. 0 – January 2013 (status: for comments) Rev. 1 – March 2013
WP 5 Safety and Transient Analysis Task 5.6 Containment and source term assessment for the ETDR 26 Feb 2013, Petten 18 Thank you!
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