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XVII Madrid Forum 14-15 January 2010 ERGEG Gas Regional Initiatives P rogress and future work Peter Plug NMa, Director.

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Presentation on theme: "XVII Madrid Forum 14-15 January 2010 ERGEG Gas Regional Initiatives P rogress and future work Peter Plug NMa, Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 XVII Madrid Forum 14-15 January 2010 ERGEG Gas Regional Initiatives P rogress and future work Peter Plug NMa, Director

2 2XVII Madrid Forum– 14-15 January 2010 Outline Progress in the gas regions by topic Investment Capacity allocation and congestion management Transparency Interoperability and hub development Security of supply Case studies Work for 2010

3 3XVII Madrid Forum– 14-15 January 2010 Open Season for developing new capacity in the Spain-France interconnections. First phase completed (development of Western Axis from 2013) and second phase started (Eastern Axis from 2015) [South] Preliminary results of an investment Virtual Test Case. Manual of the 9 cross border investment regulatory frameworks has been developed to contribute to investment proceedings coordination [NW] RCC common position on cost allocation for investment in reverse flows and drafting of a GRI SSE position [SSE] Progress in the regions Investment Significant progress is being made to develop new infrastructure through anticipating and coordinating investment for the cross-border transport of gas

4 4XVII Madrid Forum– 14-15 January 2010 Progress in the regions Capacity Ongoing work on the potential harmonization of nomination and re- nomination lead times, contractual features, capacity allocation rules and monitoring of the implementation of OBAs [SSE] Second annual Open Subscription Period launched in November 2009, for allocating France-Spain capacity [South] Analyse possible incentives for TSOs to release additional firm short- term capacity; discuss improved secondary capacity platforms [NW] Several regional projects illustrate the various approaches that can be taken to improve capacity allocation and congestion management across Europe

5 5XVII Madrid Forum– 14-15 January 2010 Progress in the regions Transparency Successful completion of a project on transmission transparency (daily capacities and flows). In parallel a project was launched to release daily storage levels in 2009 [NW] Guidelines for importing and supplying natural gas in the region [SSE] Periodical publication of status building records for new interconnection infrastructure [South] Good progress is being made to improve transparency in a number of aspects, including the availability and use of transmission capacity

6 6XVII Madrid Forum– 14-15 January 2010 Case study Storage Transparency Daily information on storage volume, inflows and outflow Go-live 1 October, Completion 1 December 2009 (with some companies remaining) A clear example of easy win and best practice GRI NW main storage companies COUNTRYGermany Great Britain FranceDenmarkBelgiumNetherlands Storage System Operator BEB Speicher GmbH CentricaStorengyDONG StorageFluxysEssent E.ON Gas Storage GmbH SSE/Statoil NAM RWE Dea AGEDF EnergyTAQA EWE Aktiengesellschaft National Grid LNG Bayerngas GmbH Scottish Power VerbundnetzGas AG Star Energy Exxonmobil GD GmbH Colour code RWE Gasspeicher GmbH Total StorageExpected Data published E.ON Hanse AG BCM35.534.9 Commitment (Jan 2010) WINGAS GmbH % of total96 % Commitment (April 2010) Storage transparency in the NW region

7 7XVII Madrid Forum– 14-15 January 2010 Progress in the regions Interoperability and hubs Harmonisation in legislation and rules (CBPs), and also in trading licenses between Portugal and Spain in the frame of MIBGAS [South] Launching of the new CEGH gas exchange (Baumgarten). Finalisation of Operational Balancing Agreements (Baumgarten) [SSE] NW action plan for further improvement liquidity GTF hub has been produced, planned improvements on GTF hub have been achieved Efforts are being made to establish a regional hub at Baumgarten (Austria) and paving the way for an Iberian gas market (MIBGAS)

8 8XVII Madrid Forum– 14-15 January 2010 Progress in the regions Security of supply Security of Supply has been the main priority after the January crisis in the SSE region. Cooperation with the Commission to ensure a full understanding of the market response to the crisis [SSE region] SoS has been a main driver for the development of new cross-border capacity in the South region SoS has been identified in the NW region as one of the five key drivers for past and current development of new cross border capacity. Other drivers are regional market integration, need for some overcapacity, greater liquidity on hubs and increasing number of participating shippers A culture of dialogue built in the regions can help implement collective responses to gas crises. Investment and market integration remain crucial for Security of Supply

9 9XVII Madrid Forum– 14-15 January 2010 Case study Security of Supply Security of supply: a future role for regional initiatives? RIG is currently analysing the role Regional Initiatives could play in gas security of supply: Internal study Question asked to the market in the progress report Regional initiatives have a role to play in reinforcing gas SoS Build upon the GRI experience on dialogue and cooperation between regulators, operators, market players and Member states Key role in facilitating cross border investment New regulatory context 3rd Package: monitoring of SoS, promotion of regional solidarity and cooperation, elaboration of regional investment plans Future new SoS Regulation: preventive action plans and emergency plans; supply and infrastructure standards Final views will be part of the strategic review of the regional initiatives

10 10XVII Madrid Forum– 14-15 January 2010 Work in 2010 Public consultations Progress report (closed on 31 December 2009): questions on priorities and expected improvements Strategy paper on the future role of RIs (ongoing until 31 January 2010) Next steps and coming actions for 2010 Completing the assessment on the role of Regional Initiatives in SoS Review of intra and inter-regional coordination of open seasons Continue to foster progress of regional projects by: coordinating efforts across regions tackling common obstacles spreading lessons and best practices ensuring transparency through reports

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