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INSPIRE State of the Art
What is new 10th of December, Regulation (EU) No 1253/2013 (the Annex II+III amendment of the Implementing Rules on interoperability of spatial data sets and services) was published in the Official Journal. At the same time the Technical Guidelines for Annex II and III were published on the INSPIRE site Last Legal acts unanimously voted positively INSPIRE Maintenance and Implementation Group in place INSPIRE Registry available (INSPIRE web site) Mobilization of expert resources is key to success use existing substantial pool of expert knowledge
INSPIRE Thematic – Data Scope
Annex I Coordinate reference systems Geographical grid systems Geographical names Administrative units Addresses Cadastral parcels Transport networks Hydrography Protected sites Annex III Statistical units Buildings Soil Land use Human health and safety Utility and governmental services Environmental monitoring facilities Production and industrial facilities Agricultural and aquaculture facilities Population distribution – demography Area management/ restriction/regulation zones & reporting units Natural risk zones Atmospheric conditions Meteorological geographical features Oceanographic geographical features Sea regions Bio-geographical regions Habitats and biotopes Species distribution Mineral resources Energy Resources 21st October 2013: EC adopted the amendment to the Regulation (1089/2010) on the interoperability of spatial data sets and services regarding the Annex II+III spatial data themes. Annex II Elevation Land cover Ortho-imagery Geology 3
Data specification thematic extensions
INSPIRE data application schemas + GeoSciML + INSPIRE Annex III Themes INSPIRE Data specifications contain 138 Use cases + CityGML
Registry Browsing and accessing register content
Multilingual content (based on IR content) Querying an filtering facilities delivering an unique Identifier Open to external contributions Representation in: HTML, XML, Atom, JSON and {RDF/SKOS}** future releases additional registers (add a proper): Feature Concept Dictionary, Glossary resources are maintained in ISO 19135 [Procedures for item registration] conformant registers
Application Schema Register
Registry Service described an application which identify items in a register Application Schema Register Application Schema Railway Transport Network Water Transport Network Road Transport Network … Theme Register Theme Transport Network Codelist Register Codelist Codevalue cogRailway Funicular magneticLevitation Metro Monorail train tramway cargo carShuttle RailwayTypeValue FerryUseValue RoadSurfaceCategoryValue … Other Register ** External Sources magneticLevitation Metro Monorail Train tramway Cargo carShuttle
Last legal acts voted the 28th March 2014
Draft COMMISSION REGULATION amending Regulation (EU) No 976/2009 as regards services allowing spatial data services to be invoked, as part of the implementing rules on network services referred to in article 11.1(e) of Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE), 2) Draft COMMISSION REGULATION amending Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC as regards interoperability of spatial data services, as part of the implementing rules on the interoperability of spatial data sets and services referred to in Article 7(1) of Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) Mobilization of expert resources is key to success use existing substantial pool of expert knowledge
INSPIRE Implementation Roadmap
We are here
INSPIRE maintenance & implementation framework
Moving into the implementation phase Important to preserve the investment and the wealth of knowledge Main principles Maintain participatory approach Based on implementation experience Cross-cutting coherence Commission Expert Group on INSPIRE Implementation and Maintenance (MIG) Continuity of expertise “pool of experts” The development of the Implementing Rules will be completed in 2013 (the last Implementing Rule still under development is the IR on Spatial data services and the Invoke Network Service, which will be presented to the INSPIRE Committee towards the end of the year). Implementation already started in 2010 (with metadata for Annexes I and II) and continued with the network services (which have to be available since the end of 2011 (View and Discovery) or end of 2012 (Download and Transformation) With the Annex II+III amendment to the Implementing Rule about to be adopted in autumn, we are now definitely moving into the implementation and maintenance phase, where it will be important to preserve the investment and the wealth of knowledge of the experts working on the development of the legal acts and Technical Guidelines. Therefore, the Commission (in agreement with the MS) has set up the INSPIRE maintenance & implementation framework (MIF), which is based on the following principles: Maintain the participatory approach (involving all INSPIRE stakeholders) that was also used for the development of the legal acts and Technical Guidelines Any maintenance of the legal acts and Technical Guidelines should be based on concrete implementation experiences To ensure cross-cutting coherence of the legal acts and Technical Guidelines, the Commission is setting up a Commission Expert Group on INSPIRE Implementation and Maintenance (MIG = Maintenance and Implementation Group), which will consist of high-level technical experts nominated by the INSPIRE National Contact Points To maintain the continuity of expertise, the MIG will be supported by a “pool of experts”, in which any experts representing an INSPIRE stakeholder organisation can participate. A call for participation will be published before the Conference on the INSPIRE web site. So if you are an expert and want to support and/or stay informed about the maintenance and implementation of INSPIRE, please register.
The INSPIRE MIF* – Organisation
Main pillar: Permanent Commission Expert Group on INSPIRE Maintenance & Implementation (MIG) 1/2 member (plus back-up) proposed by MS based on successful model of IOC Task Force Main focus: cross-cutting issues, e.g. architecture, registers In addition: Ad-hoc sub-groups for specific tasks Members from a “pool of experts” (proposed by SDICs and LMOs) Tasks: Specific (time-limited) maintenance and implementation tasks There could also be a role in the MIF for European (or global) umbrella organisations Mobilization of expert resources is key to success use existing substantial pool of expert knowledge * MIF = Maintenance and implementation framework
MIG Tasks Exchange of experience and good practice related to the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive and IRs Identify and give advice about the priority issues to be addressed in the maintenance of the INSPIRE Directive, IRs and/or TG documents Identify issues related to INSPIRE implementation and advise the Commission on how to address them Prepare and regularly update the rolling work programme to be agreed by the INSPIRE Committee and the Commission
Pool of experts Call for participation & registration at Tasks Ad-hoc input to discussions related to INSPIRE implementation Help answering questions related to implementation Share implementation experiences Promote INSPIRE-related activities Participate in sub-groups set up by the MIG to address specific maintenance or implementation tasks based on M&I work programme sub-groups to be disbanded once tasks is completed ToR to be defined by the MIG
M&I Work Programme – Process
[continuous] MIG representatives propose actions (collected from national stakeholders) [regularly, e.g. once every month] MIG representatives review newly submitted actions, propose a prioritization for them and identify urgent and minor issues (e.g. bug fixes) to addressed directly. [once every 6 months] Based on the identified issues, the MIG drafts an updated WP The MIG representatives consult national stakeholders on the draft WP (for at least one month) In a MIG meeting, a final draft WP is prepared based on the feedback received from MS. The final draft WP is submitted to the INSPIRE Committee for discussion and adoption Initially, the update frequency will be 6 months. The frequency may be shortened or extended in the future based on the experience with the development and updating of the WP.
Proposal: submitting maintenance issues
Proposal: submitting maintenance issues
Proposal: submitting maintenance issues
Draft M&I Work Programme (Mar 2014)
MIWP-1: Improve accessibility and readability of TG MIWP-2: Create and maintain FAQ page MIWP-3: Guidelines and best practices for access control MIWP-4: Managing and using http URIs for INSPIRE identifiers MIWP-5: Validation and conformity testing MIWP-6: Registries and registers MIWP-7: Extension of Download Service TG for observation, coverage and tabular data MIWP-8: Update of Metadata TG MIWP-9: Future directions for INSPIRE geoportal MIWP-10: Update Annex I data specifications MIWP-11: Simplification and clarification of GML encoding for spatial data MIWP-12: Clarification of UML-to-GML encoding rules
Draft M&I Work Programme (Mar 2014)
MIWP-13: Theme specific issues on data specifications MIWP-14: Exchange of implementation experiences in thematic domains MIWP-15: Overview of INSPIRE coordinating structures, architectures and tools MIWP-16: Improve usefulness and reliability of monitoring MIWP-17: Improve data and service sharing practice and raise awareness of licencing models for spatial data sets and services MIWP-18: XML schema maintenance MIWP-19: Explore and improvement on the situation of controlled vocabularies in the framework of INSPIRE MIWP-20: Improved guidelines for harmonised layer names MIWP-21: Pilots for INSPIRE-based applications (including for e- reporting)
INSPIRE-related work programmes
INSPIRE-related work programmes
DG ENV EEA JRC MIWP Other DGs / ISA MS INSPIRE work programme = consolidated view
Including tasks in the MIWP
JRC WP Internal project (e.g. thematic pilot, ARE3NA study) M+I issues & recommen- dations propose for inclusion (JRC) MIWP M+I task (e.g. update TG) accept inclusion (MIG)
MIWP-14: thematic clusters
MIG sub-group consisting of one facilitator per thematic cluster and chaired by the EC & EEA INSPIRE team Proposed initial thematic clusters: GE, SO, NZ, MR, ER LU, LC EL, OI, GG, RS EF, O&M AF, PF, US GN, AU, CP, AD, BU, TN, (HY?) OF, SR, AC+MF, HY? PS, AM, HB, SD, BR SU, PD, HH Initial clusters may be re-organised or complemented with cross-thematic working groups based on policies or application areas
Tasks of thematic clusters
Facilitate exchange of implementation progress, themes temporal/spatial resolutions; parameters terminology (open and empty code lists) software and TG options (e.g. download service) used Work towards harmonised implementation Utilize the expertise to answer specific implementation questions address new user requirements Sharing of relevant projects, initiatives
INSPIRE-related activities in the ISA*
*Interoperability solutions for European Public Administrations Programme Objectives European public administrations Flexible and interlinked Efficient … and effective electronic cross-border and cross-sector interaction between European public administrations. … share and re-use existing successful or new Interoperability solutions, common frameworks and services and generic tools. …IT systems allow smooth implementation of Community policies and activities. JRC is actively participating in the Commission-driven Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations Programme. The programme, which is managed by the ISA Unit (DIGIT.B2), supports a wide range of interoperability-related activities that are important to the Member States and the services of the Commission. INSPIRE and, more broadly speaking, location information are being recognized as a great potential to underpin a wide range of policies – not only environment. The Digital Earth and Reference Data Unit, which is responsible for the technical coordination of INSPIRE, is managing two INSPIRE-related Actions in the ISA programme. 27 27
ISA Cluster on Spatial Information and Services
This figure further explains the relationships among EULF, ARE3NA and INSPIRE. Further information is available in the explanatory note accompanying the proposed amendments to the ISA Work Programme 2014 for the two actions relating to spatial information and services. It provides further background information and rationale describing the relationships between them, and how the will be jointly coordinated. European Union Directive 2007/2/EC for the establishment of an infrastructure for spatial information (INSPIRE) requires EU countries to share spatial environmental data and information according to a number of agreements, laid down in the Directive, in the Implementing Rules Legal Acts (IRs), and in technical guidance (TG). The infrastructure will support decision making in support of environmental policies, and of policies that have an impact on the environment. INSPIRE is a multi-purpose infrastructure, meaning that it can be used for sharing and re-use of spatial information also in other policy domains.
INSPIRE for good governance
INSPIRE Conference in Aalborg, Denmark June 2014 INSPIRE for good governance Registration is now open Mobilization of expert resources is key to success use existing substantial pool of expert knowledge
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