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Presentation on theme: " Serving society Stimulating innovation Supporting legislation INSPIRE compliance of future WFD and other water data EC/EEA INSPIRE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Serving society Stimulating innovation Supporting legislation INSPIRE compliance of future WFD and other water data EC/EEA INSPIRE team Vanda Nunes de Lima - JRC Stefan Jensen – EEA WISE TG, 29 April 2014

2 The context INSPIRE legal and technical frame is complete INSPIRE implementation roadmap is known INSPIRE implementation is going on – support to policies directly or indirectly impacting the environment Thematic Reporting on environmental acqui is a major activity that should benefit from INSPIRE implementation When revising current practices towards integration, decentralisation, streamlining and services, INSPIRE compliance is a mandatory condition  Actions must be taken to reach this goal  Stepwise approach, joint collaboration and optimising resources

3 INSPIRE-related work programmes EEAJRC DG ENV Other DGs / ISA MS MI WP Do once, re-use many Support the implementation in Member States To keep harmonisation and optimise interoperability To simplify the process  Put together institutional work programs for a common scope

4 Following slides for discussion: Towards WISE INSPIRE compliancy Short term: From WFD Reporting Guidance 2016 Phase 1 (May – Sep 2014) Map all the spatial objects defined in the WFD reporting guidance 2016 to INSPIRE concepts (spatial objects types/feature types, attributes & attribute values, relationships between spatial objects, unique identifier, registers, including code list … and propose the extensions when and where relevant Done by JRC contracts (details tbc) Participants: JRC, EEA, DG ENV; volunteers from WISE TG; MIG Pool of experts; MIWP 21 Deliveries: documentation, UML, feature catalogue Results confirmed through WISE CIS process

5 Towards WISE INSPIRE compliance Short term: from WFD Reporting Guidance 2016 Phase 2 (Oct – Dec 2014) Update the WFD reporting schemas based on the delivery of phase 1 priorities (tbd): surface water; ground water; habitats (link with marine) Update the XML schemas (XSD) according to the mapping Conformancy testing with INSPIRE abstract test-suiteAddress issues countries could have ** Done by DG Env (C) contracts (DG Env lead; EEA, JRC support) Deliveries: GML read for testing Results confirmed through WISE CIS process After phase 2, data content for reporting is INSPIRE conformant * Maybe shorter ** Or as part of phase 3

6 Towards WISE INSPIRE compliance Short term: testing the new schemas in the INSPIRE network services Phase 3 (Jan – Mar 2015) Setting up Reportnet (and INSPIRE network services*) providing the required content obtained from phase 2, with a group of Member State participating in the pilot Integrate the results into the normal workflow for reporting Done jointly through JRC and EEA contracts and funding Participants: volunteer MS based on WISE TG and MIG pool of experts, DG ENV Delivery: Finalised guidance and schemas Result discussed by WISE TG, EEA, DG ENV, JRC * Currently not yet required

7 Towards WISE INSPIRE compliance Phase 4 (after Mar 2015) 2016 RBMP reporting operational setup (EEA lead) Look into SIIF developments Explore linkages across WISE and towards other environmental legislation Tested application schemas and services integrated in MIG/MIF: MIWP 21 and repository (EC/EEA INSPIRE team lead)

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