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Action Plan for Fashion and high-end industries

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Presentation on theme: "Action Plan for Fashion and high-end industries"— Presentation transcript:

1 Action Plan for Fashion and high-end industries
Agnieszka WOJDYR Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee Meeting Textile and Clothing, 17 December 2013

2 Communication cultural and creative sectors (2012)
Background Communication cultural and creative sectors (2012) SWD competitiveness of fashion industries SWD high-end industries

3 Media events and workshops
Process High-Level Group with VP Tajani Working Group Media events and workshops 2013 Madrid, Milan, Paris London Conference Action Plan endorsed

4 Action Plan: Skills Sector Skills Council TCL
Sector Skills Alliance: VET (2014) ESCO: taxonomy Communication actions targeting young people European Alliance for Apprenticeships

5 RD&I, creativity, new technologies
ICT innovative solutions: 2 calls in Horizon 2020 for creative industries, eBIZ promotion Worth Pilot Project (2013) and continuation (2016) Market replication projects (2015) Horizon 2020: 2 calls (materials solutions and prize) Clusters development

6 IPR and counterfeiting
Trademark system revision (COM proposal) Raising awareness: Stop Fakes campaign Customs Action Plan IPR support for businesses (Helpdesks, Guides).

7 Access to finance for SMEs
Equity Facility for Growth (COSME): venture capital and mezzanine finance Loan Guarantee Facility for Growth (COSME): risk sharing, counter guarantees Possibility: use of existing funds to share risk of SMEs exports

8 Internationalisation and trade
SMEs internationalisation portal (2014) Regulatory dialogues with 3rd countries COSME: regulatory and industrial policy cooperation (2014)

9 Other issues Leather labelling at EU level (under assessment)
Tourist routes (call 2014) Visa facilitation for tourists

10 Follow-up European Multi-Stakeholder Forum
Industrial Policy Package: Communication 'For an European Industrial Renaissance' February 2014 Council: Industry Enterprise Policy Group (EPG)

11 Contact Agnieszka WOJDYR DG Enterprise and Industry
Unit E.3 Textiles, Fashion, Design and Creative Industries Tel:

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