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Final Conference Process Industry LEarning Unit Project Manfred van de Kreeke Brussels, 5 December 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Final Conference Process Industry LEarning Unit Project Manfred van de Kreeke Brussels, 5 December 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Conference Process Industry LEarning Unit Project Manfred van de Kreeke Brussels, 5 December 2013

2 Programme 11.30 Pile Up, why, how, what? (Manfred van de Kreeke) 11:45 Results Process Operator (Jochen Seibold) 12:30Networking lunch 13:30 Results Maintenance technician (Wim Vancauwenberghe) 14:15Coffee/tea break 14:30 Round table discussion/Conclusions and next steps 15:30Informal gathering and networking

3 Why did we start Pile Up? Need for skilled workers (All-round Operators & Maintenance Technicians) on EQF level 4 in Europe Need to understand the levels and content of qualifications of foreign workers Necessity to upgrade skilled workers towards level 4 by assessing their skills and offering them flexible learning possibilities

4 What is project Pile Up about?  mobility of workers in the chemical industry in Europe a common European competence profile for Maintenance technician & All-round Process Operator based on ECVET methodology assessment and validation of worker’s competences Pile Up competences to reach a higher qualification

5 The main aim of Pile Up To develop and implement units of learning outcomes, (competence framework) based on ECVET* methodology which can be used for: 1.The recognition and validation of competences of foreign workers (company) 2.Piling up (accumulate) the competences of workers to reach a higher level of qualification (education) * ECVET: European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training

6 Core partners (Steering group) ROC West-Brabant (project coordinator)NL Kenteq Centre of Expertise NL SBG für Umweltschutz und ChemieberufeDE Belgian Maintenance Association (BEMAS)BE Instytut Technologii (ITeE-PIB)PL National Agency for VET (NAVET)BG Wear ManagementCH

7 Associated partners/subcontractors Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIB)DE PMLF Centre of Expertise NL Voka-KvKAWBE Bulgarian Chamber of Chemical industryBG Maintenance Education Consortium (MEC)NL Czech Maintenance SocietyCZ Kolb NLNL University of DresdenDE

8 What is the added value for stakeholders? Vocational Education & training providers Chemical companies Social partners in chemical industry Workers (operators, maintenance technicians) Governmental organizations

9 Activities in the Pile Up project Research: ECVET Credchem methodology Competence profiles in partner countries Development: Common competence profile for Process Operator & Maintenance technician Units of learning outcomes Assessment instruments

10 Activities in the Pile Up project Testing: Theoretical test of ULO’s Practical test of assessment instruments Reporting: Analysis report of the process to create a common profile for operator and maintenance technician Research report on the construction of the units Research report: relationship between common units and national qualifications Evaluation reports of the adapted Units of learning outcomes (ULOs) and assessment instruments Stakeholder analysis report of distributed project results

11 Activities in the Pile Up project Dissemination: Website: Spread out the project results to stakeholders in the chemical industry, VET providers and other networks Project presentations at conferences Publications Implementation: Recommendations for the use of units of learning outcomes and the implementation of ECVET Implementation of units of LO and the assessment tool in practice by the sector

12 Questions to discuss What is the added value for you? What steps can we take to implement the tools? Is it possible to transfer Pile Up to the training and mobility of students? What steps should be taken? Do you have ideas for Pile Up 2?

13 For more information: Contact details: Annejet Goede +31651391019 Manfred van de Kreeke +31613165466

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