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| Transferability of urban goods management Gabriela Barrera, Polis.

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1 | Transferability of urban goods management Gabriela Barrera, Polis

2 | Several measures, different approaches Information on measures to manage urban freight is available but:  Taken by different stakeholders  At different levels and contexts  At different time scales  And with different assessment methodologies How to know if a measure taken in one city/region can be implemented in another one? 2 12 October 2014

3 | European projects on transferability ‘Cleaner and Better Transport in Cities’  Support cities to introduce ambitious transport measures and policies  Achieve significant shift in the modal split  Encourage innovative technology and policy-based strategies  Implement and evaluate measures  CIVITAS I (2002-2009)  CIVITAS II (2005-2009)  CIVITAS PLUS (2008-2013)  Urban Freight Logistics as one of the mobility solutions  Transferability methodology developed 3 12 October 2014

4 | European projects on transferability 4 12 October 2014 TURBLOG (2009-2011) funded under FP7  Address Urban Logistics from a worldwide perspective aiming to extend, expand and transfer the existing knowledge  Transferability=ability to adopt in a given city successful measures previously adopted elsewhere, achieving comparable results  Case studies in Brazil and Peru and Portugal  Further develop the transferability methodology of CIVITAS

5 | Ten step approach for transferability 5 12 October 2014 1.Diagnostic of the problems Structured analysis, assess need to take actions 2.Characterisation of the city At different levels: geographical, structural, demographical… Also consider Institutional variables 3.Analysis of the city context and implications of problems identified City profile 4.Look around for similar contexts Scope should not be limited to i.e. geographical or size conditions 5. Selecting examples of source urban contexts Definition of successful implementation for transferability Viability of proposed measure, use indicators which allow comparison

6 | Ten step approach for transferability 6 12 October 2014 6. Identify measures with potential for transferring Define if further evaluation is required (cost-effectiviness in new setting) Community acceptance 7. Packaging & Dimensioning the measures for transferring Consider relationship between different measures and scale 8. Ex-ante assessment of measures to transfer Goals selected measures should meet Future scenarios: implementation or not 9. Identify need for adjustment 10. Implement measures and steer results Monitoring: data, methods for quantification, performance indicators Links with evaluation activities: ex-ante, mid-term and ex post

7 | European projects on transferability SUGAR (2008-2012) funded under INTERREG IVC  Support the set up, improvement, tuning of local and regional city logistics policies  Training to policy makers  Surveying, analysing, exchanging, sharing and transferring of policy experience, knowledge and good practices  Public authorities as the main beneficiaries  Good Practice Sites: Emilia Romagna Region, Transport for London, City of Paris and Barcelona City Council  Transfer Sites: Palma de Mallorca City Council, Region of Crete, City of Poznan, Municipality of Vratsa, Municipality of Celje, City of Usti nad Labem, City of Prague 7 12 October 2014

8 | Transfer apporach 1.Sites mapping: identify needs and objectives of cities for selection of best practices 2.Best practices analysis: 44 city logistics solutions 3.Action Plans 1.SWOT on the good practices identified 2.Definition of strategic policy goals 3.Action plan by each site as roadmap for future measures 4.Training: 1.Good Practice Round Table 2.Train the Trainer Sessions 3.Joint Planning Exercises: SWOT/Vision and strategy 4.Site Strategy Workshop:each site to discuss measures with stakeholders 5.Site Visits 8 12 October 2014

9 | Best practices Analysis Seletion criteria of ‘best’ practices:  Initiated or supported by a public administration  Currently operating or been in operation for a long time  Sustainable and profitable business model (private, public or public- private partnership)  Do not depend upon financial sources that are time-limited  Traffic, economic and environmental impacts are beneficial and match sustainability criteria  Evaluated with relatively robust data 9 12 October 2014

10 | Handbook for Authorities  Explain 44 selected solutions  Worked out by many experts  Edited by L. Dablanc IFSTTAR  Some of the solutions explained during SUGAR sessions  Five categories of Best Practices -Where local governments have been active -Have led to successful policies: impact on the city’s economy and/or its environment, at a reasonable cost for the city, and that have become permanent or have lasted a significant amount of time 10 12 October 2014

11 | Categories of Best practices 1.Regulation on traffic and parking, access restriction, environmental standards and permits a)Simple and cheap b)Large impacts on the city if properly enforced c)New concepts: congestion charging, LEZ, night delivery… d)New standards use: Euro standards e)New enforcement measures: i.e. ITS 2.Planning, land use, building code a)Integrating freight into policies/ urban and/or transport planning and building codes 3.Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) a)Not yet widely use for freight management but existing cases have proved to be very efficient b)Good development potential as they become mor precise and less costly c)Enforcement, data collection real time information 11 12 October 2014

12 | Categories of Best practices 4. Consultation processes and labelling schemes a)Awareness among freight transport companies, provide forums for discussion b)Must be well enforced 5. Consolidation schemes and measures targeting urban supply chains a)Some experiments have been successful: specialized cc, municipalities provide low cost logistic space, retailers are actively associated b)Many experiments failed because of costs 12 12 October 2014

13 | Future European projects: BESTFACT Best Practice Factory for Freight Transport  Builds on BESTUFS: identify, describe and disseminate BP, success criteria and bottlenecks in City Logistics. Framework to introduce single/mix measures  Aims BESTFACT: -Develop, disseminate and enhance utilisation of BP -Establishment of a robust, replicable methodology for collecting and processing BP  Focus on three interrelated areas: -Urban Freight -Green Logistics and Co-modality -eFreight 13 12 October 2014

14 | Lessons learned 1.Take into account the current situation and its potential for evolution: Existing policies (coordination), problems, supply chain features 2.Quantitative and qualitative data is fundamental, evaluation Ex-ante, mid-term and post analysis 3.Measures to be transferred need to be sustainable, with a sound business model 4.Clear roles for all interested stakeholders, cooperation and political commitment 5.Several solutions are available, not necessarily a single ‘optimal’ one! 14 12 October 2014

15 | More information 1.http://www.niches-transport.org 1.NICHES: Policy notes on Alternative Solutions for Home Delivery, Spece Management for Urban Delivery and Inner-city Night Delivery 2.NICHES+: Guidelines for Assessing theTransferability of an Innovative Urban Transport Concept 2.http://www.civitas.eu 3.http://www.turblog.eu 4.http://www.eltis.org 5.http://www.sugarlogistics.eu 6.http://www.bestufs.net 15 12 October 2014

16 | Thank you! Gabriela Barrera 16 12 October 2014

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