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Session 8 GPS Orientation II. RayNav 300 Vertical Datum F Select a unit of measure for water depth: –Feet, –Fathoms, or –Meters.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 8 GPS Orientation II. RayNav 300 Vertical Datum F Select a unit of measure for water depth: –Feet, –Fathoms, or –Meters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 8 GPS Orientation II

2 RayNav 300

3 Vertical Datum F Select a unit of measure for water depth: –Feet, –Fathoms, or –Meters.

4 Depth Measurement Refer to the General Information Block on your Nautical Chart for the correct depth (vertical) datum. Set your depthsounder to correspond to the vertical datum referenced on the nautical chart that you are using.

5 Soundings in Fathoms

6 Horizontal Datum Refer to the General Information Block on your Nautical Chart for the horizontal datum. Update your GPS with the HORIZONTAL DATUM referenced on the nautical chart that you are using. WGS84

7 Horizontal Datum

8 Distance F Select a unit of measure for DISTANCE: –Nautical Miles –Statute Miles When you are using your GPS on a boat, set the Distance Unit of Measure to Nautical Miles.

9 Speed F Select a unit of measure for SPEED: –Nautical miles per hour - KNOTS. –Statute miles per hour - MPH When you are using GPS on a boat, set the speed unit of measure to KNOTS – Nautical Miles Per Hour.

10 Course and Bearings F Select a heading format: –TRUE –MAGNETIC Update your GPS set

11 Time Format F Select a time format: –24 hour clock format –12 hour clock format Update your GPS set

12 GPS Time Setup F Select a Time Setup. –UTC –Local time Update your GPS Set

13 Altitude Mode Set your GPS for the height of your GPS antenna at sea level. Update your GPS Set

14 Set the GPS Alarms! *X*XTE Alarm. *A*Anchor Alarm. *W*Waypoint Arrival Alarm

15 Alarm Illustrated F An arrival alarm sounds whenever the boat crosses an adjustable ring around the destination waypoint

16 Horizontal Datum Course and Bearings Navigation Mode Alarms: WPT XTE Anchor


18 Unit of Measure Screen Set up for Units Depth/Altitude in: FEET Distance in: NAUTICAL MILES Speed in: KNOTS Temperature in: FAHRENHEIT WIN change interval: 05 sec MANUAL Display text in: ENGLISH (US)

19 RayChart 420 Your position is here

20 Unit of Measure Screen Navigation Set up Datum Name: World Geodetic System 1984 Delta position: 0-00.000N 0-00.000W Course and bearings: TRUE Navigation Mode: RHUMBLINE WP circle alarm: ON 0.10nm XTE alarm distance: ON 0.10nm Anchor alarm OFF 0.00nm

21 Unit of Measure Screen Position Setup: Manual antenna altitude 2m Altitude mode: MANUAL Display depth in POS display: YES DGPS input format: RTCM 1.04 DGPS: data 0, max 2, test 1860 Speed and course filter level: 3 Start Position: LAT_______ LON ________

22 ANY QUESTIONS? F What type of speed is developed by a GPS set as you move your boat over a course line?SOG Speed Over the Ground

23 Any questions about? AV Task 6-2 Critical units of measure for a GPS – page 140. AV Task 6-3 Interpret the quality readings on a GPS set – page 141.

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