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Advanced Manufacturing Lessons Learned from the UK.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Manufacturing Lessons Learned from the UK."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Manufacturing Lessons Learned from the UK

2 The MTC journey (in 20 months…) Nov 2011Aug 2011Nov 2010March 2010

3 The MTC journey March 2010

4 The MTC journey Nov 2010

5 The MTC journey Aug 2011

6 The MTC journey Nov 2011

7 Still one of the largest manufacturers in the world Approximately half of each Airbus is made in the UK Rejuvenated automotive industry Home to 70% of Formula One teams Preferred location for food manufacture & export World class research and academic institutes UK Manufacturing 2/10/2012© 20127

8 The UK has a world class academic base …..but UK plc. has failed to capitalise on the early stage research coming out of Universities The UK Value Proposition 2/10/2012© 20128

9 The Completed Capability Pipeline The Complementary Funding Pipeline The Completed Capability Pipeline The Complementary Funding Pipeline 2/10/2012© 20129 The MTC Partnership Solution 5 5 2 2 3 3 4 4 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 1 1 Research PartnersIndustrial Members MTC Basic Idea Concept Developed Proof of Concept Process Validation In Lab Process Validation Production Scale Process Capability Validated Capability Validated Economic Run Capability Validated Range Of Parts Capability Validated Over Long Period EPSRC Business TSB

10 Manufacturing Technology Centre  Purpose:  To improve the business performance of our members by providing novel and well developed manufacturing solutions  Founded by leading research organisations:  University of Birmingham  Loughborough University  University of Nottingham  TWI  12,000m 2 facility set up with £40 million of public investment 2/10/2012© 201210

11 Research Themes 2/10/2012© 201211  Originally FOUR core research activities:  Intelligent Automation  High Integrity Fabrication  Advanced Tooling & Fixturing  Net Shape Manufacturing

12 Research Themes 2/10/2012© 201212

13  Additive Manufacturing (AM)  Net Shape Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP)  Diffusion bonding  Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE)  3D measurement – internal & external  Research partner: University of Birmingham  Active projects: Rail wheel cladding & Medical implants Net shape manufacturing 2/10/2012© 201213

14  Rotary Friction Welding  Automated Joining Processes  High Accuracy Arc Welding  Laser Processing  Joint Analysis and Testing  Research partner: TWI  Active projects: Automated welding of aerospace components High integrity fabrication 2/10/2012© 201214

15  Elimination of manufacturing induced defects  Automated in-line inspection  High variety, low volume, very complex products  Human-robot cooperation  Process control & monitoring  Research partner: Loughborough University  Active projects: Automated turbine blade manufacture & Sticky food handling Intelligent automation 2/10/2012© 201215

16  “Right-First-and-Every-Time” rapid product setup  Reduced jigs and fixtures inventory  Metrology-assisted control of process error build-up and propagation  Mechanical or electronic in-process adaptive control of clamping forces to improve product and process stability  Research partner: University of Nottingham  Active projects: Multi spindle drill head & Automated sealant application Advanced tooling & fixturing 2/10/2012© 201216

17  Elimination of manufacturing induced defects and adverse reliability impacts  Solder-free packaging/assembly  Development of higher temperature tolerant materials and interconnects  Development of new materials and manufacturing processes  Research partner: Loughborough University  Active projects: EV-Lite & Intellico Electronics manufacturing 2/10/2012© 201217

18  Process simulation  simulation of static & dynamic scenarios  Cell simulation  cell design/layout, cell operation optimisation  Production line simulation  assembly simulation, factory layout optimisation  Overall operation of facility  cost modelling, supply chain configuration/design/risk  Research partner: University of Birmingham  Active projects: Low drag aircraft wing simulation Manufacturing Simulation 2/10/2012© 201218

19 Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Current Membership 2/10/2012© 201219

20 MTC Membership: Industry split 2/10/2012© 201220

21 3 15 >30 7 45 >70 Apr ‘11Nov ‘11May ‘12 New members New employees 5 >30>60 New projects Rate of Growth 2/10/2012© 201221

22 What can MTC do for you? KNOWLEDGE  Sharing knowledge, info, best practice  Access to experts  Access to non- confidential research SERVICES  X-thematic R&D  Consultancy  Tech transfer  External research funding  Advice  Training NETWORKING  Cross sector  Supply chain  TIC  KTN’s  Showcase technology  Conferences/ seminars RESEARCH  First access to TRL1- 3 research  Significant gearing  Engage in OEM & Tier 1 supply chains FACILITIES  State-of-the art equipment:  Production  Inspection  Test 2/10/2012© 201222

23  In March 2011 the UK Government announced the formation of a number of Technology Innovation Centres (TICs) – now known as “Catapult”  The HVM Catapult is the country's first technology and innovation centre and will act as the model for others to follow  Intended to provide an integrated capability and embrace all forms of manufacture using metals and composites, in addition to process manufacturing technologies and bio-processing HVM Catapult 2/10/2012© 201223

24 AFRC NAMRC AMRC NCC MTC WMG CPI HVM Catapult Centres 2/10/2012© 201224

25 Ansty Business Park 2/10/2012© 201225

26 Manufacturing Technology Academy 26

27 Contact Details  Steve Statham  Business Development Manager  Email:  Tel: 07791 458532 Inspiring Great British Manufacturing 2/10/2012© 201227

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