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SHARP workshops Workshop 1 Critical analysis of Images University of Nicosia 6 May 2011 Fernando Serra – ISCSP, Portugal SHARP - A Platform for SHaring.

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Presentation on theme: "SHARP workshops Workshop 1 Critical analysis of Images University of Nicosia 6 May 2011 Fernando Serra – ISCSP, Portugal SHARP - A Platform for SHaring."— Presentation transcript:

1 SHARP workshops Workshop 1 Critical analysis of Images University of Nicosia 6 May 2011 Fernando Serra – ISCSP, Portugal SHARP - A Platform for SHaring And Re/Presenting

2 WORKHOP 1 – Critical analysis of the still images Objective Experiment and evaluate a practical tool for critical analisis of still images that could be usefull for pedagogical purposes (Visual arts; photographs; political cartoons; propaganda posters; video clips photos; film photos, etc.)

3 SHARP - A Platform for SHaring And Re/Presenting WORKHOP 1 – Critical analysis of the still images Context The explosion of images Diversification and combination of media (photo; sound; texte; film…) Need for media education and critical reading of images

4 A window for image analysis

5 What a I see in the image A window for image analysis What a I see through the image

6 What a I see in the image A window for image analysis What a I see through the image Realm of subjectivity Realm of objectivity

7 A FIRST LOOKA SECOND LOOK A FOURTH LOOKA THIRD LOOK What a I see in the image A window for image analysis What a I see through the image Realm of subjectivity Realm of objectivity

8 A FIRST LOOK – FEEL AND REACT Basic emotional reactions This image makes me : curious, think, smile, sad… A SECOND LOOK A FOURTH LOOKA THIRD LOOK What a I see in the image A window for image analysis What a I see through the image Realm of subjectivity Realm of objectivity

9 A FIRST LOOK – FEEL AND REACT Basic emotional reactions This image makes me : curious, think, smile, sad… A SECOND LOOK – IDENTIFY AND CATEGORIZE Type of image: press photograph, cartoon, manga, illustration, movies, press diagram … Context of production: media news; publicity; art industry digital networks… A FOURTH LOOKA THIRD LOOK What a I see in the image A window for image analysis What a I see through the image Realm of subjectivity Realm of objectivity

10 A FIRST LOOK – FEEL AND REACT Basic emotional reactions This image makes me : curious, think, smile, sad… A SECOND LOOK – IDENTIFY AND CATEGORIZE Type of image: presse photograph, cartoon, manga, illustration, movies; press diagram … Context of production: media news; publicity; art industry digital networks… A FOURTH LOOKA THIRD LOOK – DESCRIBE AND ANALYZE Formal aspects: plan; frame; angle; composition; colors; light; place of the observer/reader… Objective content aspects and its relations: non living objects; human figures; places; landscapes; abstract figures… What a I see in the image A window for image analysis What a I see through the image Realm of subjectivity Realm of objectivity

11 A FIRST LOOK – FEEL AND REACT Basic emotional reactions This image makes me : curious, think, smile, sad… A SECOND LOOK – IDENTIFY AND CATEGORIZE Type of image: presse photograph, cartoon, manga, illustration, movies; press diagram … Context of production: media news; publicity; art industry digital networks… A FOURTH LOOK – REFLECT AND EVALUATE Functions : inform about facts; explain; persuade de reader; criticize or denounce a situation; seduce aesthetically; represent a non fictional narrative; represent a cultural convention or propose another one Intended audience; possible impact; efficacy A THIRD LOOK – DESCRIBE AND ANALYZE Formal aspects: plan; frame; angle; composition; colors; light; place of the observer/reader… Objective content aspects and its relations: non living objects; human figures; places; landscapes; abstract figures… What a I see in the image A window for image analysis What a I see trough the image Realm of subjectivity Realm of objectivity

12 SHARP - A Platform for SHaring And Re/Presenting WORKHOP 1 – Critical analysis of the still images Activity and tasks 1. 4/5 small groups 2.Each group chooses one image (5 min.) 3.Each group analyses and discusses the image adopting the window methodology (20 min.) 4.Each group presents to the plenary the main aspects of the discussion and evaluates/comments the methodology (20 min.)

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