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Udenfor Rigets Grænser PhD, Cand. Psych. Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen Assistant Professor IT-University Copenhagen CEO Serious Games Interactive 2. March 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Udenfor Rigets Grænser PhD, Cand. Psych. Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen Assistant Professor IT-University Copenhagen CEO Serious Games Interactive 2. March 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Udenfor Rigets Grænser PhD, Cand. Psych. Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen Assistant Professor IT-University Copenhagen CEO Serious Games Interactive 2. March 2010 UM – ’Udenfor Rigets Grænser’ Kick-off +45 40 10 79 69

2 Workshops Workshop 1: Today (kick-off) Workshop 2: Basic of strategy game Workshop 3: Theme Afghanistan Workshop 4: Theme Middle East

3 My background MA Psychology PhD Games & learning Jumping between industry & research Research projects Commercial video games for learning Educational potential of video games: GC: Palestine Research project: Serious Games on a Global Market place PlayMancer – Serious Games for Rehabilitation Developing Computer games Global Conflicts-Series Playing History-Series +20 games for clients

4 Our background Who are we... Using games for more than entertainment 18 employees located in Copenhagen Worked for Danida, Amnesty, Lego, Nykredit; Kaplan & UNICEF Won several awards for our productions

5 References

6 Our background HR Learning & informationMarketing Recruiting Developing Training Retaining Learning ressources Displays & installations Information services Up-selling Cross-selling Virtual worlds Branding Serious Games Interactive Education Global Conflicts Playing History

7 Our organization CEO ($) Producer (Time) Game director (Quality) Programming (All programming) Graphics/animation (All graphics) Content (Story, script, dialogue) Board Commercial director (Sales. & Marketing)

8 Our team CEO Commercial director Key Account manager Producer Game Director Writer Game designer Lead Programmer Programmer Web & database programer Lead 3D animator 3D artist environment & props 3D character artist Internal testers

9 Why consider games? Games are becoming mainstream – avg. gamer is 35 years old in US and UK. Today games have become an universal language for playing, learning & communicating. Today games are out-growing other popular media in importance. Games are already forecasting the future of learning…

10 Agenda Overview Serious Games Game-based learning What is good game-based learning Real examples Developing serious games Strategy games

11 Problems… Most of what goes under the name "edutainment" reminds me of George Bernard Shaw's response to a famous beauty who speculated on the marvelous child they could have together: "With your brains and my looks..." He retorted, "But what if the child had my looks and your brains?" (Papert, 1998: 88)

12 History of games & learning  1960s: Big interest for role-playing games, board games & simulations.  1970s: Early experiments with learning & games  1980s: Edutainment industry comes and go  1990s: Well-established big brands but little innovation.  2000s: Serious Games movement starts the new century.

13 Read… Listen… View… New ways to engage… Active choices Interactive stories High replayability Multi-user Passive reception Linear stories Low repeatability Single-player Experiencing!!! The interactive experience…

14 Computer gamers are everybody… New ways to engage… Beyond entertainment… Education & training News Politics Museums Military Schools Healthcare Corporate training Satirical ? ? Serious Games


16 Agenda Overview Serious Games Game-based learning What is good game-based learning Real examples Developing serious games Strategy games

17 Why consider games…? ”Educational games are [can be] fundamentally different than the prevalent instructional paradigm. They are based on challenge, reward, learning through doing and guided discovery, in contrast to ”tell and test” methods of traditional instruction.” - Report of the Federation of American Scientists, ”Educational Games 2006”

18 Why consider games…? Perspectives: Train people to view problems from different perspectives. Retention: Do not learn more but remember what they learn. Get closer: Learning is not chopped into abstract bits and pieces. Active use of knowledge: You have to apply your knowledge. Consequences: The game re-acts to your choices and decisions.

19 What is game-based learning? Games are the future language for training & Education… Provide immersive, realistic & meaningful environments… … which learners actually use information to develop knowledge, attitudes and skills.

20 Problem-centered learning… …When solving problems = satisfaction Games are problem spaces… …Where your choices have consequences GBL problems are authentic & relevant… …integrating game & learning experience What is game-based learning?

21 Agenda Overview Serious Games Game-based learning What is good game-based learning Real examples Developing serious games

22 Simcity 4 Civilization 4 Spore Are these learning games? Bully Are these good learning games?

23 Are these good (learning) games? All have elements of learning. When learning focus increase, motivation tends to decrease. Substantives (ship/cannon) Verbs (sail/shoot) Integration Motivation Focus + Motivation - - - Integration - - - Focus + + Motivation -Integration - Focus + Motivation + Integration - Focus

24 Why computer games work.. Audiovisual Story Problem space Choices/decisions Consequence Feedback Balance Reward Substantivs Verbs Quality & abstraction Right substantives Right verbs Integration Motivation Focus Learning gameComputer game

25 Agenda Overview Serious Games Game-based learning What is good game-based learning Real examples Developing serious games Strategy games

26 Our work: Interactive World Map (2009) Platform: Single player, web-enabled, touch-screen Technology: 3D Unity game engine Playtime: N/A Timeline: 3 months Budget: 35.000 EUR Application: Touch-screen interactive world map that can display existing content. Target group: Visitors to Amnesty interactive education (teachers & students) Zoom function Categorization through icons & themes) Choose platform (text, movies, images, games) Web version with ”mouse-functionality” Administration module Only available on location

27 Our work: Bring Your Ideas (2010) Platform: Multiplayer, web-enabled, Technology: Php, html & MySql Playtime: N/A Timeline: 3 months Budget: 45.000 EUR Application: Forum for discussing the solution for different business cases. Target group: Students for management students. Game reward system w. ranking Advanced forum w. integrated rating Administration module Only available on location

28 Our work: Nykredit Game (2008) “Spillet gav god faglig indsigt i Nykredit og kerneværdier” “God og sjov måde at lære noget om Nykredit” - Intern brugertest Nykredit Platform: Multiplayer, web-based Timeline: 2 months (+4 months) Technology: Web 2.0 & flash/html Playtime: 45-60 minutes Budget: 60.000 EUR Game: Aim to reach employees before job start when they are highly motivated. Presents company as innovative & interesting while delivering facts & information in a compelling context. Target group: New (potential & existing employees) ( find forum post where you input password (tænknyt) to get started [video]

29 Our work: Global Conflicts: Sweat shops (2009) Platform: Mac/PC, single player, browser, CD-Rom Technology: 3D Unity game engine Playtime: 1 hour Timeline: 3 months Budget: 100.000 EUR Game: The issues surrounding child labour in Bangladesh and other countries. Target group: Older students + mature people Advantages Strong, visual, immersive universe Feels & plays very close to a real game Unique gameplay Disadvantages More expensive with 3D Long development time Harder to test & change gameplay

30 Our work: Bionicle Glatorian Arena (2009) Platform: Single player, web-based Technology: 3D Unity game engine Playtime 2 hours Timeline: 6 months (+2 months) Budget: >125.000 EUR Game: Play one of the new Bioncle Glatorians for fight and glory. Classic fight game that promotes the Lego characters. Target group: 8-10 years boys Advantages Good game feel that appeals to tough target group. Engaging & unique gameplay Disadvantages Plug-in needs to be installed Requires more band-width Try out game…

31 Our work: Playing History: The Plague (2009) Platform: Mac/PC, single player, browser-based, CD-Rom Technology: 3D game engine Unity Playtime: 3 hours Timeline: 6 months Budget: 150.000 EUR Game: In the game you play a boy in 14 th century Florence during the Black Death. You must try to save your mother from the disease and get your family out of the city. Target group: Students & kids (9-13 years old) Advantages Strong, visual, immersive universe Feels & plays very close to a real game Unique gameplay Disadvantages More expensive with 3D Long development time Harder to test & change gameplay Release Winther 2009

32 Agenda Overview Serious Games Game-based learning What is good game-based learning Real examples Developing serious games Strategy games

33 Design limitations.. Technology Unity 3D, Flash, web 2.0, html. Platforms Pc, web, mobiles Different complexity level  Single user >>Multi user  2D graphics >>3D graphics  Small universe >> Large universe  Linear >>Branching  Low fidelity>>High fidelity  Low interactivity>>High Interactivity  15 minutes >>50 hours playtime

34 Our work process Plan Implement Concept Prototype Production Testing 1 month2 months 1 month 0,5 month Important with fast feedback Depend on iterations of concept & prototype Below timeline influenced by budget & scope

35 Agenda Overview Serious Games Game-based learning What is good game-based learning Real examples Developing serious games Strategy games

36 What is a strategy game Relation model DilemmasAgentsFeedback loops Player’s actions “A strategy game is a game in which the players' decision-making skills have a high significance in determining the outcome.” - WikiPedia

37 Workshop 2 purpose The goal is to set the perimeters for the game by learning about your world, and defining the key variables in the game system: SGI will make an initial extended concept. Workshop will focus on Types of agents Important major feedback loops Important player actions Types of dilemmas & detail level The basic game flow and key resources

38 Some examples Many good strategy games lies in the past, and do not rely on good graphics to work. Hidden Agenda Republic Democracy Conflict: Middle East White House Balance of Power Crisis in Kremlin A Force More Powerful

39 Some examples

40 Project challenges Major challenges Avoid too complex models Keep it approachable for all players Avoid trying to push all information Build in difficulty level for all players

41 Contact info Company details Serious Games Interactive Griffenfeldsgade 7A, 4. floor DK - 2200 Copenhagen N My details: Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen | +45 40 10 79 69 © Serious Games Interactive

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