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1 Task Force (TF) on Inter-Modal Transport Statistics (IMTS) presentation for ETIS+ Seminar 27 May 2011, Brussels Giuliano AMERINI (Eurostat)

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Presentation on theme: "1 Task Force (TF) on Inter-Modal Transport Statistics (IMTS) presentation for ETIS+ Seminar 27 May 2011, Brussels Giuliano AMERINI (Eurostat)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Task Force (TF) on Inter-Modal Transport Statistics (IMTS) presentation for ETIS+ Seminar 27 May 2011, Brussels Giuliano AMERINI (Eurostat)

2 2 Topics 1) European Official Statistics 2) Transport Statistics 3) The Task Force on Inter-modal Transport Statistics 4) Current situation and next steps

3 3 Topics 1) European Official Statistics 2) Transport Statistics 3) The Task Force on Inter-modal Transport Statistics 4) Current situation and next steps

4 4 1) European official statistics Eurostat + National Stastical Institutes (NSIs) + others  the European Statistical System (ESS) Regulation 223/2009 of the EP&C of 11 March 2009 ESS (art 3) ESSC (art 7) C = Committee Quality (art 12): relevance, accuracy, timeliness, …

5 5 Topics 1) European Official Statistics 2) Transport Statistics 3) The Task Force on Inter-modal Transport Statistics 4) Current situation and next steps

6 6 2) Transport statistics ESSC  legislation Coordinating Group for Statistics on Transport (CGST)  Strategic orientations on transport statistics « Modal » Working Groups: Maritime, Aviation, Inland Waterways, Road, Rail  Implementation of legislation, Methodology, Publications Task Forces: ad hoc  specific develoments  TF IMTS

7 7 Topics 1) European Official Statistics 2) Transport Statistics 3) The Task Force on Inter-modal Transport Statistics 4) Current situation and next steps

8 8 3) The Task Force on Inter-modal Transport Statistics (TF IMTS) A) Background B) Mandate of the TF C) 1st Meeting in January 2011

9 9 A. Background (1/2) i) CGST December 2007: - re-orientation of Eurostat work related to IMTS - « exploratory » Task Force ii) Task Force 22 October 2008: SE, FR, DE, NL, UNECE - exploring several participants were in favour of an approach similar to the German one (use of existing statistics + identification of transhipment terminals) - data needs to be identified to justify the use of resources

10 10 A. Background (2/2) iii) CGST December 2008: - DG TREN: to better express data needs - Eurostat with TF: to prepare a mandate for a formal TF iv) CGST December 2009: - clarifications of concepts & needs - mandate for the TF  composition of the TF  to report to CGST 2011

11 11 B. The mandate (1/2) i) Definitions: - Multimodal transport: 2 or more modes - Intermodal transport = multimodal, using ITU (intermodal transport units). - Combined transport: rail/IWW/sea + short road - Co-modality: efficient use of modes on their own + combination (  logistics)  statistics on co-modality + logistics performance indicators

12 12 B. The mandate (2/2) ii) To prepare a proposal to re-define the role of the European Statistical System: - Users’ needs: Marco Polo, Models - Existing (national) experiences  orientation: possible developments: a) existing statistics b) new intermodal transport statistics (CFS, « German approach ») c) review of existing sources of logistics indicators d) investigation into data avalability on inland terminals and port hinterlands

13 13 C. The TF IMTS - 1st meeting 18-19 January 2011 A) data needs: - White Paper (MOVE) - Policy initiatives on inter-modality and co-modality (MOVE) - TRANSTOOLS (JRC) B) national experiences: - Container (NL) - Seaports in the transport chain (DK) - Port/terminals balance sheets (DE): the « German approach » - Austrian experience (AT) C) international experiences: - report on hinterland connections of seaports (UNECE) D) Other organisations: - ESPO - EIA

14 14 Topics 1) European Official Statistics 2) Transport Statistics 3) The Task Force on Inter-modal Transport Statistics 4) Current situation and next steps

15 15 4) Current situation and next steps Current situation: -First list of terminals -Analysis of « German approach »:  use of existing EU data for each mode  what’s missing ? (+ EU legislation; other sources) Next steps: -TF IMTS: 2nd meeting (Sept-Oct 2011):  The list of terminals  Feasibility of « German approach »  Other experiences -Rail WG: 9-10 November 2011  first test: to extend EU legislation ? -CGST: December 2011


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