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Geography as a science Seminar in geography Presentation No. 2 Mgr. Soňa Patočková SOŠ a Gymnázium Staré Město 2011 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Geography as a science Seminar in geography Presentation No. 2 Mgr. Soňa Patočková SOŠ a Gymnázium Staré Město 2011 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geography as a science Seminar in geography Presentation No. 2 Mgr. Soňa Patočková SOŠ a Gymnázium Staré Město 2011 1

2 Content What is geography? Definition of geography History of geography Geography as a science Geography today 2

3 What is geography? Geographia (Greek) – Geo (γεός) – Graphein (γράφειν) Geography is the science that studies landscape and relationships between landscape and humans. 3

4 Definition of geography? Geography is the bridge between the human and physical sciences. Geography is the science that studies landscape and relationships between landscape and humans. Geography is the mother of all sciences. 4

5 Geography as a science The subject of geography is landscape (landsphere) Landsphere: – Physical geographical sphere Atmosphere Litosphere Hydrosphere Biosphere Pedosphere – Social (human) sphere 5

6 Geography as a science The parts of geography are: 1.Physical geography 2.Human (or social or cultural) geography 6

7 Geography as a science Physical geography – Atmosphere (climate zones, atmospheric pressure) – Biosphere (flora and fauna) – Hydrosphere (rivers and streams) – Litosphere (glaciers, plate tectonic) – Pedosphere (soil) Knowledge of physical geography of the planet is important for every serious student of the planet. 7

8 Geography as a science Human geography – Called as social or cultural geography – Combines economic and cultural geography to explore the relationships between humans and their natural environment – The study of interactions between human beings and their environment in particular places and across spatial areas. 8

9 Physical geography Climatology and meteorology Hydrology vs. hydrogeography Geomorphology Pedogeography Biogeography 9

10 Human geography Demography Economic geography Cultural geography Industrial geography Agriculture geography (land use) Transportation geography Geography of Recreation, Tourism and Sport 10

11 History of geography Eratosthenes (276-194 BC) 11

12 History of geography Pythagoras Ptolemy Marco Polo Gerardus Mercator Bernhardus Varenius Alexander von Humboldt 12

13 Why is geography important? Understanding the connection between the environment and people Geographers understand conflict around the world because so many factors are involved 13

14 How is the future of geography? Great! 14

15 The End! 15

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