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Author: Jiří Novák.  Reservations  Navajo reservation (nation)  Housing  Work  Sources  Information  Images.

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Presentation on theme: "Author: Jiří Novák.  Reservations  Navajo reservation (nation)  Housing  Work  Sources  Information  Images."— Presentation transcript:

1 Author: Jiří Novák

2  Reservations  Navajo reservation (nation)  Housing  Work  Sources  Information  Images

3  More than 550 tribes  About 300 reservations  Some are restricted to one tribe  Sovereign nations  Considered US citizens  Free to live anywhere  Aprox 1/2 of NA population (US) lives in cities Guest comes to a hotel and the receptionist asks: “Have you got a reservation?” Guest replies: “Do you think I look like an Indian?!?”

4  Population over 200 000  N’s are pro- educational and trying to make themselves economically self- reliant  Still agricultural nation

5  Tipi (Teepee) -  traditional dwelling of Indians living on Great Plains  Mistakenly associated with all Indian tribes  Made of wooden poles and hides  Diameter about 5 meters  Paintings on outside depending on tribe and owner of the tipi  Hogan (Hooghan) –  Traditional dwelling for Navajo tribe  Plays important role in religious life of Navajos  Made of forked poles covered with earth (except entrance and smoke hole)  Entrance is traditionally covered with blanket  Now sometimes replaced with plank door  Or other traditional dwellings, depending on tribe and place  Also many Indians assimilated with white people  Half of the US population lives in towns => => Houses, flats, … “Kde domov můj, kde domov můj, …” “Dammit, that wasn’t anthem of any Native American tribe, was it?”

6  Many Indians still keep their traditional work  Farmers, breeders, craftmans, …  Nowadays a lot of them profit from tourism  Showing how their ancestors lived, selling craft or art, …  And those who assimilated with white people usually have common work like we are used to have … Helath Authority Warning: Too much work causes workaholic!

7    ns/tipi.html 

8  eservationsMap.gif    pg   Dateien/image001.gif  sangeles.jpg   wheel-withfeathers-two-rings.jpg  1/lens7152682_1253721127encanyons_intro.jpg  t_lens7152682module58912922photo_1253722318ecany ons_dreamcatchers.jpg  t_lens7152682module58912932photo_1253723470ecany ons_medicine_bag.jpg  t_lens7152682module58912942photo_1253724183ecany ons_beadwork_2.jpg

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