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WHY DO YOU HIDE YOUR TREASURES ? Dr Olivier RETOUT Head of International Relations.

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Presentation on theme: "WHY DO YOU HIDE YOUR TREASURES ? Dr Olivier RETOUT Head of International Relations."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHY DO YOU HIDE YOUR TREASURES ? Dr Olivier RETOUT Head of International Relations

2 International Biodiversity Year A first big opportunity to launch a consistent programme of Public Awareness for EDIT EDIT consortium of NHM-BG have experience and means for PA EDIT consortium of NHM & BG have millions of visitors yearly.

3 We are not alone NHM-BG collections of natural specimens represent a competitive advantage...

4 Four objectives 1)edit a common set of messages explaining the role & value of modern taxonomy. 2)design a communication strategy to promote the BY Schedule of Events. 3) design new collaborative project for 2010. 4) pave the way for a structured cooperation between NHM-BG to improve PA activities.

5 Workplan 2008 : Compilation of data and editing of the BYSE catalog; Conception of a concerted 2010 communication strategy. 2009 : Design of collaborative projects and funds raising; Gathering of taxonomic success-stories; Production of communication tools. 2010 : Advertising of BYSE and diffusion of succes-stories; Launch of new project; EDIT final conference at Brussels.

6 1) Exploitation of Collections 1) Exploitation of Collections Loan and renting to science centers, aquarium, zoos, sites, cultural centres, etc.. Coproduction of a touring exhibition gathering pieces never assembled; Coproduction of an artistic show built on collections; Travelling of rare pieces and conferences..

7 2) Exploitation of Taxonomists Open the doors of laboratories and repositories; Field trip with scientists for schools, media... Conference and debate, in-house and in other spaces dealing with science in society.... EC is supporting programmes implementing direct dialogue of citizens and scientists.

8 3) Exploitation of specific material Films and pictures showing the taxonomists at work and the beauty of living organisms Interactive exhibits dedicated to basic knowledge of taxonomy to be shared with science centres and schools;

9 4) Exploitation of scientific results Gathering of scientific information and new images to built a set of illustrated success- stories (someone doing something) suitable for any public. Interview and TV report, press releases and conference focused on new species, new inventories, new expeditions.

10 Specimens should be used

11 Creation of a European collection for PA Only NHM-BG scientific institutions can present a special collection, mixing several taxons, showing the global value of All species and demonstrating that modern taxonomy is needed to preserve the biodiversity. EXTRA database : -Describe the specimens you can offers; -Describe the conditions for loan or rental;

12 E-CASTEX, the first on-line system allowing offers and demand to match: - Scientific touring exhibition; -Exhibits, films and pedagogic material; - Specimens !! EXTRA is a tool allowing us to give a broader visibility of our treasures !

13 AquaRing : e-Content project Content providers are NHM, Aquarium,Zoo. Provide an easy acces to a huge digital content related to aquatic realm (ocean and terrestrial) thanks to semantic search; Can valorize your products (films, video, photography) and provide an easy access to your reliable scientific knowledge (for schools, media, etc.)

14 Building new projects Science in Society workprogramme 2008 (FP7, DG Research, EC) To develop ambitious projects at EU level Associate science concepts with citizens debate Topics of particular interest for Europeans To engage in two-ways communication Broadest coverage of EU member states

15 Environment workprogramme 2008 Environment workprogramme 2008 Protection and management of the biodiversity of continental waters...significant effort will be developped to outreach and awareness-raising of issues and results among scientists, policy makers and the public... => PR & PA are linked

16 Now, it’s up to you ! t

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