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Slovenian Intellectual Property Office helping you protect your intellectual property SCOPE OF PROTECTION OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF MARKS MARKS IN STANDARD.

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Presentation on theme: "Slovenian Intellectual Property Office helping you protect your intellectual property SCOPE OF PROTECTION OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF MARKS MARKS IN STANDARD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slovenian Intellectual Property Office helping you protect your intellectual property SCOPE OF PROTECTION OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF MARKS MARKS IN STANDARD LETTERS MARKS IN BLACK & WHITE TECHNIQUE

2 Slovenian Intellectual Property Office helping you protect your intellectual property MARKS IN STANDARD LETTERS Starting point: Do marks in standard letters enjoy a special sort of protection (e.i. wider protection) comparing to figurative marks? Apparently there is some basis for positive answer to this question. The former Slovenian Industrial Property Act contained the following provisions: “If a mark consists of words or letters or a combination of words or letters, the protection shall cover these words, letters or combinations thereof, transcripts and transliterations thereof, written in any script, in any color, or represented in any other way.” (There are no such provisions in the new Slovenian Industrial Property Act).

3 Slovenian Intellectual Property Office helping you protect your intellectual property Illustration of these provisions: UNION (mark in standard letters) covers all of the following figurative marks “UNION” MARKS IN STANDARD LETTERS

4 Slovenian Intellectual Property Office helping you protect your intellectual property SOLA ZALA MARKS IN STANDARD LETTERS

5 Slovenian Intellectual Property Office helping you protect your intellectual property DRAGON GREEN DRAGON ZELENI ZMAJ (Engl.: GREEN DRAGON) MARKS IN STANDARD LETTERS ZMAJ (Engl.: DRAGON)

6 Slovenian Intellectual Property Office helping you protect your intellectual property MURA MEDO (Engl.: TEDDY BEAR ) MARKS IN STANDARD LETTERS

7 Slovenian Intellectual Property Office helping you protect your intellectual property RENAULT AUDI MARKS IN STANDARD LETTERS

8 Slovenian Intellectual Property Office helping you protect your intellectual property In the practice of the Slovenian Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) as well as in the established jurisprudence these provisions used to be limited to all kinds of the graphical forms of letters (including letters in different colors); with the provisions concerning transcripts and transliterations, translations, etc., the standard of comprehension of average consumer was taken into account. According to these limitations, previous examples would be narrowed to the following: MARKS IN STANDARD LETTERS

9 Slovenian Intellectual Property Office helping you protect your intellectual property UNION SOLA ZALA DRAGON ZMAJ ? ? ? MARKS IN STANDARD LETTERS

10 Slovenian Intellectual Property Office helping you protect your intellectual property GREEN DRAGON MURA MEDO RENAULT MARKS IN STANDARD LETTERS ? ? ZELENI ZMAJ ?

11 Slovenian Intellectual Property Office helping you protect your intellectual property MARKS IN STANDARD LETTERS The scope of protection is closely connected with the use of the mark. What represents the adequate use of marks, registered in standard letters?

12 Slovenian Intellectual Property Office helping you protect your intellectual property The scope of protection of marks in B&W technique – does the protection of such a mark cover different? - all? - only some? color combinations? or What represents the adequate use of marks, registered in B&W technique? MARKS IN BLACK & WHITE TECHNIQUE

13 Slovenian Intellectual Property Office helping you protect your intellectual property MARKS IN BLACK & WHITE TECHNIQUE

14 Slovenian Intellectual Property Office helping you protect your intellectual property Can these marks be replaced with only one in B&W technique? If yes, does the mark in B&W technique keep the same rights (for the use in color) as marks in color? If yes, what is the B&W version of these marks? MARKS IN BLACK & WHITE TECHNIQUE

15 Slovenian Intellectual Property Office helping you protect your intellectual property Thank you for your attention!

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