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Society, policy makers and the media A view from inside Ligia Deca Researcher, University of Luxembourg Policy officer, UEFISCDI Romania.

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Presentation on theme: "Society, policy makers and the media A view from inside Ligia Deca Researcher, University of Luxembourg Policy officer, UEFISCDI Romania."— Presentation transcript:

1 Society, policy makers and the media A view from inside Ligia Deca Researcher, University of Luxembourg Policy officer, UEFISCDI Romania

2 Personal experience  2005-2008: National student representative/ coordinator of an anti-corruption in HE NGO coalition;  2008-2010: Chairperson of th European Students’ Union (ESU);  2010-2012: Head of the Bologna Process Secretariat;  2012-onwards: working as a policy officer for UEFISCDI;  2014 – member in the Science in Education Expert Group (SEEG) set up by the European Commission.

3 How to get things on the political agenda?  Kingdon – policy streams model:  Problem stream;  Solution stream;  Political stream.  Frames  Policy windows  Agenda (public, media, policy ->Decision)

4 Transferring knowledge into policy

5 Student centered learning  Started as a new frame needed for ESU policies;  ESU – Education International project (T4SCL);  Defined in the Leuven/ Louvain la Neuve Bologna Process Communique (2009);  Fastest political concept: inserted in the ESG, focus in various EU documents;  Why?

6 Mobility – 20% by 2020 EHEA graduates  Launched as a catchy one-liner in the ERASMUS programme XX anniv (2007);  EHEA target in 2009 (ESU-EC coalition);  EU target in 2011;  EHEA Strategy to reach it (2012);  Prompted a number of countries to develop internationalisation/ mobility strategies;  Start of more EHEA political targets?

7 Social Dimension  Introduced in 2001 by ESU in the BP;  Defined clearly only in 2007;  2009 – more concrete requirements (defined national targets and strategies + European level monitoring);  EU2020 focus – 40% HE attainment by 2020 for the 30-34 year old cohort;  Concrete progress?

8 Thank you! And I hope this helps…

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