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European Social Fund European Social Fund (ESF) THE ESF 2007-2013 SUPPORT TO SOCIAL PARTNERS presentation at the EFFAT Conference on “Development of competences.

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Presentation on theme: "European Social Fund European Social Fund (ESF) THE ESF 2007-2013 SUPPORT TO SOCIAL PARTNERS presentation at the EFFAT Conference on “Development of competences."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Social Fund European Social Fund (ESF) THE ESF 2007-2013 SUPPORT TO SOCIAL PARTNERS presentation at the EFFAT Conference on “Development of competences and training for new and qualified jobs in rural contractors’ companies” Ana Maria Nogueira European Commission – DG EMPL/A1 - ESF Coordination Lisbon, 26 June 2008

2 European Social Fund  Established under the Treaty in 1957  Aims (Article 146 Treaty) : “In order to improve employment opportunities for workers in the internal market and to contribute thereby to raising the standard of living […]" ESF "shall aim to render the employment of workers easier and to increase their geographical and occupational mobility within the Community, and to facilitate their adaptation to industrial changes and to changes in production systems, in particular through vocational training and retraining."

3 European Social Fund What is new in 2007-2013?  3 objectives

4 European Social Fund What is new in 2007-2013?  3 financial instruments

5 European Social Fund What continues in 2007-2013? Principles  COMPLEMENTARITY … with national actions  COHERENCE … with EU policies  COORDINATION … between EU funds  CONFORMITY … with Treaty rules  ADDITIONALITY … with national funding

6 European Social Fund What is new in 2007-2013? Principles  Proportionality (shared management)  Men / Women Equality & Non-discrimination  Sustainable Development  Growth & Jobs Targeting  Partnership principle (extended at all stages)

7 European Social Fund What is new in 2007-2013? Strategic Approach Integrated Guidelines for Growth & Jobs National Reform Programme Community Strategic Guidelines on Cohesion National Strategic Reference Framework Operational Programme(s) Lisbon Agenda for Growth & Jobs

8 European Social Fund What is new in 2007-2013 in ESF? New Objectives and Priorities Regional competitiveness & employment Convergence adaptability of workers, enterprises & entrepreneurs access to employment & inclusion labour market social inclusion human capital partnerships institutional capacity

9 European Social Fund European Social Fund - Use per priority

10 European Social Fund Implementation by Member States  Member States set out their priorities in NSRFs and Operational Programmes  117 ESF Operational Programmes adopted by the Commission for 2007-13 period  Global ESF budget: 76.2 billion €  Complemented by important ERDF investments

11 European Social Fund Role of Social Partners  Treaty-mandated tasks  Role in the Lisbon Strategy  Modernisation and performance of the work place  Involvement in company restructuring, economic and financial maters

12 European Social Fund Partnership in practice  Key principles – programming, partnership, co- financing, and evaluation  CSG recognise importance of involving regional and local actors and social partners  General regulation: MS to involve the most representative partners at national, regional, and local level in the economic, social, environmental fields

13 European Social Fund Partnership in practice  Partnership in preparation  To contribute to the preparation of the NSRF  To contribute to the drafting of the OP  Partnership in Monitoring Committees  Most visible aspect of the application of the partnership principle in the Cohesion Policy  Competence and jurisdiction of the MS  Composition should reflect the principles of partnership and gender equality and learn from the good practices in previous periods

14 European Social Fund Good governance in ESF  Social partners as privileged actors in ESF  Efficient and effective implementation of ESF depends on partnership between all relevant socio-economic actors  Central role of SP in anticipating and managing change, strengthening economic and social cohesion  ESF Committee – tripartite Committee

15 European Social Fund CAPACITY BUILDING in Convergence  An appropriate amount of resources to support SP in two kinds of activities (Art 5): Capacity building activities and Actions jointly undertaken by SP in particular related to adaptability of workers and enterprises

16 European Social Fund Actions that can be funded  Actions aiming at enhancing technical skills as regards social dialogue  Actions aiming to establish/reinforce sectoral dialogue and support the setting up of sectoral structures able to relay and feed in decisions taken at cross-industry level  Creation and functioning of bi-partite training funds (sectoral and cross-industry) to improve adaptability of enterprises and workers

17 European Social Fund Complementarity and consistency  Social dialogue budget lines  PROGRESS – Community Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity  Avoid conflict of interest – SP as partners in OP not « mixed up » with their role as beneficiary or intermediary body

18 European Social Fund ESF Regulation Role of social partners  actors of ESF governance  Art.5.2 (…)  monitoring committees  eligible to ESF support  mainstream beneficiaries of ESF support  art 3 (b), art.5.3 §1 (…)  specific ESF support for social partners in Convergence regions  Art. 5.3 §2 (…)

19 European Social Fund The Commission provides guidance on ESF support for social partners  3 fiches on ESF support to Social Partners in the 2007- 2013 programming period  “Partnership in cohesion policy” (adopted)  “Social Partners as beneficiaries” (adopted)  “Complementarity and consistency with other Community financial instruments”

20 European Social Fund The Commission promotes ESF support for social partners  set-up of Ad-hoc Group on ESF support to social partners (Art. 5.3 §2)  4 meetings: 22/03, 27/04, 29/05, 28/11 of 2007  main issues discussed:  social dialogue vs. civil dialogue  social dialogue vs. tripartite consultations  differences social partners / NGOs  eligibility issues  joint presentations by Member States and national social partners

21 European Social Fund Survey on Member States plans to implement Art. 5§3  As far as your Member State/Region is concerned what is an appropriate amount?  from 0,5% to 16%  the Commission initially proposed 2%

22 European Social Fund Survey on Member States plans to implement Art. 5§3  Is your Member State/Region programming support to social partners’ activities through a dedicated Operational Programme, priority axis, within a priority axis (which one?)  Within priority axis – Adaptability of workers and enterprises  Within priority axis – Investing in Human Capital  Priority axis Human Resources Development OP  Support under activities as any other beneficiary

23 European Social Fund Survey on Member States plans to implement Art. 5§3  Which type of activities are covered in OPs?  set up of web pages  support for research projects and studies  legal services for employers, employees and representative organisations  capacity building for social partners and NGO  needs in the workplace and labour market  lifelong learning  restructuring and anticipating and managing economic change

24 European Social Fund Survey on Member States plans to implement Art. 5§3  Which type of activities are covered in OPs? (cont.)  development of professional qualification system  training/counselling  collection and dissemination of best practices  labour relations  social dialogue at sectoral level  support for women in business  migration  HRD in enterprises  education/training/labour market systems

25 European Social Fund Survey on Member States plans to implement Art. 5§3  Does your Member State/Region make a clear distinction between “capacity-building activities” and “activities jointly undertaken by Social Partners”  Both activities foreseen  Focus on activities jointly undertaken  2 stages: support for strengthening social partners’ capacity to ensure effective participation in implemented reforms, followed by assistance in establishing local partnerships

26 European Social Fund Survey on Member States plans to implement Art. 5§3  How is your Member State/Region intending to proceed regarding the allocation of funds to social partners?  Calls for proposals  Call for tenders

27 European Social Fund EXAMPLES of programming 07-13  CZ - launched a call for proposals  For support:  activities leading to strengthening the social dialogue and capacity building of social partners with special attention to the issue of contractual arrangements between the employers and employees, health protection, safety at work,  HR development, flexible working arrangements, modern management methods - this all can include transnational cooperation.  other activities may include training of the social partners to strengthen their capacity.

28 European Social Fund EXAMPLES of programming 07-13  PT – call for proposal launched  For support:  Training actions for capacity building  Social dialogue promoting articulation between the national and European levels  Networking – national and European level, exchange of experiences and dissemination of practices  Productions of studies, analysis, statistics, indicators  Awareness raising campaigns (health & safety, diversity in the workplace)  Data basis –  Reinforcing social partners’ role on the improving of working conditions and LM

29 European Social Fund Tripartite Social Summit – 13 March 2008  « Social dialogue is making an important contribution to the Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs. We need a growing, job-creating Europe. But also a Europe which provides opportunities for every citizen and genuine and viable protection for workers. Social partners play a key role in our system of economic and social governance. They also have a role to play in discussions on climate change and energy issues » President Barroso

30 European Social Fund Tripartite Social Summit – 13 March 2008 « I welcome the social partners’ negotiations on granting better access to labour markets for disadvantage groups, notably through lifelong learning. And I call on the employers and trade unions to also launch negotiations on improving work-life balance. Their 1995 agreement on parental leave needs to be adapted to today’s realities » Commissioner Spidla

31 European Social Fund Thank you for your attention!!! Questions? For more information on the ESF, please visit:

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