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REPORT on FOCUS GROUP and LEA’s Activities 6 th Steering Committee, 6th of November 2012, Lyon, France 0.

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Presentation on theme: "REPORT on FOCUS GROUP and LEA’s Activities 6 th Steering Committee, 6th of November 2012, Lyon, France 0."— Presentation transcript:

1 REPORT on FOCUS GROUP and LEA’s Activities 6 th Steering Committee, 6th of November 2012, Lyon, France 0

2 1 Meeting with Focus group and presentation of their work to Stakeholder on Local info seminar

3 2 THE SLOVENIAN FOCUS GROUP Established at the end of year 2010 and beginning of year 2011 The members gather (via the national consortium of energy agencies, telop, verbal, acquaintanceship); the 1st active involved members are: Mr. Stanislav Sraka, director DAS; Mr. Stojan Habjanič, director Bioconstruction (private entrepreneur); Individual meetings

4 3 Presentation on 2nd December 2010 on National council

5 4 SCORE project was presented to representatives of municipalities, development and energy agencies from Serbia in Moravske Toplice between 15 and 16 September 2011

6 5 Presentation of project to the national consortium of energy agency

7 6 Presented the project at the international conference Sustainable energy region, which occurred in Moravske Toplice on 27/01/2012,

8 7 Presentation of project on the international fair ENGRA Gornja Radgona (26th - 30th of March 2012)

9 8 Presentation of project on the national conference EN.Obcina 012 – 19.10.2012

10 9 Presentation of project on the stand on the national conference EN.Obcina 012

11 10 Regional RES & RUE

12 11 T-shirts and bags

13 12 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATENTION! BOJAN VOGRINČIČ Contacts: Tel.: +386 2 538 13 54, E-mail:

14 13

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