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Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Update on DG RTD activities Climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation Eleni Manoli DG Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Update on DG RTD activities Climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation Eleni Manoli DG Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Update on DG RTD activities Climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation Eleni Manoli DG Research and Innovation Directorate I – Environment Climate Change and Natural Hazards Unit 7 th EIONET Workshop on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation EEA, 20 th June 2013

2 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Developments since mid-2012… Adaptation-related projects from the last FP7 Environment call – expected to start in November 2013 Impacts of higher-end scenarios Economics of adaptation to climate change Launch of research projects on Strategies, costs and impacts of adaptation to climate change Towards the end of several research projects on adaptation Outputs to be linked to Climate-Adapt

3 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Driving questions: What do 4ºC and 6ºC worlds look like in comparison to 2ºC? What are the consequences of different adaptation choices? Key elements Multiple climate projections(RCPs) & SSPs, and downscaling experiments Global impact models: Agriculture, Water, Biomes, Health, Coastal infrastructure Synthesis of impacts at different warming levels, uncertainty and impact emulators Duration: 48 Months – Consortium of 16 partners, led by the University of Exeter HELIX High-End cLimate Impacts and eXtremes The HELIX focus areas Impacts of higher-end scenarios (1/3)

4 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Focus: Integrated scenarios, adaptation measures, climate and socio-economic tipping points Key elements Modelling framework, stakeholder engagement Advances in the CLIMSAVE IA platform: new models, simulation of time- and path-dependent impacts, adaptation and vulnerabilities 5 Case Studies: Global, Europe, 3 local sites in Europe Duration: 60 Months – Consortium of 24 partners, led by the University of Oxford IMPRESSIONS Impacts and risks from high-end scenarios – Strategies for innovative solutions Impacts of higher-end scenarios (2/3)

5 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Focus Impacts, vulnerability, adaptation in coastal areas Sea level rise, storm surges, other climate change impacts Key elements Diverse assessment cases: Deltas, estuaries, coastal cities Accommodate and retreat adaptation strategies, other green options for coastal areas Duration: 36 Months – Consortium of 12 partners, led by the University of Catalonia RISES-AM- Responses to coastal climate change: Innovative Strategies for high End Scenarios -Adaptation and Mitigation Impacts of higher-end scenarios (3/3)

6 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Aim: User-orientated methodologies and evidence relating to economic appraisal criteria to inform the choice of adaptation actions Focus on a set of methodological challenges Long time scales (discounting and future preferences), Adaptive capacity in economic analysis, Uncertainty, future learning and decision-making, Scaling and transfer (Micro → Macro), Treatment of systemic change Set of case studies Disaster risk management – pan European scale Project appraisal for flood protection (Czech Republic) and port infrastructure (Spain) Policy impact assessment of linkages between reformed CAP and ecosystem management in the EU Macro-economic assessment of adaptation strategies in the EU Economic appraisal of financial support for adaptation from the EU to developing countries Toolbox on the economics of adaptation (economic analysts, policy support for non-economists) ECONADAPT Economics of climate change adaptation in Europe Economics of adaptation to climate change Duration: 36 Months – Consortium of 14 partners, led by the University of Bath

7 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Recently launched projects (October 2012) Tool-supported policy-development for regional adaptation (ToPDAd) - end September 2015 Socioeconomic methods & tools for integrated assessments, focus on Energy, Transport, Tourism, Mid - (2010-2050) and long-(2050-2100) term strategy horizons Framework for the next generation toolset Bottom-up Climate Adaptation Strategies towards a Sustainable Europe (BASE) - end September 2016 Case Study approach (20 cases), Novel model combinations for combining top-down and bottom-up analysis, Stakeholder engagement, Policy guidelines Reconciling Adaptation, Mitigation and Sustainable Development for Cities (RAMSES) - end September 2017 EU and international cities, full economic costs and benefits of adaptation, strategy development in a sustainability context ToPDad/ BASE/ RAMSES/ Strategies, costs and impacts of adaptation to climate change

8 Research and Innovation Research and Innovation More information Research on Environment: Horizon 2020: Thank you for your attention

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