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FI-WARE Testbed Access Control temporary solution.

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Presentation on theme: "FI-WARE Testbed Access Control temporary solution."— Presentation transcript:

1 FI-WARE Testbed Access Control temporary solution

2 Introduction  We will define a short and a medium term solution to deal with the issues regarding access control to FI-WARE GEs deployed on the FI- WARE Testbed  The medium term solution will evolve as to incorporate components developed in the FI-WARE Security chapter for the 2 nd Release of FI-WARE

3 Basic ingredients of the solution Oauth v2.0Keystone  User Profile Management  Multi-tenancy  Management and access to FI- WARE GE  Authentication  Authorization and Trust Management  Single Sign-On (SSO) among services/apps  Web/JavaScript/APIs access Client Apps: Web Apps, Server Apps or Desktop Apps.

4 MEDIUM TERM Solution

5 Scenarios to be covered  Client Apps may run on: Web Servers Web Browsers (user agents) On top of an Operating Systems (Native apps)

6 Client Apps running on Web Servers  Three-tier Web applications  Clients that invoke FI-WARE GE APIs run on web servers (e.g., servlets)  Users authenticate via IdM web page  The IdM maintains the confidentiality

7 FI-WARE Testbed IdM Client App (WS backend) Keystone FI-Ware GE Instance IdM Web Portal Access App Login via Fi-Ware Login to WebApp via IdM Send redirect URI with authentication code Access Redirect URL Send authentication code, client_id, client_secret Return access token User logged in FI-WARE GE API request with token Keystone Middleware Validate token Ok FI-WARE GE API request App URL (interaction) Create Token

8 User-agent-based Application  It is a public Client App  Downloadable from Web Servers  It runs in a user-agent (e.g., javascript in a web browser)  Users authenticate via IdM web page  Confidentiality is not maintained (Downloaded Client App assumes your identity)

9 FI-WARE Testbed IdM Keystone IdM Web Portal Access App Login via Fi-WARE Login to ClientApp via IdM Send redirect URI with access token Create Token Access Redirect URL Client App loads token from fragment Client App (User Agent) Validate token Ok FI-WARE GE API request FI-WARE GE API requests with token Keystone Middleware FI-Ware GE Instance

10 Native Application  Native apps, scripts, etc.  Credentials are sent via the Client App  User gives credentials to the Client App  Confidentiality is not maintained (Downloaded Client App assumes your identity)

11 FI-WARE Testbed IdM Client App Keystone IdM Web Portal Create Token Return access token Access with token Keystone Middleware Validate token OkAccess FI-Ware GE Instance

12 SHORT TERM Solution

13 FI-WARE Testbed IdM Client App (WS backend) Keystone FI-Ware GE Instance IdM Web Portal Access App Login web page FI-WARE GE API requests App URL (interaction) FI-WARE Testbed Firewall Registration of IP a.b.c.d FI-WARE Testbed Admin Fixed IP: a.b.c.d Login to ClientApp Validation User Logged In (1) Validation via request using Keystone API Validation (1)

14 FI-WARE Testbed IdM Keystone IdM Web Portal Access App Login via Fi-WARE Login to ClientApp via IdM (1) Validation Client App (User Agent) FI-WARE GE API requests FI-WARE Testbed Firewall first (temporal) IP: a1.b1.c1.d1 a1.b1.c1.d1 FI-Ware GE Instance User Logged In (1) Login via request using Keystone API or via javascript library provided by FI-WARE

15 (re-login, a2.b2.c2.d2) FI-WARE Testbed IdM Keystone IdM Web Portal Access App Client App (User Agent) FI-WARE GE API requests FI-WARE Testbed Firewall first (temporal) IP: a1.b1.c1.d1 (new a2.b2.c2.d2 assigned) a2.b2.c2.d2 FI-Ware GE Instance

16 IdM Web Portal functionality in the short term  Every UC project will be associated to an “Organization”  Every UC project will have an admin user account  Using the IdM Web Portal, admin users will be able to create new user accounts linked to the same Organization


18 IDM Web Portal  Provides Identity Management  Provides OAuth 2 modes  API with Keystone to manage GE tokens Interface with Keystone to manage tokens and provide them via OAuth

19 Keystone  It provides management of Users, roles and organizations Only one Keystone admin  Credentials: username and password  Tuples  Tokens associate to  Many roles per user and organization  GEs establish permissions per role

20 Keystone  Provides management of GE (Services)  Each GE owns a list of endpoint URLs Users access to these URLs

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