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Gracias por su atención ….. Dirección General de Formación Profesional y Educación Permanente FORMACIÓN PROFESIONAL FORMACIÓN PROFESIONAL EN ESPAÑA VOCATIONAL.

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Presentation on theme: "Gracias por su atención ….. Dirección General de Formación Profesional y Educación Permanente FORMACIÓN PROFESIONAL FORMACIÓN PROFESIONAL EN ESPAÑA VOCATIONAL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gracias por su atención ….. Dirección General de Formación Profesional y Educación Permanente FORMACIÓN PROFESIONAL FORMACIÓN PROFESIONAL EN ESPAÑA VOCATIONAL TRAINING IN SPAIN 25 November 2008


3 VOCATIONAL TRAINING IS ADAPTED TO EUROPEAN REQUIREMENT Vocational Training are the educational actions in order to train in a occupation, the access to the job market and the participation in social, cultural and economic life. Vocational Training is not only in the educational system, it includes actions to unemployed pleople and workers, in order to update knowledge. Vocational training in the Educational System is in order to prepare pupils for work life.



6 The Ley Orgánica 2/2006 de Educación (LOE) adds Lisbon strategic goal, specially in a lifelong learning programme. Educational principles in the Vocational Training (FP): QUALITY EQUITY LIFELONG LEARNING FLEXIBILITY GUIDANCE INNOVATION COOPERATION ASSESMENT (EVALUATION) LOE (EDUCATION LAW) AND EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK

7 Purposes of Vocational Training in Lisbon: f) Developement of capability in pupils to regulate own learning. Develop creativity, personal initiative and enterprising spirit. h) Acquisition of intelectual habits, work techniques, scientific, technological, humanistics, historical and artistic knowledges. Developement of healthy habits, exercise and sports. i) Capacity for partice in work areas. j) Capacity to communicate in oficial language and one or more foreign language. k) Education for citizenship

8 Education quality, Qualification and training of teaching staff and their work as a team, Educational resources, Research, experimentation and educational updating, Promotion of reading and libraries, Educational and professional guidance, Educational inspection and evaluation. FACTORS THAT IMPROVE EDUCATIONAL SUCCESS

9 High Vocational Training is a Higher Education but it is not University. High Vocational Training students can participate en ERASMUS programms, as we do in Aragón. HIGH VOCATIONAL TRAINING (F.P. ENSEÑANZA SUPERIOR)

10 F.P. AND LIFELONG LEARNING All people must have the possibility to Educate in a Lifelong Learning, inside and out the Eductational System Adaptability in the changes of times. To promote flexible learning. To promote a postobligatory Education

11 Access to information and guidance about new learning supplies. It is necesary that people knew about lifelong Education. NEW CHALLENGES IN INFORMATION AND GUIDANCE

12 FORMACION PROFESIONAL REGLADA 3 KINDS OF REGULATED VOCATIONAL TRAINING - PCPI Programa de Cualificación Profesional Inicial - CFGM Ciclo Formativo de Grado Medio Medium Grade Formative Course - CFGS Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior Superior Grade Formative Course

13 PCPI PCPI Programa de Cualificación Profesional Inicial - For pupils without ESO degree - Over 16 years old - To access to labour market - Achieve work abilities of level 1, according to Catálogo Nacional de Cualificaciones Profesionales - 3 kinds of subjects - Specifics of Vocational Training - General subjects - Subjects that allows pupils to have a ESO degree -Special degree in PCPI

14 Several modalities. Can have PCPI Educational centres, Local corporations, Work association, ONG Others, But Educational Service coordinate all. PCPI STRUCTURE

15 Superior and Medium Grade Formative Courses are refered to Catálogo Nacional de Cualificaciones Profesionales. Catálogo Nacional de Cualificaciones Profesionales: it is a catalogue where are described all kind of qualifications. Law 5/2002 VOCATIONAL TRAINING IN LOE (EDUCATIONAL LAW)

16 Vocational Training in Educational System can be studied in: Common Educational Centres (IES) Centros Integrados de FP National Reference Centres ¿WHERE TO STUDY VOCATIONAL TRAINING?

17 Medium grade vocational training: ESO degree High grade vocational training: Bachiller degree Exam test: 17 years old, medium grade 19 years old, superior grade (18 years old with Técnico degree) People who come from PCPI or FPGM only have to pass exam in common matters. ACCESS TO FP REGLADA

18 CFGM: TÍTULO DE TÉCNICO (Technical Degree) direct access to Bachillerato. CFGS: TÍTULO DE TÉCNICO SUPERIOR (Superior Technical Degree), access to University in common areas. In the future will be validations between university studies and superior grade studies. Certificate for students who do not pass all matters. DEGREES

19 Adult People Education: Education for people over 18 years old. Some objectives: b) Improve professional qualification, acquire other professional qualification. e) Development of programms that avoid social exclusion risks. f) Allows older people access to an oportunity to improve and update therir competences. NEW: Connections between learning (regulated or not) and work experience. Is possible to validate learnings to workers. This system is been updated now. ADULT PEOPLE AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING

20 Is possible to incorporarte Expert teacher in the Vocational Training. These teachers should be professionals, is not necesary a degree. They usually are qualificated workers. For exemple in Aragón, IES Miralbueno has hire workers in the Airport to give lessons on Aircraft Maintenance. EXPERT TEACHERS – EXTERNAL TO EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM

21 26 Professional Families - Catálogo Nacional de Cualificaciones Profesionales. TÍTULOS – basic principles: a)Acording to demand of productive system. b)The proffesional profiles are determinated by qualifications. Information Technologies, language learning, risk prevention, work as a team must be incorporated. PROFESSIONAL FAMILIES


23 FCT is a subject. FCT is studied at the end of the second year. FCT has a duration of 3 months The student is working in a enterprise as any other worker If student has been working in the same area of study for more than two years, then he has not to do FCT. FORMACION EN CENTROS DE TRABAJO (FCT) WORK PLACEMENT TRAINING

24 In all Formative Courses. Shelf employment. Access to labour market. Reinsertion in the labour market. Management of companies. Basic labour laws, labour situations. In one or few subjects (Módulos). These subjects must be aim in order to each Professional Family MANAGEMENT SUBJECTS (MÓDULOS)

25 MÓDULO = SUBJECT Evaluation of each MÓDULO, from 1 to 10 FCT, qualification of suitable or not suitable 4 examination sessions, 2 in FCT. EVALUATION, QUALIFICATION, EXAMINATION SESSION

26 CCAA = Autonomous Comunities = Regions The state make the Degree. Each CCAA can modify the Degree, but they are minimuns. CCAA can increase duration and subjects. VOCATIONAL TRAINING AND CCAA

27 Registration of complete course. Registration in few subjects. Guarantee the students rigth to mobility in CCAA COMPLETE OR PART REGISTRATION

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