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Grzegorz Węcławowicz Toward a competitive and attractive post-industrial cities of Central Europe, in the light of the „ReNewTown” project Warsaw Regional.

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Presentation on theme: "Grzegorz Węcławowicz Toward a competitive and attractive post-industrial cities of Central Europe, in the light of the „ReNewTown” project Warsaw Regional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grzegorz Węcławowicz Toward a competitive and attractive post-industrial cities of Central Europe, in the light of the „ReNewTown” project Warsaw Regional Forum 2011, Functional regions – towards a new paradigm of territorial and cohesion policy W a r s a w R e g i o n a l F o r u m 2 0 1 1 This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.

2 Main issues – presentation’ structure Conceptual background: - industrial and post-industrial cities, - socialist and post-socialist cities, - post 1989’ political and economic transformation, Impact of European integration - urban issues in Poland and in Central Europe, - „New post-socialist city: Competitive and Attractive” ReNewTown project W a r s a w R e g i o n a l F o r u m 2 0 1 1

3 Different concepts of the urban origin  City as a product of economic and political system  City as a product of technique  City as a way of life  City as a vision (architectural, social, political) Different types of the socialist city in Central and Eastern Europe  Cities in the Soviet Union  Cities in the Peoples Republics  Cities in the Third World  Socialist cities in capitalist countries The socialist cities as a product of ideology The post-socialist cities as a product of transformation W a r s a w R e g i o n a l F o r u m 2 0 1 1

4 Research strategies: Search for - distinctiveness of post-socialist evolution in the urban space Search for - different concepts and models of the post- socialist cities Search for – solution of the common challenges and problems W a r s a w R e g i o n a l F o r u m 2 0 1 1

5 The main urban problems in Poland Unemployment, Housing shortage, Technical, and the social communal infrastructures, Increase of social disparities and segregation, The appropriation of public space, The fragmentation of governance and tenure, The formation of the gated communities, W a r s a w R e g i o n a l F o r u m 2 0 1 1

6 Development’ problems of the Central European cities 1.Low comparative position in EU 2.Insufficient functional relationships between cities 3.Insufficient use of the potential to stimulate the country development. 4.Loss of previously fulfilled socio-economic function 5.The threat of settlement system disintegration 6.The persistence of underdevelopments W a r s a w R e g i o n a l F o r u m 2 0 1 1

7 Development’ problems of the Central European cities, cont. 7. Uncontrolled suburbanization and urban sprawl 8. Housing shortage and problems 9. Aging and declining of urban population 10. Improvements in the quality of life 11. Preservation of natural environment 12. Lack of strategic plans and vision W a r s a w R e g i o n a l F o r u m 2 0 1 1

8 Operational programme CENTRAL EUROPE under the European Territorial Cooperation Objective, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

9 What is the CENTRAL EUROPE programme? It is a European Union programme that encourages cooperation among the countries of Central Europe to improve innovation, accessibility and the environment and to enhance the competitiveness and attractiveness of their cities and regions, - financed by the European Regional Development Fund, - runs from 2007 to 2013. Provide funding to trans-national cooperation projects involving public and private organisations from Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia. W a r s a w R e g i o n a l F o r u m 2 0 1 1

10 Funding for cooperation projects covering four thematic priority areas: 1.Facilitating innovation across Central Europe, 2.Improving accessibility to, and within, Central Europe, 3. Using our environment responsibly, 4. Enhancing competitiveness and attractiveness of cities and regions Part of the last priority area represents „our” project: The ReNewTown, New post-socialist city: Competitive and Attractive W a r s a w R e g i o n a l F o r u m 2 0 1 1

11 The ReNewTown project’ partners: Research institutions: Local and regional authorities: W a r s a w R e g i o n a l F o r u m 2 0 1 1

12 The concept of the project comes from the everyday practice of urban areas in Central Europe. Commonly shared problems of the former socialist countries and general questions: What to do with the post-socialist cities, particularly with the post-industrial districts inherited from the socialist era? How to form them more competitive and attractive for people and investment? It is assumed that investigation of the shared problems leading to innovative and efficient solutions. W a r s a w R e g i o n a l F o r u m 2 0 1 1

13 The aims of the project remains an improvements in life quality of urban dwellers and changing the negative stereotype of post industrial districts by: - reduction of social disparities, - reinforcement the feeling of identity with the place of living, - renovation of buildings, formation of the new cultural offer, - creation of meeting places for all, - creation of attractive public space. W a r s a w R e g i o n a l F o r u m 2 0 1 1

14 Main objective of the ReNewTown project create more balanced territorial development by reducing the disparities between districts within towns and cities in Central Europe We focus on reducing these disparities by enhancing the quality in urban area in districts with socialist heritage. The project will create useful instruments to correct the detected weaknesses across Central Europe region and will contribute to improvement the quality of life, work and leisure. W a r s a w R e g i o n a l F o r u m 2 0 1 1

15 Issues and investment strategies The shortage of space for local cultural and social events – the case of ArtZona in Nowa Huta, Kraków, Poland. The poor quality of buildings and public spaces between blocks of flats - the case of Velenje, Slovenia. Low identification with the place of living by local citizens - way of implementing the proposed investments – voluntary work in Velenje, Slovenia. W a r s a w R e g i o n a l F o r u m 2 0 1 1

16 Unemployment and low number of enterprises in the districts – the case of Centre for Small and Medium Enterprises, Jizni Mesto, Prague, Czech Rep. Depressing appearance of socialist architecture - mainly grey and reckless buildings - the case of Velenje (Slovenia), Nowa Huta (Poland) Lack of ideas for new/modern functions for public buildings created in socialist era (1945-1989) – organization of the Museum of Curiosity in Hnusta, Slovakia. Issues and investment strategies, cont. W a r s a w R e g i o n a l F o r u m 2 0 1 1

17 Why investment in the housing estates in the post- industrial cities? 1. It remain as an important element of the urban housing stock for several decades, 2. The majority of the housing has been modernized, 3. The expected revitalisation policy will bring substantial improvement 4. The physical structure and architecture will be modernised and diversified 5. Demographic trends lead to the reduction of population density W a r s a w R e g i o n a l F o r u m 2 0 1 1

18 Products of the project : - General reports, - market research reports, - good practices reports, - pilot actions reports, - handbook of models, - trans-national manual - trans-national „development strategy” - publications (articles, papers, chapters and books) W a r s a w R e g i o n a l F o r u m 2 0 1 1

19 Contact address: Prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Węcławowicz Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, ul. Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warszawa, Poland Home page: Thank you for your attention More information  W a r s a w R e g i o n a l F o r u m 2 0 1 1

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