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EDIT General Meeting Carvoeiro, 23-25 January 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "EDIT General Meeting Carvoeiro, 23-25 January 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDIT General Meeting Carvoeiro, 23-25 January 2008

2 EDIT General Meeting Carvoeiro, 23-25 January 2008 EDIT (Re) Visionary Taxonomy The Internet Platform for Cybertaxonomy Walter Berendsohn

3 EDIT General Meeting Carvoeiro, 23-25 January 2008 Platform for Cybertaxonomy: Long-term Vision The Platform provides taxonomists with tailored full & efficient data access IT tools facilitating fieldwork IT tools for data analysis IT tools for assembly of treatments and makes the generation of reusable data and information an integral and non- obstructive part of the taxonomic work process

4 EDIT General Meeting Carvoeiro, 23-25 January 2008 A new architecture Towards decoupled components Interoperability through the use of standard interfaces Multiple components varying in complexity according to user needs Components may be (desktop or web) applications for human users or a (web) services for machines No single user interface Adaptation to individual institutional IT preconditions Gradual migration of existing installations, integration of existing and future projects Adaptable to new challenges, e.g. Life Watch

5 EDIT General Meeting Carvoeiro, 23-25 January 2008 x

6 EDIT General Meeting Carvoeiro, 23-25 January 2008 Communities Communities delimited by focus on taxon, geo- graphy or application Consist of 1 or more taxonomists and 0 to many technical collaborators Collaborative data management

7 EDIT General Meeting Carvoeiro, 23-25 January 2008 Common Data Model (CDM) Semantic and technical specification covering all core data areas TDWG standards Aim: all data in highly standardised form EDIT Scratchpads for communication and less stringent data collection

8 EDIT General Meeting Carvoeiro, 23-25 January 2008 Community CDM data store Central structured data store for a community CDM programming library (Java; Hibernate & Spring framework, different db systems) APIs and services to communicate with other programs and services

9 EDIT General Meeting Carvoeiro, 23-25 January 2008 Community Dataportal Publishes CDM store Allows annotations Developed with WP6 exemplar groups

10 EDIT General Meeting Carvoeiro, 23-25 January 2008 Who does what? WP6 / Drupal community WP5 with WP6 exemplar group taxonomists WP5 / TDWG community

11 EDIT General Meeting Carvoeiro, 23-25 January 2008 x

12 EDIT General Meeting Carvoeiro, 23-25 January 2008 CDM Transfer Objects Communication between components via CDM Transfer Objects E.g. converter services, but also Scratchpads, data portal, institutional applications, etc. Reusable!

13 EDIT General Meeting Carvoeiro, 23-25 January 2008 Geo services EDIT analytical map services Online GIS Client –Multi species –Targeted at ATBI sites Occurrence2Distribution transformation service Visualisation and analysis services for Dataportal Use of standard services where available

14 EDIT General Meeting Carvoeiro, 23-25 January 2008 Search feeds Search for (e.g.): –Specimens in BioCASe/ Tax –Occurrences in GBIF –References and digital documents in ViTaL –Taxa in Catalogue of Life –Agents in ExpertsDB Subscribe to searches Use any RSS client or the Scratchpads

15 EDIT General Meeting Carvoeiro, 23-25 January 2008 Common security framework Single sign-on for all connected components and services possible Based on widely used international standards Secures web- services & applications Experts database (WP2) forms part of the identity provision Proposal for Life Watch

16 EDIT General Meeting Carvoeiro, 23-25 January 2008 x

17 EDIT General Meeting Carvoeiro, 23-25 January 2008 Personal Components Stand-alone software applications specifically developed for the platform Combine ease of use with taxonomic exactitude Generate re-usable data (CDM) Linked to community platform by means of synchronisation interface

18 EDIT General Meeting Carvoeiro, 23-25 January 2008 EDIT Taxonomic Editor software

19 EDIT General Meeting Carvoeiro, 23-25 January 2008 EDIT Taxonomic Editor

20 EDIT General Meeting Carvoeiro, 23-25 January 2008 EDIT Taxonomic Editor

21 EDIT General Meeting Carvoeiro, 23-25 January 2008 EDIT Taxonomic Editor

22 EDIT General Meeting Carvoeiro, 23-25 January 2008 Expected outcome 2010 A refined consensus Common Data Model (CDM) Exemplar groups provide example for cybertaxonomic work process (reusable, dynamic, standards-based, community consensus) The European Checklist databases (Fauna Europaea, Euro+Med & ERMS) are platform based (PESI Project) and constantly improved Working Platform-based Community websites for several taxa A series of EDIT software products are used by taxonomists and developers of taxonomic software

23 EDIT General Meeting Carvoeiro, 23-25 January 2008 x Integration is... For individual contributors, please see EDIT Website

24 EDIT General Meeting Carvoeiro, 23-25 January 2008.. not a piece of cake

25 EDIT General Meeting Carvoeiro, 23-25 January 2008

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