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Experiences from the QUEST project in Koprivnica, Croatia QUEST workshop in Gavle, 12 March 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Experiences from the QUEST project in Koprivnica, Croatia QUEST workshop in Gavle, 12 March 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Experiences from the QUEST project in Koprivnica, Croatia QUEST workshop in Gavle, 12 March 2013.

2 Introduction Name: Koprivnica The number of inhabitants: 31700 Modal Split: 2010. 67%, 10%bikes, 15% walking, no public transport! Vision for Mobility: „A dynamic town of active citizens enjoying a high quality of life and a wide range of innovative sustainable mobility options”

3 Koprivnica is much more! A ctive promotion of walking and cycling

4 European Mobility Week Award 2007.

5 Where the bicycle is an object of art….

6 ….and sustainable mobility enjoys wide political and public support…


8 The Results of the QUEST Action plan The most important actions and measures included the QUEST Action plan in our city: ●Introduction of sustainable public transport ●Cycling as the first choice of transport means for various purposes ●Walking – more space for pedestrians of all ages

9 1. Public transport ●Size of the city and development trends discouraged it ●Previous experiment failed ●Lack of support at regional and national level ●School bus- obligatory ●Factory bus- used but not very popular ●CIVITAS DYN@MO – one of the measures: two electric mini- buses for the demonstration corridor ●Planning on the regional level through SUMP

10 2.Cycling – well accepted and popular, but… ●Intense construction of cycling tracks ●Cycling programmes at school ●School travel plans ●Business travel plans ●Bicycle stands and shelters ●Cycling events and festivals BUT: ●Reluctance to allow cyclists onto the road ●National restrictions

11 3.Walking – many partners,intense promotion ●Health Paths –result of IEE Active Access ●Strong partnership with NGOs ●School travel plans ●Support of medical professionals BUT: ●Conflicts with cyclists ●Low on political agenda

12 Overcoming challenges ●Engagement of some stakeholders – county level ●We have achieved so much, it is sufficient ●Finances are uncertain, there are other areas of priority -Regional level of decision making is being removed by national legislation; the process will be simplified and more partnerships made -Champions in Croatia, but we can go much further! -Financing is still an issue, but: -International cooperation and financing opportunities CIVITAS DYN@MO, Bicycle Oasis – IPA CBC - National legislation is changing, new priorities are being set, opportunities for funding are opening

13 Lessons learned and benefits of the QUEST project ●New and existing partnerships reinforced ●Public participation benefits everybody involved ●Realistic picture helps in consolidation ●QUEST methodology useful in SUMP process

14 Welcome to Koprivnica!

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