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1 HyLIFT-DEMO European Demonstration of hydrogen powered fuel cell fork lifts.

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1 1 HyLIFT-DEMO European Demonstration of hydrogen powered fuel cell fork lifts

2 2 About HyLIFT-DEMO Large scale demonstration of Fuel Cell Hydrogen (FCH) powered FLTs (Fork Lift Trucks) Two year demonstration: –30 units of 2.5 - 3.5 tons –Fully integrated 3 rd generation fuel cell systems –Hydrogen refuelling infrastructure at three end-user sites (sites tbd) –4,000 hours accelerated laboratory durability tests on life time shock sensitivity vibration climate exposure

3 3 Other HyLIFT-DEMO Objectives Validate value proposition & reaching of commercial and environmental targets –Data acquisition of targets: durability, efficiency and costs for 3 rd generation technology Plan and secure initiation of R&D of 4 th generation commercial products Ensure commercial market deployment of FCH FLTs in Europe by 2013 –Development of suggestions for European / national / regional support mechanisms Identify future Regulation, Codes & Standard needs to enable commercial high volume certification & use of hydrogen powered fuel cell forklifts

4 4 FC FLT Specifications and Targets

5 5 HyLIFT-DEMO Consortium 9 project partners Coordinator: Hubert Landinger, Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik GmbH Website:

6 6 The project partners would like to thank the EC for establishing the New Energy World JTI framework and for supporting this activity. This project is co-financed by funds from the European Commission under FCH-JU-2009-1 Grant Agreement Number 256862. Acknowledgement

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