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CEN WS/BII2 1 Spreading interoperability in eProcurement processes across Europe Open Seminar Brussels December 6, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "CEN WS/BII2 1 Spreading interoperability in eProcurement processes across Europe Open Seminar Brussels December 6, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 CEN WS/BII2 1 Spreading interoperability in eProcurement processes across Europe Open Seminar Brussels December 6, 2012

2 CEN WS/BII2 Future steps Jostein Frømyr, CEN/BII Vice Chair The way forward: CEN/BII 3, and its future role in the European Landscape. 2

3 CEN WS/BII2 Are we not finished yet? We know that the deliverables of BII1 are in operational use. We know that the deliverables from BII2 are in the process of being implemented. We have heard from our Team Leads that there are still Issues to be addressed. No we are not yet done – we need to secure the continued relevance of the BII work! 3

4 CEN WS/BII2 What needs to be done? Provide increased value to the BII user community by 1. Providing a focal point for governance and securing the continued relevance of the existing BII deliverables 2. Filling the gaps to ensure that all relevant aspects of eProcurement are covered 3. Encourage increased adoption through capacity building 4

5 CEN WS/BII2 How? 5 CEN WS/BII3 CWA 16558: BII Architecture CWA 16559: BII Tender Notification profile CWA 16560: BII Use of profiles in the tendering process CWA 16561: BII eCatalogue profiles CWA 16562: BII Post Award profiles CWA 16558: Business Interoperability Interfaces for Public procurement in Europe CEN TC? Other standards body? Private organization?

6 CEN WS/BII2 Increasing the scope? 6 B usiness G overnment C onsumer Interactions Increased interest by the private sector Some new functionality required Facilitate efficiency in the private sector

7 CEN WS/BII2 Governance Provide support for change and release management during the duration of the workshop. This will include development of hands-on instructions / guidelines for internal LCM & Governance. Follow and monitor the outcome of the “research” by the European Commission and implement required changes in the BII deliverables: Report by the expert group on eTendering Golden Book by PWC (best practices in Europe) Report on monitor and benchmarking by IDC/Gap Gemini Establish a blueprint for a continued support organization beyond CEN WS/BII3, in coordination with initiatives such as eSense, CEF, etc. 7

8 CEN WS/BII2 Capacity building Take the opportunity of the Workshops being organized in Member States to provide capacity building seminars to national ministries, public entities, ERP vendors/providers, system integrators, private enterprises, developers, etc. Topics covered is expected to include: Implementation strategies at national as well as enterprise level Review of selected profiles How to implement Lessons learned from practical use 8

9 CEN WS/BII2 Self-conformance statements Establishing a registry of self-conformance statements (i.e. a list of all national formats related to BII with a clear indication of the differences from the “original” BII work). Such a registry will provide for Monitoring implementations Foster convergence through visibility 9

10 CEN WS/BII2 Coordination with other initiatives Continue the active coordination with other European and/or national initiatives in order to synchronize European business requirements (E.g. GS1 in Europe, CEN WS/eCAT, CEN GITB, BMEcat, eCl@ss, the German process initiative REPROC, etc.), in particular by: Inviting participation and submission of requirements Encouraging liaisons (cross-participation) 10

11 CEN WS/BII2 Coordination with other initiatives Continue the active support to international initiatives to ensure that these initiatives provide support for European business requirements (e.g. UN/CEFACT, UBL, GS1 ) Ensuring active participation through nominated representatives Focusing work on concrete and specific topics of mutual interest (e.g. the realization of the Business Document Envelope) 11

12 CEN WS/BII2 Preparing the business plan ActivityWhen Draft for circulation in BII2December 20, 2012 Final draft published by CENJanuary 20, 2013 Grant applicationEnd of January 2013 Kick-off meetingBarcelona Back-to-back with eProcrement conference in second half of March 2013 12 A detailed business plan for BII3 is under preparation.

13 CEN WS/BII2 13 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! 13 I encourage you all to join us in BII3!

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