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ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by.

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Presentation on theme: "ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by."— Presentation transcript:

1 ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme for Research ETIS+ knowledge base Data viewing and retrieval Poul Grashoff, Demis bv

2 ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme for Research 5/11/2012 Final Workshop ETIS+ 2 What is the ETIS+ KB? Knowledge base with on-line viewing and editing of transport related information, consisting of:  Transport document repository  Registered users have edit rights & access to the restricted documents  Viewing / editing of OD flow and regional data  Viewing / editing of network node/link data and topology  Bulk download location when data are final Knowledge base with on-line viewing and editing of transport related information, consisting of:  Transport document repository  Registered users have edit rights & access to the restricted documents  Viewing / editing of OD flow and regional data  Viewing / editing of network node/link data and topology  Bulk download location when data are final

3 ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme for Research Access to the knowledge base Public (anonymous access)Public (anonymous access)  Public document repository & portal  OD flow and regional data viewer (table / chart / map)  Network node/link attribute data thematic maps & tables  Bulk data download links when data are final Registered user access (partners)Registered user access (partners)  Restricted document repositories  Editing of table data by check-out/-in  Editing of network data and topology in GIS 5/11/2012 Final Workshop ETIS+ 3

4 ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme for Research Parameter  Location  Time  e.g. 3 dimensional cube ETIS+ KB status Tabular data for 2005 and 2010 have been uploaded and are now being validated Final network data are now available, the on-line viewer/editor ETISNetter is in the proces of being updated to the latetst version. Software for editing/viewing is complete 5/11/2012 Final Workshop ETIS+ 4

5 ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme for Research Check in / outCheck in / out External data store External data store External data store External data store External data store External data store Extraction Transformation Scrubbing Example of data cubes Viewing of data TableMapChart MDB TXT XLS Data dictionary Header Data Exchange formats ETISPLUS knowledge base design Bulk data upload ETIS-PLUS KB Collection Data wiki: Check-in / check-out MS SQL server based with a multidimensional data model approach for flexibility 5

6 ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme for Research 2. Tabled Data Warehouse Contains OD flows and regional data tables Based on a multidimensional data model Visualisation of data as tables / charts / thematic maps DATA-WIKI: Community of registered users can edit data via the check-out / check-in procedure (just like a source safe) Metadata is based on Dublin core ++ History is stored of data and people responsible 6

7 ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme for Research Editing table data: check-out-check-in mechanism 7 1. Check-out (and download) data 2. Edit and save data locally 3. Check-in data

8 ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme for Research View 1 Data Space View 2 Views are orthogonal slices through multidimensional data cubes Spatial and temporal slices through the data are most common Viewing multi-dimensional (tabled) data 8

9 ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme for Research Table overview 5/11/2012 9

10 ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme for Research Viewing options for table data Flat view – listing of table records. Cube view – data slice in 2 selected dimensions for columns/rows. Chart view – series and categories for line/bar/column charts Map view – thematic maps for a single selected geo-dimension 5/11/2012 Final Workshop ETIS+ 10

11 ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme for Research Flat view air freight by OD Flat view air freight by OD 5/11/2012 Final Workshop ETIS+ 11

12 ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme for Research Cube view air freight by OD Cube view air freight by OD 5/11/2012 Final Workshop ETIS+ 12

13 ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme for Research Chart view air freight Finland-Holland Chart view air freight Finland-Holland 5/11/2012 Final Workshop ETIS+ 13

14 ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme for Research Thematic map air freight Finland-Holland Thematic map air freight Finland-Holland 5/11/2012 Final Workshop ETIS+ 14

15 ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme for Research Missing data versus zero values Real zero values (white) shown separately from missing values (transparent) Real zero values (white) shown separately from missing values (transparent) 15

16 ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme for Research Network viewing and editing ETIS-NETTER:  Final network node and link data have been received, in process of uploading  Is fully operational and now also used in RETRACK for corridor data editing  Functionality is the same as in the WorldNet editor “WorldNetter” 5/11/2012 Final Workshop ETIS+ 16

17 ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme for Research Network node and link data 5/11/2012 Final Workshop ETIS+ 17

18 ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme for Research Retrack corridor red/green Retrack corridor red/green 5/11/2012 Final Workshop ETIS+ 18

19 ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme for Research Network Editing tool thematic maps example:  Link color used for maximum speed (km/h)  Link width used for Freight Tonnage Count (T) thematic maps example:  Link color used for maximum speed (km/h)  Link width used for Freight Tonnage Count (T) 19

20 ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme for Research Retrieval of data Table data:  Direct in ETIS-VIEW for selections of data (MS Access; MS Excel)  Bulk download site on Data tab (once data is final, MS Access / CSV) Network data and topology  On bulk download site, updated automatically when necessary as other projects are also using ETIS-NETTER 5/11/2012 Final Workshop ETIS+ 20

21 ETIS+: European Transport Policy Information System - Development and Implementation of Data Collection Methodology for EU Transport Modelling Funded by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Programme for Research “Bulk data” download site Full dataset in MS SQL server format (compressed to reduce file size) with HTTP link pointing to FTP site (i.e. anonymous access is allowed) Upon request (and provision of IP adress) access to the FTP site itself (e.g. in case http download fails due to the file size) 5/11/2012 Final Workshop ETIS+ 21

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