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G lobal E nergy S ystems © GES 2009. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe Hydrogen.

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Presentation on theme: "G lobal E nergy S ystems © GES 2009. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe Hydrogen."— Presentation transcript:

1 G lobal E nergy S ystems © GES 2009

2 Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe Hydrogen burns without creating any pollution, by recombining with oxygen to form pure water Hydrogen burns without creating any pollution, by recombining with oxygen to form pure water += Hydrogen can augment or replace most other types of combustion fuel Hydrogen can augment or replace most other types of combustion fuel Hydrogen Power

3 History of Hydrogen Power Until now, hydrogen power use was: Inefficient, not cost-effective Inefficient, not cost-effective Difficult or slow to produce Difficult or slow to produce Created pollution during production Created pollution during production Difficult to deliver to end user Difficult to deliver to end user

4 History Yesterday’s science mistakenly viewed hydrogen production as an inefficient process, simply because they were using methods which caused the second law of thermodynamics to limit their ability to produce hydrogen from water.

5 History Most methods of producing pure hydrogen for fuel were either slow, expensive, complex, used some form of fossil fuel as a source, or produced environmental pollutants. 2003 U.S. figures

6 History It was believed that an extensive infrastructure was required to deliver compressed H 2 to the end user.

7 Present The demand for clean fuel is so great that the leading automakers are manufacturing hydrogen cars in advance of adequate H 2 sources.

8 Present City buses, military vehicles, and even postal service fleet cars are now being run on hydrogen.

9 Breakthrough New ways of producing hydrogen have been developed to meet the rapidly rising global demand New ways of producing hydrogen have been developed to meet the rapidly rising global demand Global Energy Systems has exclusive licensing rights to the most exciting development in hydrogen science Global Energy Systems has exclusive licensing rights to the most exciting development in hydrogen science Pure hydrogen can now be produced rapidly and inexpensively on site Pure hydrogen can now be produced rapidly and inexpensively on site

10 Hydrogen On-Demand The system being licensed by GES easily produces pure H 2 from any kind of water, even seawater The system being licensed by GES easily produces pure H 2 from any kind of water, even seawater The H 2 is produced rapidly within the system, eliminating the need for a cumbersome infrastructure to deliver compressed hydrogen to market The H 2 is produced rapidly within the system, eliminating the need for a cumbersome infrastructure to deliver compressed hydrogen to market Large quantities of H 2 are produced using only a small input of energy Large quantities of H 2 are produced using only a small input of energy

11 Hydrogen On-Demand The unique technology offered by GES solves every major drawback of the use of hydrogen as a fuel: Efficiency – extremely high energy return Efficiency – extremely high energy return Quantity – nearly unlimited production Quantity – nearly unlimited production Sustainability – by-product is clean water Sustainability – by-product is clean water Availability – instant on-site delivery Availability – instant on-site delivery Practicality – retro-fit any combustion engine Practicality – retro-fit any combustion engine

12 Hydrogen On-Demand A hydrogen production unit sized from as small as a car battery to as large as a small chest freezer will produce from 25.8 liters/min to 2,500 liters/sec of pure H 2 with only 100w to 4800w of input. We have made quantum leaps that improve even these phenomenal results. Would you like to know more?

13 Future The potential applications for this technology are endless: Automobiles and trucking Automobiles and trucking Heavy equipment Heavy equipment Marine and aviation Marine and aviation Medical–grade gases Medical–grade gases Power plants and generators Power plants and generators Household appliances Household appliances Desalinization plants which actually produce energy instead of consume it Desalinization plants which actually produce energy instead of consume it

14 Opportunity This system is not a theory, it is a working product which has been tested and proven by some of the world’s leading scientists, and their reports are available for prospective licensees. GES engineers will personally assist in the development of our product for any use desired. Licensing for specific applications are now available on this cutting-edge technology. Industry-specific Industry-specific Regional Regional Global Global We have also developed other revolutionary energy technologies unrelated to hydrogen production, including electro-magnetic generators second to none on the earth.

15 Contact All inquiries should be directed to: © GES 2009 Press “Escape” key to end slide show. © GES 2009

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