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A quick write is think time… therefore: Write nonstop Write nonstop (Our 1 st idea is often not our best; let’s get to the good stuff!) Don’t worry about.

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Presentation on theme: "A quick write is think time… therefore: Write nonstop Write nonstop (Our 1 st idea is often not our best; let’s get to the good stuff!) Don’t worry about."— Presentation transcript:

1 A quick write is think time… therefore: Write nonstop Write nonstop (Our 1 st idea is often not our best; let’s get to the good stuff!) Don’t worry about writing conventions Don’t worry about writing conventions (Who has time to think about spelling when writing nonstop?) If you get stuck… ask yourself: If you get stuck… ask yourself: What is an example of this in history? What is an example of this in history? How does this affect my life? How does this affect my life? Why do I think this? Why do I think this? … and then keep writing … and then keep writing Quick Write Introduction

2 Quick-Write Directions Respond in writing to the following prompt: Write Prompt here. Include direction reminder & time limit. Write Prompt here. Include direction reminder & time limit. (2 min.) (2 min.) Write nonstop without concern for writing conventions. The writing is a thinking tool and the time is strictly for thinking.

3 Pair-Share Protocol 1. Locate your partner. Number yourselves #1 and #2--#1s speak first. 2. Demonstrate respect by listening actively and being courteous (four L’s plus “thanks”) : *Look: face partner, make eye contact *Lean: lean forward and nod as appropriate. *Listen: demonstrate listening by repeating (some of), summarizing or commenting on what your partner said before you speak. *Low Voice: use a partner voice—loud enough for your partner but not others, to hear. *Thanks: Thank your partner for sharing his/her ideas. Be prepared to share either your own or your partner’s idea.

4 Pair Share Partner #1 = first speaker Write Prompt here. Include time limit. Objective: Write Prompt here. Include time limit. (Be sure to use the 4 L’s plus thank you.) Partner #2 = first listener Objective: Write listening objective direction here. reverse roles Be prepared for a brief discussion…

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