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2008 Auxiliary Boat Crew Qualification Examiner Workshop Qualification Examiners 1 st District Northern Region March 2008 Presentations will be available.

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Presentation on theme: "2008 Auxiliary Boat Crew Qualification Examiner Workshop Qualification Examiners 1 st District Northern Region March 2008 Presentations will be available."— Presentation transcript:

1 2008 Auxiliary Boat Crew Qualification Examiner Workshop Qualification Examiners 1 st District Northern Region March 2008 Presentations will be available at on the ‘QE Corner’ page

2 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 2 Welcome! Over the next few hours, we will look at our past activities and the road ahead, we will review some key areas that the field suggests need training, and discuss some issues that we can only cover as a whole group. Your facilitator: Ned Kroeker, CQEC

3 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 3 Focus Today on… …Auxiliary Operations Policy, and the Maritime SAR Assistance Policy as it relates to Auxiliary  Needed for any checkrides, and for dockside examinations  QEs should be highly knowledgeable  Station QEs may not be aware from the Auxiliary perspective

4 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 4 Why the focus?  Currency checkride candidates need to be quizzed to insure knowledge needed for their certification level … old habits die hard, especially in the Auxiliary (New coxswain candidates now take written test)  Consistent quizzing needs to be performed across the district for all candidates

5 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 5 Crewmember currency checkride: Coxswain currency checkride:

6 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 6 Today’s Agenda 0900Pre-workshop quiz 0915-0930Introduction and some other business 09302007 in Review/2008 Preview -1045BCQP Process Review -1045BCQP Process Review (1030-1045 break) 1045-1200Policy Workshop: Auxiliary Operations and MSAP 1200Pre-workshop quiz answers handed out (1200-1245 lunch on-site) 1245-1300Remarks from guests 1300-QE Currency and Reappointment -1430QE Governance -1430QE Governance 1430-1445OTO remarks (items not previously covered) (1445-1500 break) 1500-Discussions: 2007 Checkride Experience; QE Job Aids; QEs and Training -1600Workshop Evaluation -1600Workshop Evaluation 1600Adjourn

7 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 7 The Auxiliary Boat Crew Training Manual is the first resource for any questions on “how” the Boat Crew Qualification Program works. The ‘Standard’ ABCTM Reminder…

8 2007 In Review & 2008 Preview Qualification Examiners 1 st District Northern Region March 2008

9 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 9 Changes in ABCTM 2007 was the first year of the ABCTM revision  3-year currency checkride for all  Annual 1 Hour TCT Refresher  NavRules expiration on anniversary, not year end

10 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 10 2007 Changes in D1NR  QE reporting of checkride results Reports are made directly to CQEC Reports are made directly to CQEC Members receive confirmation Members receive confirmation  DIRAUX delegation of BCQP AUXDATA handling CQEC handles REYR, initial qualification, currency entry CQEC handles REYR, initial qualification, currency entry Members receive confirmation Members receive confirmation  Active Duty QE appointments Stations solicited for recommendations in July ‘07 Stations solicited for recommendations in July ‘07 Active Duty QE result reporting greatly improved Active Duty QE result reporting greatly improved

11 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 11 2007 Changes in QEs  3 QEs departed the QE corps  2 new QEs appointed after pre-appointment checkride with OTO Bart Gaugh Div 9 Bart Gaugh Div 9 Bob Larkin Div 9 Bob Larkin Div 9 Current Auxiliary QE count is 30. Current Active Duty QE count is 21.

12 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 12 2008 Changes in QEs  5 QEs in REYR (two corrected now, one still has longstanding coxswain qual issues, two others missing required items)  2 additional QEs with Instructor status in REYR  3 QEs in training ready for pre-appointment checkride Luke Williams Div 1 Luke Williams Div 1 Joe Antanavich Div 3 Joe Antanavich Div 3 Richard King Div 11 Richard King Div 11  Transition this year to the formal ABCTM QE selection process

13 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 13 Active Duty QEs  NNE: Eastport: 1  NNE: South Portland: 5  BOS: Merrimack River: 3  BOS: Gloucester: 3  BOS: Pt Allerton: 2  SENE: Chatham: 3  SENE: Woods Hole: 2  SENE: Provincetown: 2

14 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 14 Incident Command System  Complete transition has now been made to the USCG requirement  Any existing crew or coxswains were placed in REYR February 2008 if courses were not recorded  Reporting remains the weak link (member doesn’t report or something fails in the overall system)  Use the pre-checkride Check Lists

15 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 15 2007 New Qualifications Div 1 Div 2 Div 3 Div 4 Div 5 Div 6 Div 7 Div 8 Div 9 Div 10 Div 11 Div 12 Cox1528 Crew61751232330 38 Initial Qualification Checkrides (only successful checkrides known)

16 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 16 End of 2007 BCQP Members (prior to 2008 REYR processing) Div 1 Div 2 Div 3 Div 4 Div 5 Div 6 Div 7 Div 8 Div 9 Div 10 Div 11 Div 12 Cox1432151215141058192820192 Crew216518315233331722275141411 Div 1 Div 2 Div 3 Div 4 Div 5 Div 6 Div 7 Div 8 Div 9 Div 10 Div 11 Div 12 Cox 14224210130525 Crew 3122791367255980 BCQP Members in REYR as of March 9, 2008

17 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 17 2007 Currency Checkrides Div 1 Div 2 Div 3 Div 4 Div 5 Div 6 Div 7 Div 8 Div 9 Div 10 Div 11 Div 12 Cox512913212612861 Crew5194412666761610101 162 Currency Checkrides (only successful checkrides known)

18 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 18 2007 QE “Checkrides” 29 Active Duty QEs 12 Audette, Bernstein, Roderick 11 Milone, Pearce 10Potter 9 MacIsaac, Rivest 8 Armstrong, Bloomquist, Bornstein, Cotter 7Auchy6 Farren, Gianni, Leibovitz 4 P. Pendergast, Kroeker 3 Anderson, Lambert, Snowman 2 Eggleston, Haig, Kunz, G. Pendergast 1Levangie 0 Griffith, Quinn Not qual Lipousky, Lehmkuhl Caveats: based on candidates reported; QE missions not under control of QE; members do other operational tasks including underway training; unsuccessful checkride missions not known; QE-In-Training not shown. This is reference only.

19 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 19 The Look Ahead 2007 1 2008 2 2009 3 Cox613890 Crew10177211 Total162115301 1 includes only successful checkrides 2 includes rollover of missed currency checkrides from 2007 3 Summer 2009 will include a very large Boston marine event Numbers do not include initial qualification work

20 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 20 Graphical View by year, by division Currency Checkrides

21 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 21 QE Locations Future QE QE USCG Stations

22 BCQP Process Review … and some topics that members might ask you about Qualification Examiners 1 st District Northern Region March 2008

23 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 23 BCQP Process (in one page!)  Member trains on all tasks, performs for mentor signoff  Checkride checklist verified  QE performs dockside examination  QE evaluates underway checkride  QE reports results to CQEC  CQEC validates all requirements, enters into AUXDATA, notifies OTO for letter/certificate to member, confirms to QE and member.

24 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 24 BCQP 3-Year Currency  QE evaluates underway checkride  QE reports results to CQEC  CQEC validates all requirements, enters into AUXDATA, confirms to QE and member. There is no formal letter.

25 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 25 “QE reports results to CQEC”  Send email or postal mail directly to Ned Kroeker, CQEC  Candidate name, Member #, date(s) of underway checkride, vessel(s) used for underway checkride, tow target vessel(s) used, statement that candidate has a positive recommendation for certification  Don’t delay after checkride

26 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 26 QE Expectation  You’ll get an email confirmation when a candidate has been processed (as will the candidate! [if they have a valid email recorded in AUXDATA] )  If you don’t receive a confirmation within 2 weeks, follow up: first with CQEC, then with OTO  Normal response time is 24-72 hours after receipt of QE notification

27 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 27 Candidate Status  Entry of BCQP certification status into AUXDATA represents OTO certification. POMS will have that info within 24 hours after AUXDATA entry  Candidate may act under orders using certification as of the AUXDATA entry and POMS receipt of that entry  Candidate does not need to wait for printed letter and certificate to wend their way through Auxiliary channels

28 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 28 REYR handling  REYR removal can take more time to process  Required underway hours as trainee (if needed) must have gone through POMS and AUXDATA and be fully entered  All needed items (including underway time) WILL be verified  Even if checkride was final element, it may take calendar time for U/W hours to get into system locally

29 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 29 REYR handling  If REYR status involves a checkride, QE reporting of checkride status will trigger review of REYR status  All other REYR items require formal request (AFTER the item(s) is/are entered into AUXDATA) to the OTO by the candidate’s Flotilla Commander  Sometimes the CQEC will notice the completion of requirements and will take early action on REYR, but don’t depend on this!

30 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 30 Please Avoid REYR  Always emphasize to members that it is FAR, FAR easier for everybody to fulfill requirements rather than do “makeup”. A lot of people must spend volunteer time to handle REYR updates for a single member, time that could be spent on other Auxiliary activities.

31 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 31 Temporary Status for Health  If a member won’t be able to fulfill requirements due to a limited duration health issue, they can request a temporary deferral through the OTO.  This only delays, not eliminates, requirements, and suspends their current certification.  This should be done in ADVANCE of REYR, not after-the-fact.

32 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 32 Your Own QE Status (Auxiliary QEs)  Maintain your Coxswain qualification (watch your NavRules expiration!)  Maintain your Instructor qualification  Take 8-Hour TCT class every 2 years (make sure you indicated “QE” on roster!!)

33 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 33 Underway Time for QEs (Auxiliary QEs)  On QE underway missions, you should be listed on the patrol orders as crew…but you should not be part of the minimum crew count.  If you choose to submit separate missions for Category 7C, QE Underway, you must make sure the SO-IS for the vessel involved in the patrol manually removes your name from the AUXDATA crew reporting.

34 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 34 The “I can’t get Patrol Orders in POMS” Question  This nearly always means a certification problem or a facility inspection problem in AUXDATA  The underlying problem must be fixed in AUXDATA, not POMS  This requires DIRAUX-staff resolution, not an Auxiliary IS issue or a Sector Ops issue …BUT… Auxiliary IS staff can help in identifying the underlying problem  Once fixed, it will still take up to 24 hours to get into POMS

35 2008 QE Workshop USCG Auxiliary 1st District Northern Region 35 Q & A

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