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Agriculture Science of growing plants and raising animals.

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2 Agriculture Science of growing plants and raising animals

3 3 Major Items From Agriculture Food Fiber Clothes Trees Shelter

4 Ag Careers Over 400 careers in agriculture Agriculture careers project

5 20 Ag Facts 1. # of farms in WI - 78,000 2. $ of ag economic activity in WI - $60 billion 3. Ag industry rank in WI - 1 st 4. % of WI workforce in ag - 12%

6 20 Ag Facts 5. Ave. farmer produces enough for - 155 people 6. Ave. WI farm size - 195 acres 7. # of WI dairy farms - 12,000 8. # of WI dairy cows - 1.3 million

7 20 Ag Facts 9. WI produces what % of U.S. milk - 14% 10. WI produces what % of U.S. butter - 25% 11. WI rank in cheese - 1 st 12. Pizzas that can be made with WI mozzarella - Over 1 billion/year

8 20 Ag Facts 13. # of farm raised turkeys in WI - 6 million 14. # of farm raised eggs in WI - 1.3 billion 15. WI rank in cranberries - 1 st 16. WI rank in sweet corn - 3 rd

9 20 Ag Facts 17. WI rank in peas - 3 rd 18. WI rank in carrots - 3 rd 19. WI yearly honey harvest - 4.5 million lbs 20. WI yearly Christmas tree harvest - 3 million

10 20 Ag Facts – Tie Breakers How many cheeseburgers would you have to eat every day to eat the same amount of feed as a full grown dairy cow? How many gallons of blood passes through a cow’s udder to produce 1 gallon of milk?

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