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Ee cummings Our Prayer Poet!. Background Grew up in Massachusetts and went to Harvard Developed his individual side early Imprisoned in a French detention.

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Presentation on theme: "Ee cummings Our Prayer Poet!. Background Grew up in Massachusetts and went to Harvard Developed his individual side early Imprisoned in a French detention."— Presentation transcript:

1 ee cummings Our Prayer Poet!

2 Background Grew up in Massachusetts and went to Harvard Developed his individual side early Imprisoned in a French detention camp Went to Paris to study art Difficult love life reflected in changing tone of poems – Had affair with mentor’s wife: child, marriage, divorce – Married again: angry divorce – Third marriage: happiness again

3 Poems Cummings experimented radically with form, punctuation, spelling and syntax, abandoning traditional techniques and structures to create a new, highly idiosyncratic means of poetic expression. Changed the usage of words and even their meaning Played with capitalization, spacing and placement

4 l(a leaf falls)oneliness

5 Humanity i love you because you would rather black the boots of success than enquire whose soul dangles from his watch-chain which would be embarrassing for both parties and because you unflinchingly applaud all songs containing the words country home and mother when sung at the old howard Humanity i love you because when you're hard up you pawn your intelligence to buy a drink and when you're flush pride keeps you from the pawn shop and because you are continually committing nuisances but more especially in your own house Humanity i love you because you are perpetually putting the secret of life in your pants and forgetting it's there and sitting down on it and because you are forever making poems in the lap of death Humanity i hate you

6 Emphasized being an individual instead of being a part of the mass of “humanity” “Poetry and every other art was and is and forever will be strictly and distinctly a question of individuality….Nobody else can be alive for you; nor can you be alive for anybody else.” “To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best day and night to make you like everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting.”

7 since feeling is first who pays any attention to the syntax of things will never wholly kiss you; wholly to be a fool while Spring is in the world my blood approves, and kisses are a better fate than wisdom lady i swear by all flowers. Don't cry - the best gesture of my brain is less than your eyelids' flutter which says we are for each other; then laugh, leaning back in my arms for life's not a paragraph And death i think is no parenthesis

8 Not just a Modernist… cummings also harkened back to many of the ideas from the Romantics and Transcendentalists He loved nature and used lots of nature imagery in his poems He dealt often with the idea of love and rebirth He challenged his readers to truly feel joy in being alive Took old Romantic ideas and made them new by putting them into a new form

9 NOTHING IS SO DIFFICULT AS TO BE ALIVE!!!!!! which is the ONLY THING WHICH YOU CANNOT LEARN ever,from anyone,anywhere: it must come out of you;and it never can,until you have KNOCKED DOWN AND CARRIED OUT all the teachable swill of Cambridge. “I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance” “Unbeing dead isn't being alive.”

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