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1 ISD Independent School Districts. 2 HHSC Time Study Unit Ray Wilson – Manager Beverly Tackett – Lead Alexandra Young – Rate Analyst 512-491-1715 E-Mail.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ISD Independent School Districts. 2 HHSC Time Study Unit Ray Wilson – Manager Beverly Tackett – Lead Alexandra Young – Rate Analyst 512-491-1715 E-Mail."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ISD Independent School Districts

2 2 HHSC Time Study Unit Ray Wilson – Manager Beverly Tackett – Lead Alexandra Young – Rate Analyst 512-491-1715 E-Mail Address:

3 3 Educational or Direct Medical? Medical Includes:  Personal Care Services - Activities that do require human intervention to accomplish the tasks the student would normally do for themselves if they did not have a disability or chronic medical condition, such as: Hands on assistance Monitoring Cueing  Medical services that require a skilled, trained professional Psychological services Counseling services OT, PT, Speech, etc. and evaluations

4 4 Educational or Direct Medical?  Educational Services Include: Reading/English/Language Arts Writing Mathematics Science Social studies Physical education Electives Activities that do not require human intervention to accomplish the task the student would normally do for themselves if they did not have a disability or chronic medical condition Reading Writing Arithmetic

5 5 Educational vs. Direct Medical A teacher helping a student solve a math problem that they are having difficulty understanding. A PCSP is assisting a student solve a math problem by providing hand over hand assistance using a calculator. A teacher demonstrating sounding out words during a reading lesson. A Speech Therapist is working with a student on an articulation exercise. A teacher in an inclusion class is teaching a Social Studies lesson. A teacher’s aide is monitoring and cueing students in an inclusion class during a Social Studies lesson to stay seated.

6 6 Educational vs. Direct Medical A Licensed Specialist in School Psychology providing academic counseling to a student A Licensed Specialist in School Psychology providing relaxation therapy to a student as part of their defined BIP A Nurse teaching students in a health class the benefits of proper hand washing A Nurse assisting a diabetic student in washing their hands prior to checking their blood sugar A PCSP in the cafeteria monitoring all students A PCSP in the cafeteria cueing a student to swallow between bites during lunch

7 7 Educational Moments Examples of responses to Educational moments on a student’s IEP. Working on reading a brailled storybook.. WhoWhyDoing What Student, Special Ed (Age 3-20) To provide an educational service as defined on a student's IEP Student, Special Ed (Age 3-20) To provide an educational service as defined on a student’s IEP I was assisting a student with putting 3 words in alphabetical order. I was monitoring the student placing her magic pebbles on an alphabet strip of the beginning letter of each word. Student then was to write the words in ABC order according to the pebbles on the alphabet strip. Student, Special Ed Lifeskills (Age 3- 20) I was using the Edmark reading program with a student. She was reading to me. District Staff Teacher To provide an educational service as defined on a student’s IEP I was working with teacher regarding math help To provide an educational service as defined on a student’s IEP

8 8 Educational Moments Examples of responses to Educational moments NOT on a student’s IEP. We were in attendance for our schools Veteran's Day Program in the cafeteria. WhoWhyDoing What Student, Special Ed Lifeskills (Age 3- 20) To provide an educational service NOT defined on a student's IEP Student, Special Ed (Age 3-20) To provide an educational service NOT defined on a student’s IEP I was accompanying a student to physical education after having been for a nurse visit to check a medication issue. No One/Alone I was in my room writing my TPO, three part objective, on my board before my first period resource class started. The TPO was about solving for the hypotenuse of a right triangle using Pythagorean Theorem. Student (Multiple) To provide an educational service NOT defined on a student’s IEP I was assisting my class with packing up materials, completing work and getting ready to go to lunch. To provide an educational service NOT defined on a student’s IEP

9 9 Direct Medical Moments Examples of responses to Direct Medical moments on a student’s IEP. WhoWhyDoing What Student, Special Ed Lifeskills (Age 3- 20) To provide a direct medical service as defined on a student's IEP Ordering food at a restaurant using a communication device. Student needed cueing to use communication device and cuing to wipe mouth during meal.. Student, Special Ed (Age 3-20) To provide a direct medical service as defined on a student's IEP I was doing range of motion stretches for a student with Cerebral Palsy and showing the teacher assistant how to carry this out. Student, (Multiple) I was working with one of speech therapy students. Her disability is a fluency disorder (stuttering) and I was providing therapy. District Staff Teacher To provide a direct medical service as defined on a student's IEP Preparing before class teaching materials for our 5 th grade special ed students that require specialized hands on learning. To provide a direct medical service as defined on a student's IEP

10 10 Direct Medical Moments Examples of responses to Direct Medical moments NOT on a student’s IEP. WhoWhyDoing What Student, Special Ed Lifeskills (Age 3-20) To provide a direct medical service NOT defined on a student's IEP Providing student redirection. Intervention for student behavior. Maintaining safety in the classroom. Student, Not Special Ed To provide a direct medical service NOT defined on a student's IEP Student visit clinic with complaint of sore throat and temperature was checked and throat examined. Assessment done and student sent back to class Student AND Family Special Ed Student In family therapy session with student and mom. Student (Multiple) To provide a direct medical service NOT defined on a student's IEP Testing students visual acuity with a snellen eye chart.. To provide a direct medical service NOT defined on a student's IEP

11 11 Time Study Contacts Time Study 512-491-1715 Beverly Tackett (Lead) Alexandra Young E-mail Address Time Study Web site:

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