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/r/ sentences I will run a race. Is it raining? Rats like to eat cheese.

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Presentation on theme: "/r/ sentences I will run a race. Is it raining? Rats like to eat cheese."— Presentation transcript:


2 /r/ sentences I will run a race.

3 Is it raining? Rats like to eat cheese.

4 Sit and Rest awhile. Ron likes to Read.

5 Can you reach the cookies? This road is bumpy.

6 Are you ready to go? The read roses are lovely.

7 Did Rick see the Robin? Ruth will rake the leaves.

8 The rusty rocket is old. Please eat the raisins.

9 Rachel’s room is messy. My raccoon ran away.

10 Is it time for recess? The rent is due now.

11 Roxy has a ruby ring. Do you like roast beef?

12 Is that rash poison ivy? Ray wrapped the gift.

13 The roof is leaky. My blouse has ruffles.

14 Please pass the relish. Rabbits are good pets.

15 His pants have a rip. I really like radishes.

16 Is this the right one? Ripe bananas taste the best.

17 Mom got a pay raise. Randy runs fast.

18 The radio is really loud. What a beautiful rainbow!

19 A snake is a reptile. Please follow the rules.

20 Can you row the boat? It’s time to relax.

21 Do you play rugby? You can rely on me!

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