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Decoding/Word Attack 5th Grade: Lesson 12

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1 Decoding/Word Attack 5th Grade: Lesson 12
Structural Analysis Prefixes re-,un-, non-

2 Listen to me read this word:
unwise How many syllables are in the word unwise? Where should this word be divided? un/wise What is the prefix in this word? un What is the root word? wise

3 Listen to me read this word:
nonflammable How many syllables are in the word nonflammable? Where should this word be divided? non/flam/ma/ble What is the prefix in this word? non Notice that non was the first syllable in this word. Prefixes such as re-, un-, or non- are always the first syllable in a word that has a prefix.

4 Let’s practice together
Look at the words below. With your partner break each word into syllables and then read the word. When asked, be ready to tell how many syllables are in the word and identify the prefix. reconsider re con sid er uninformed un in formed nonproductive non pro duc tive

5 Try it on your own As you read today be on the lookout for words that have the prefixes re-, un-, and/or non-. Find four examples of these words and write them in your journal. BUT watch out!!! Every word that begins with re-, un, or non- does not necessarily mean it has a prefix (think of the words really, reason, and none- these begin with re and non- but re and non aren’t forming a separate syllable and aren’t a prefix in these words!!)

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