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Characteristics of Living Things (organisms)

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Presentation on theme: "Characteristics of Living Things (organisms)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Characteristics of Living Things (organisms)
1. All living things are made of cells A cell is the smallest living unit that can carry out life processes Living things can be 1 celled (unicellular) or more than 1 cell (multi-cellular)

2 PROTISTS Complete the chart in the packet using the
pages listed and the chart in the packet!!!!! We will use this chart to make a protist cube!!!! Plant-like (have chloroplasts)– Euglenoids Page 51 Animals-like(no chloroplasts) Sarcodina(Ameoba) – 52 Ciliates- 54 zooflagellates- 53 sporozoans - 55

3 Difference Between Multi-cellular and Unicellular
Animal Plant Euglena

4 Multi-cellular Kingdoms
Unicellular Kingdoms Arachebacteria Eubacteria Protista Multi-cellular Kingdoms Plant Fungi Animal

5 Arachebacteria Examples
This hot, sulfur-rich, acidic pool in Yellowstone National Park is home to species of Archea,  including Sulfolobus. Some archaens live 1000’s of miles deep in the ocean near superheated volcanic vents.

6 Examples of Eubacteria
Anthrax Bacteria help digest food Strep E. Coli Binary Fission Blue green algae

7 Examples of Protists Paramecium Algae Amoeba Volvox Stentor
Euglena Fission Red algae

8 Make their own food through photosynthesis Classified by color
Some organisms are made of only 1 cell (unicellular) Arachebacteria, Eubacteria and Protists Unicellular Organisms make up most of living organisms on Earth 2 Types of Protists *Plant-like protists Make their own food through photosynthesis Classified by color *Animal-like protists Cannot make their own food Classified by how they move

9 Examples of Protists Algae

10 Examples of Protists Amoeba

11 Examples of Protists Paramecium Volvox Stentor

12 TYPES OF PROTISTS Sarcodina (sarcodines) Moves – pseudopod (fake foot)
Eats - engulfs food with pseudopod (consumer) Reproduces - asexual by binary fission Traits – Some are parasites Some have glass shells. Amoeba feeding Foraminiferans with shell

13 TYPES OF PROTIST Paramecium (Ciliates)
Reproduce – asexually by binary fission, sexually by conjugation Food – Cilia sweeps the food into the oral groove (consumer) Moves–Cilia Examples – Paramecium, Stentor Traits – synchronized swimmer Paramecium Conjugation Stentor

14 TYPES OF PROTISTS - Animal-like
Zooflagellates (Trypanosoma and Trichomonas) Moves – Flagella Reproduces – Binary fission Food – takes in food (consumer) Examples –listed above and Giardia Traits – some are parasites. Trypanosoma African Sleeping Sickness Giardia diarrhea

15 Sporozoans (Plasmodium vivaz, Gregarina)
TYPES OF PROTISTS Sporozoans (Plasmodium vivaz, Gregarina) Food – Takes in food and many are parasites (consumer) Moves – NO MOVEMENT!!!! Reproduces – binary fission form spores Traits – Causes severe disease Plasmodium malaria Gregarina

16 TYPES OF PROTISTS Volvox Chlorophyta Color - Green
Food – Makes its own food Reproduces – binary fission Example - Volvox Volvox Movement Volvox

17 TYPES OF PROTISTS Chrysophyta Color – golden-brown
Food – Makes its own food Reproduces – binary fission Example – Diatoms Trait – glassy shells, so many of them in the ocean they are responsible for most of the oxygen in our atmosphere

18 TYPES OF PROTISTS Pyrrophyta Bioluminescent Explained Color - red
Food – Makes its own food Moves – 2 flagella Reproduces – binary fission Example – dinoflagellates (also called fire algae) Trait – causes red tide (poisons water), bioluminescent (gives off light)

19 TYPES OF PROTISTS Euglenoids Food – Photosynthesis or traps food if no
light. (consumer & producer) Moves – Flagella Color- Green Reproduces –Binary Fission Traits -Eyespots for sensing light,in its own group because both animal & plant-like Euglena

20 Difference Between Multi-cellular and Unicellular
Animal Plant Euglena

21 Make their own food through photosynthesis Classified by color
Some organisms are made of only 1 cell (unicellular) Arachebacteria, Eubacteria and Protists Unicellular Organisms make up most of living organisms on Earth 2 Types of Protists Plant-like protists Make their own food through photosynthesis Classified by color Animal-like protists Cannot make their own food Classified by how they move

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